Unexpected Companion

His kiss makes my heart jogs

It was 3pm on Friday and you were bored to your bones. You decided to change into your jogging attire to go for an hour jog. You braided your hair into a dutch braid so that it won't bother you when you jog. 

"Whew! Weeee! I break my own timing! 18mins of jogging non-stop! Thats an achievement compared to my normal 14minutes jog!!" You thought to yourself while panting heavily.

You have no idea what motivated you to jog for an extra 4minutes. Just when you were about to head to the exercise corner to do some stretching and sit ups, you heard someone calling your name. "Hey _____ !"

You replied "Oh hey..." before turning around. When you've already turned and saw who was it that called you out, you froze. It was the handsome guy that lives in the same apartment building as you. You had a crush towards him for like 6months! During the 4th month of the crush period, you were heartbroken because you saw him holding hands with a beautiful girl; defintiely prettier than you. However, the feeling you had for him were still strong until you found out about INFINITE, the kpop idol group that has 7 handsome young men that are too good to be true fore their existence. Ever since you knew about INFINITE, you had no time to think of your crush, the one you named, Bus-Stop boy. The reason behind his name is because you always see him in the morning, at the bus stop where you both will be waiting for your buses individually. Thats how you know of his existence. The furthest you've ever done to him was a half-hearted smile because you were so nervous.

Anyway, he knew your name because your guy friends played soccer with his team once and you were there because you missed your guy friends eversine you all went separate ways after graduation and anyway, you had a brief introduction with your crush's teammates including him. And now, you've actually forgotten his name. 

"So ____, umm... I've broken up with my girlfriend. And I was thinking if you wanna go out to dinner with me tonight?" Your crush asked with the fatal smile of his! You had to admit that your legs turned jello. haha

"Oh thats sad. Your break up with your girl.. ex-girlfriend I mean. But its sadder because I don't want to go for dinner with you," You were shocked that you actually rejected him and worst still ! You said your rejection was sadder than his break up! OMO !!

"HUH? HAHA. You've gotta be kidding me right? I mean, then what's with all those eye contacts we shared and the nervous, little smile you gave me?" He questioned you.

"Oh that? I guess you can say that, it was just a crush and I'm through it. It's just like those short phase you know?" I replied. And again, I was surprised that I don't care about this guy anymore and he's actually making me feel stuffy and all I wanna do is run away from him!

"BUT I BROKE UP WITH HER FOR YOU!" He yelled at you.

You were too stunned to react! It was the first time in your entire life whereby a man, yelled into your face, in public.

"And what kind of man are you to yell at a young lady?" a voice, so familiar interrupted your crush and you.

"Who are you? You think this is some kind of a drama or movie where you think you can save the day??!?! HUH ?!??" Your crush retorted.

You finally had the courage to look up to the man that rescued you. And guess what? That makes it the 3rd time in that afternoon, you're getting surprised. It was INFINITE's Myungsoo! No wonder you thought his voice was familiar!

"You really wanna know who I am?" Without waiting for your crush's answer, Myungsoo leaned in to give you a kiss. Your first kiss! And while your head were seeing pastel shades of hearts with Myungsoo's name and you name in them, and you heart fluttering ever so fast, you had the time to recall that this is actually Myungsoo's first kiss too! You felt your insides tying into knots as you realise that the kiss was so passionate and you were clueless as to how those feelings could exist. After what seems like forever, Myungsoo pulled away. You still had your eyes closed, in frustration and in glee. Frustration because Myungsoo had to end the kiss. In glee because it was the best thing you've ever felt !

"He's gone now. Guess we're both too into the kiss to notice his absence," Myungsoo said with a chuckle interrupting your thoughts. You could see that he enjoyed his first kiss. His first kiss that he gave to you, a girl he'd never knew of.

"Err.. I.. guess," You replied, smiling shyly.

"Well, I guess we should do some introduction now right? Since I've saved you and I don't consider the kiss a proper intro," Myungsoo smirked.

"Hahaha yeahhh I guess you're right. I'm _____ . I know who you are but I think it'll be better if you say it yourself." You said politely.

"You sure you know my name? And are you sure that's your name?" Myungsoo asked with a puzzled look.

"Ermm.. yeah. I'm very sure. I even have my student pass with me to clarify..." You were interrupted because Myungsoo said "Well, I forget my name because of the intense kiss I had with you a while ago."

"Yah! I didn't request for the kiss! You volunteered!" You were blushing madly upon recalling the kiss.

"But at that point of time, it seems like its the only way. Okay okay. Lets begin our introduction again. We'll make it real this time." Myungsoo said with a firm voice, and that poker face of his.

"I am ____ .You are?" You introduced yourself and asked for Myungsoo's name in return.

"I love you," Myungsoo replied and then pulling you into a hug.

"But you don't know me! And that's too weird to be a name!" You pulled away from his hug.

"I do know you. After that kiss. And I've always watched you jogged while singing Infinite's songs. Especially BTD, Can U Smile, Be Mine and Paradise. And it's definitely not too weird for a name when you are the reason behind it," Myungsoo replied coolly.

"But..." You tried to retort.

"Fine, we'll get to know each other starting from now then. Can?" Myungsoo ended your doubts and pulled you by your wrist to head to an ice-cream store nearby for a 'get-to-know-you' session! ;)

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AS_SarahW #1
Chapter 1: "Okay I'm ____and you?"
"I love you"
Gosh!that so sweet >.<
Chapter 1: WHOAAAAAAA it's unpredictable!!!!! So, Myungsoo always watch her while she jogging? whooaaa daebak!!! Sweeeeet!!!! XDD
mrsb2st #3
Haha that was really cute! ^^ I actually found this story through its review, but I'm glad I checked it out~ ;D
simply nice as always :)
could you write about myungyeol later?
Misaki13 #5
Great! :D
I hope you'll also write MyungYeon FF ;D
@Seullie i love it too! just waiting for this day to happen to me because I jog and actually the bus stop boy is real hehe xP
Seullie #7
kyaah! loved it~~~! ^^ hehehe
@syazwina eeep! Thank you! ^^ Thats very nice of you :3