They're back!

Why should I marry you?

Sungmin started at his computer screen. Maybe I shouldn’t have gone over there. I shouldn’t have knocked on the door. Now she hates me even more. As questions after questions floated through his mind the one important question kept pushing its way to Sungmin’s mind till he couldn’t stand it anymore. ‘That child, I could of sworn he called Hyorin his umma, but that’s impossible Hyorin would never kept that secret away from me.

I know someone who would know about this but I don't think he would want to sleep in the living room for another week. But I really want to know who’s the father of Hyorin’s child. Sungmin picked up his phone before putting it back down. His fingers moved over to where his computer was and picked it up putting it near his ears. Slamming it back on the desk. He turned this chair away, facing the window, closed his eyes as flashbacks began to play.

Opening his eyes, Sungmin shouted out loud, ‘’I’m sorry Hyorin, I’m sorry, I do love you baby, I really do, I should treated you better, I know that now. If we could start over again, I promise I would put your feelings over mine and everyone’s first. We could move to Japan just like you always dream of and open a music school for the children, while I managed the business side of things. My parent’s wants to see you as well, Hyorin, they want to say that they are sorry, they know that you are the only girl who would treat their own son with son, happiness and health. We are soul mates and losing you is like losing myself, leaving me empty, soulless, crazy and depress.

As Sungmin leaned towards the window, spreading his arms wide out, he felt someone slamming hum back into his chair with such force, his body shook as he tried to catch his breath. ‘’What the…!’’ He cried out in anger. Seeing his hyung and PI there, he tackled him to the ground. ‘’What was that they?’’ he asked as Leetuek tired to wrestle his way out. ‘’Don’t do anything stupid, you still have a chance with Hyorin. Just don't give up okay.’’ Releasing him, Sungmin leaned against his office wall as Leetuek thank that he was still in one piece, well it wouldn't last long, since his wife Jiyoung was still mad at him. ‘’I’m sorry Jiyoung kicked you out of the bedroom and I made you a living room guest for two weeks hyung.’

’ It’s okay Sungmin, it’s not that bad, Jiyoung now doesn't have to have complain about my snoring and snatching away the blankets at night. But seriously, I hate to admit it I think my ears are about to fell off soon. She’s been shouting at me ever since she found out I told you that Hyorin was back in Seoul. Now before you ask if I know anything about Hyorin’s child. I actually promised my wife that I wouldn’t work for you anymore well anything to do with her unni Hyorin. But I have a plan and it’s a very good one.

You remember Yesung and Ryeowook, well they are currently in town for work and I have found out from Ryeowook that Yesung is Hyorin best friend in Japan. So I have arranged a little get together tonight at 8. So what do you say, buddy?’’ Sungmin smiled and clapped his hand onto Leeteuk’s back ‘’I say, let’s get going!’’ 

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shihtzus #1
nice to come back here and so many chapters updated ( I have problems logging into asianfanfics for such a long time)...sob..sob...they didn't end up together....
Thanks for the story!
DongJayHyo #2
Curious about this story So Much. Flawless couple of Pit-a-Pat. So dissapointed it didn't continue
I actually found It more interesting than WGM.
Min And Hyorin were real like u could tell they Made some effort And begun to like each other.
Thank u for this story Update Soon
bonchan #3
is the one who saving hyorin is sungmin?
Lol, eunhyuk and onew are gonna get it again! So, yesung is like the guy Hyo likes now? Btw, author-nim, who are all these guys?? Eunhyuk, Kyuhyun, Onew, T.O.P, G-Dragon and Taeyang.. haha. I'm lost here>_<
Great! Now everybody's lost!!!!!
Never follow a little kid, they never know where there going!!!
butterdilys #6
Quite agree love anything to do with Hello Kitty esp the watches. thanks for all the comments everyone! Thank you eviegurl and shihtzus and all the readers for reading this story!
A meeting at 8???
I sense drama!!!!!!!!
Hello Kitty blankets are the best, just to let everybody know*^^*!
shihtzus #8
Glad I found this fanfic. Have been sungmin and hyorin deprived since I last seen them on Pit-a-pat shake. Wished to see more interactions or collabration between these 2. Think they are able to spark soemthing off if they are on WGM. Praying and hoping I would see news of that one day. Look forward to your next update! Fighting!
Kamila-Dalmate #9
by jiyoung do you me jiyong aka gdragon
Who is Bora's hubby? So Leeteuk is Jiyoung's hubby? Sorry, im a bit confused here..hehe.

But, I seriously think its cute when Hyorin is all angry seeing Sungmin at her doorstep! I really wonder whats Hwayoung's reaction if he like plays with Sungmin. Will he like Sungmin to be with Hyorin, or does Hwayoung like another guy to be with his mother? Haha! Anticipating the next chapter! Peace! ^_^¥