


Title: Distance…

Pairing: HenWook

Genre: angst, romance

Rating: PG - 13

Summary: Henry remarked that Ryeowook was too clingy; Ryeowook distanced himself from the maknae.




A/N: I am a bit emo when I wrote this one. Completely not true ~ wahahaha


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yesungie30 #1
Chapter 1: ,awww..this is.so,cute!i like.the.picture!
moe_tastic #2
Chapter 1: I love this so much (*´∇`*) I've been having a hard time finding henwook stories so thank you for this ^^
@Luvewookie that depends.. i do think they both top~ it's a flexible pairing so who tops or not is not really important XD~ (it's just my POV though)

and thanks for reading~
wow this was a great bittersweet story. i love the ending. about henwook i am a little bit confused, so who tops????? wookie who is older or henry who is taller??????
@Redpurplewine.. wow..thanks so much for reading this^^
i was kinda emo when i wrote this so that's the end product.. and now that you mention it.. it kinda matches with the song^^

again thanks~
thanks for reading this^^
That was WOW