When me and my best friend became enemies because of Lee Hong Ki...


Hey... you all, this is yet another one of my fan-fics........

BUT, you can't really say this is a fiction cos it actually happened!!

My best friend and I actually fought because of Lee Hong Ki and Song Seung Hyun!!

And the idea popped into my head.............what if I write a fan-fic about this??!! That was the best idea ever!!!

If you wanna know the story, check it out!!


What I am going to present is what I chatted with my friend on GoogleTalk over the last two days including today........

I collected the full conversation through Chat History...

We just talk and talk and before we know it, we were fighting.............

I like Lee Hong Ki and she like Song Seung Hyun.... we were saying all we can to win...........

That was really funny, and we were also laughing our guts out while fighting..............

(*No offense... just read this like a funny story... and pls don't kill me or my friend for certain things ^^)


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WOAH!! Incredible..
Looking forward!!!