Chapter 1

The Two Of Us

A small figure could be seen hiding behind the 12 year old boy as the lady approached the two of them.It was always like this whenever strangers would come up to them,no matter what kind of intention do they have of doing so but this time it was different from the other days.He could somehow see the sincereness in the woman's eyes when she spoke up,unlike those other people who wanted to help them in hope of something in return.


"Why are you kids here?"




"Where are your parents?"


Parents.The word that doesn't exist in their dictionary anymore.His dad had passed away a few weeks ago due to an  'accident',or that's what they called it when he was told of the news.He knew that it was all planned by his dad's siblings just to get his fortune but what can he do? The authorities won't believe the words of a 12 year old boy without an evidence.


...His mom? The only thing that he could describe her as is a 'witch'.What kind of mother would leave her newly-born baby for another rich guy? Sometimes,he would felt guilty for his younger sister not receiving the amount of love that she deserved even though he would try his best to give it to her.


Another silence was all she got from them.


"Do you guys wanna go home?"




".....Then,would you like to come with me?"


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


~Five Years Later~


-Taeng's POV-


"Taeng-ah,someone's looking for you at table 15," one of my co-workers shouted out to me as i finished serving the two ladies at table 9.It kind of annoyed me since it took longer than it should be to serve them but you know how flirty female customers gets right? They would always try to hit on me and give me their numbers which would definitely end up in the thrashbin.


"Alright,i'll be there in a minute."


I made my way towards the said table and saw....a well dressed business man smiling at me?


....Let's just hope that he's not gay....


"What can i get for you sir?"


"Can i have a minute with you?"


"Sure i guess?" i set down my tray on the table and took a sit in front of him,trying to ignore the gawks and stares from the other tables."What's this about?"


"My name is Shin Dong Woo and i'm from xxx broadcasting station,we would like to cast you in one of our variety shows."


"....Uhm....what's the show about?" right after i said that,he showed me a paper with info in it?


Oh great,how the hell did he get all these?


I skipped a lot of my classes for work so my school record is kind of thrashy.Not to mention that i had beaten up some of the kids from other schools...


"As for what the show is about,you'll know when you come for the filming but that is...if you agreed to do it."


I thought for a moment on whether to take on the offer or not since it means extra cash for me and Seohyun...


"How much is the payment?"


"$100 a day."


"How many days do i have to film?"


"Approximately 3 months? It depends on the viewer's ratings."


...Around $9000? That's a lot of cash,i'll be able to buy Seohyun a new laptop with that....


"....I'll take it then."


-End Of Taeng's POV-


Meanwhile,a young woman had just gotten back from one of her schedules and is now laying down on her couch lazily while flipping over the channels to find something that'll entertain her long&boring day but none of them caught her interest."I'm bored..."


She sighed and grabbed her phone off the table,not realising that she had actually gotten a text from her manager earlier.


1 text message from Manager Soo


{From:Manager Soo}


Prepare yourself for another long week...or should i say months? :P Cause you just got a variety show of your own along with Sica!!! How awesome is that? XD (not that i'm saying that being with that evil woman is awesome,i'm still wondering on how you could be so close to her =_= ) Anyways,sweet dreams dear and don't stay up late ^_^ I'm off for my snack time~ Ppyong~


Tiffany amusingly raised her eyebrows upon reading the text.She had been working as an idol for 3 years now and it's her first time getting a variety show of her own.Truth to be told,she wasn't that confident about her variety skills since her korean isn't at it's best yet but as usual,she would give her all in her work and this job is not an exception.


{To:Manager Soo}


Alright then,thanks for informing me ^_^ Go on with your snack time.


The brunette yawned as she placed back her phone on the table and settled for a better position."I'll just sleep on the couch tonight..."


A/N I don't really have much to say about this chapter...sorry for the short chapter by the way,i need to go to sleep after this ^^

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soosica1989 #1
Subs^^ like your story.. update soon:)
younevergive #2
interesting story :) update soon!
sicachulover #3
forward seems interesting. can't wait to read this.
is it ManYul is YulSic?