Game starts in 3,2,1,

GAming ? or ............

It was just another boring day at school. Yoona was daydreaming about modding her ps3 controller when someone threw a piece of crumpled paper on her desk.


Yoona unfolded it and it read " COD black ops later ? " Yoona knew who it was as this happened regularly, she smiled. She looked at her other friends and they all


nodded at her,holding the same piece of paper. Yoona was not a noob actually she is quite pro. Yoona glanced at yuri and went back to daydreaming about her


controller. They all knew one thing.... yuri likes yoona......


They all knew that except for yoona of course. Yuri turned away and smirked.... she was planning somthing in her mind for yoona . >=D 







"Game starts in 3, 2 ,1" Yoona equipped her AUG dual mag, and her headphones and started playing. Gunshots were everywhere , many people were camping


again =P. Yuri and yoona were on the same team thus they were cheering each other on all the time . In the end the first match was over and yoona 's team won as


usual" Hey yoon wanna come to my house ? " yuri asked seductively . Sooyoung heard that and yelled "   YAH !! KWON YURI STOP FLIRTING IN FRONT OF US


WILL YOU??? " " what .... im not in front of you right ? besides i can flirt whenever i want " They both got really angry. The argue continued for a long time , even in


the matches . Finally sooyoung gave in " fine.... fine whatever im going to get some food see ya peeps " sooyoung left. The other people also left one by one saying 


byes. " you coming ?" yuri asked again . " uh.....yeah .... sure "  Yuri smirked again after hearing that .




"Ding dong " the doorbell rang. Yoona was dressed really casually so did yuri .Yoona steppes inside " So .... why did you inv....."  that was all yoona managed to say


before she got pushed onto the wall . " Ow what kind of a welcome is that ? " in a blink of an eye yuri pinned yoona againsts the wall and her face came dangerously


close to yoona's. Yuri stared into yoonas eyes and then her lips ..... She saw yoona gulp hard and she smirked again. The tension was rising in the


house.............................................................................................. Yuri finally


released her grip on yoona and laughed really loudly " hahhaha i was just JOKING XDXD " yoona got seriously shocked and stood there rooted to the ground.She did


not know what she was feeling at that moment " You gonna stand there all day ? your parents went out right ? i cooked something for you " yuri said with a smile.


Yoona recovered from her shock and sat down to eat . " up for some black ops zombies ? "  Yoona nodded and continued eating her dinner heartly chatting


. Soon the food was finished and they went up to yuri 's room to play . Yuri was following closely behind yoona. In a flash , yuri grabbed yoona's wrist , startling the


latter.Yoona turned around wanting to ask yuri was as wrong when yuri captured her lips in a kiss. Not a one full of lust but a gentle one . Yoona got completely and


utterly shocked at yuri 's  action . Again yoona was unsure of her feelings towards yuri all these times but she sorted that out now . She likes yuri . Upon thinking that


she kissed  yuri back . Yuri got shocked and pulled back . " Why ... " yuri asked. " I like you too yuri " yoona said and smiled. Yuri winked at yoona and took her hand , 


they headed up to her room to " play black ops " ( if you know what i mean >=) 





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It's cute how Yoong loves those ps3 black ops paired up with obsessed Yul. xD by the way I like ps3 too. :D
YOONYUL!! update soon