LDR- Long Distance Relationship

A Leap of Fate


HI! ~ :)


It has been a month since you left. One painful month of not seeing each other. You and Luhan are still exchanging texts and occasionally call each other whenever he has free time.

Luhan and the rest of the members grew busy by the weeks, various music programs and interviews emerged for them to attend. But despite of his heave schedule, he never failed to greet you in the morning and wish you goodnight before you go to sleep.


“Aissshhh. School’s starting again.” Sehun hissed just after they got to their dorm.

“Really? That’s fast.” Luhan responded. “You’re on your second year right?”

The maknae nodded and pouted, “Two more years and I’ll be out of school for good.”

“Arent you going to pursue college after that?” Suho asked when he passed by, overhearing what the two were talking about.

“Am I obliged to do so? I’m a star and I’m supposed to be on stage. Not to be locked on that prison-like school.” He cursed.

Luhan nudges the younger, earning him yet another pout. “Yah hyung! What did you do that for?”

“Being an idol doesn’t secure you a bright future you know. You still have to study os that when time comes that you’re no longer in showbiz, you can still work with what you have learned in school.” Luhan lectured.

Sehun started stomping like a five year old kid, whining ‘School’s hard!’ and ‘I don’t want to go anymore.”

Luhan simply ruffled the younger’s hair and said, “Just go to bed, okay? And stop whining like a kid. You’re already 18.”

Sehun shot him a death glare before stomping all the way to his room, slamming the door after him.

Just after Sehun went, Kai entered the living room.

“Oh hyung. You’re still up.” Kai said, heading to the kitchen.

“I’m not really tired I guess. But why are you not sleeping yet?” he returned the question to the younger.

“Guess we have the same reason.” He said while plopping to the couch next to his hyung with a glass of orange juice on his right hand.

“When’s school starting?” Luhan asked, flipping random channels on the tv.

“In a week.” The younger answered. “I’m going to be a senior now!” he exclaimed gladly.

“That’s good. Just one more year for you then.” the younger just nodded.




“Are you and Kayla still communicating?” he asked, taking a long sip on his glass.

“Well yeah. We call and text each other whenever we have time.” Luhan answered gladly.

Kai nodded, then continued asking, “Is that okay with you? I mean LDR is pretty tough I must say.”

Luhan chuckled upon his dongsaeng’s words, he sounded like an expert when it comes to relationships where in the first place he never had a girlfriend even once.

“You sounded like a pro, Kai.” Luhan chuckled.

“Well.. I’m just guessing.” He said awkwardly, realizing he did sound like a pro.

“You’ve never been in love haven’t you?” he asked the younger, but didn’t receive any response.

“If you really love that person, even though you’re far from each other, both of you will still find ways to hold onto each other. No matter how painful it may get.” Luhan said with his soft voice.


Kai then cleared his throat. “I guess I’ve been in love then.” He stood up and started marching to the sink.

“Wait- what? You have?” the older stuttered, amused of his dongsaeng’s sudden confession.

Kai went back to the couch and nodded his head.

“Really? When?” Luhan asked eagerly.

“Hey hey. Why are you so interested in my love life all of the sudden?”

“Well, you seldom talk about this. And I don’t think you have interest in girls either. I’m quite shock to know you have fallen in love to be honest. I thought you were just this kid whose cold and doesn’t give a towards any girl.” Luhan said.

Kai let out a soft laugh, “Just because I’m cold doesn’t mean I don’t care at all.” He said. “And I tend to be colder towards the girl I like.” He added.

Luhan just nodded, quite puzzled of his dongsaeng’s attitude.



A week passed and Kai and Sehun have to go back to school. Suho and Kris as their guardians woke the two up early in the morning making sure they won’t be late for their first day at school.


“We’re leaving then.” Kai said as he was tying his shoelace.

“Have a nice first day school boys!” Xiumin chimed, putting stress on the word school boys, earning eye rolls from both boys.

“Yeah whatever.” Sehun responded. “Bye.”

The both of them then went out of the door.

“I just hope this day wouldn’t be boring as I imagine it would.” Kai uttered.

“Yeah. Me too.” Sehun agreed. They both walked to school silently, since it was just a 10 minute walk or so.

The moment they took a glance of the gate, both boys sighed.

“Here we go again.” They chorused.

Girls and even guys were already waiting for them at the gate, screaming their names at the top of their lungs at this early. The both of them couldn’t do anything but smile, since they were one of the school hotties even before they debuted.


“This is gonna be a long day.”


BYE ~ :(

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KenzieHollingsworth #1
Chapter 11: Whats up with Kai?
Chapter 21: update soon neh?
Update soon!^_^
Love the fluff!
hunhanisreal #5
Kyaaaaa~ fluffffyyyy
Kekeke so exicted. I wonder if Kai is trying to take Kayla's heart?
It's full of fluff....actually at the end only.....
But still it's so cute!
I smiled wildly literally when they kissed hihi.....
Updat soon~~~ ^__^
deniseloveskey #8
Aww.. Sehunnie planned all of this! :))
So sweet! The two of them really missed each other.
So there will be a love triangle.... nooooooooo
LuKay forever!!!
I don't like KaiKay.......
I pity kai though...but don't you dare try to steal her away from Lulu deer :P
deniseloveskey #10
Oooh! I think she will surprise Luhan about this.
So that they can be together forever. Hihi! Lol!