Making my umma laugh!

Why should I marry you?

 Hearts pounding hard, legs shaken badly, dark shadows moving closer and closer till they could feel their breaths behind them, blowing cold air down their spine. Turning around Hyorin and Soyou tumbled back with a loud scream. ‘’Tackle them!’’ Yelled out Hwa-yong, as he and his aunty Bora gave the two of them a surprise attack. Laughing Hyorin ran into the dining room with Bora following behind her. Tickling Bora till she yell out for help, Soyou and Hwa-yong ran in at once to rescue Bora .

‘’Hey, no fair!’’ shouted Hyorin at her little sister,’’ You’re supposed to be on my side’’ as she wacked Soyou on the bottom for joining forces with her son and their older unni. ‘’Sorry unni but when it comes to your son I can’t say no anyway there’s going to be prize later- ice cream.’’ she said with laughter as she watched her nephew being tickled by Hyorin. Bora pushed her head ‘’ Not after dinner that is, stop talking and more tickling, our little prince is being under attack!’’

‘’It’s no good we need more reinforcement, we need food, where is brother- in- law with our dinner?  Unni your too strong for us!’’ Laying on the floor in defeat, as Hyorin continue to tickle Hwa-yong, Bora and Soyou till they laugh till  tears poured out of their eyes. Crawling over to his umma Hwa-yong wrapped his small arms around her and gave her a kiss on the lips before saying ‘’Umma, it’s was all aunty Bora’s idea, so does that mean me and aunty Soyou still get ice cream?’’ he asked, as Hyorin sat up with Hwa-yong resting on her chest.

Rocking back and forth, Hyorin raised her eyebrow at her older unni before whispering into Hwa-yong ears. ‘’Yay!’ he shouted and jumped up, running into the kitchen. Bora and Soyou looked at each other before they realize what their nephew was going to do. ‘’Hey! Leave some for us! Yeah- Hwa-yong don’t you dare eat it all.’’ Hyorin got up, checking her hair in the mirror, before joining her family in the kitchen.

Just as Hyorin entered the kitchen, the doorbell rang, seeing their faces, Hyorin laughed out loud before turning back around, ‘Don’t you piggy’s worry about the door, umma Hyorin would answer it. She said with a chuckle. Opening the door, she was surprise to see it was. Staring deeply onto his lusting eyes, time froze  between them, trapping them deep into their thoughts. It’s wasn’t till Hwa-yong came looking for her that Hyorin was shaken back to her senses. As her son looked up at the man standing on his aunty Bora’s door step, POV ‘’I seen his picture before, it’s was hidden in one of umma’s book.’’ END OF POV

Bora and Soyou wondered what was talking the two of them so long. ‘’I swear if it’s another annoying sales person at the door, I won’t be responsible for my actions’’ growled Bora as they went to check on them, But unni it’s eight o’clock at night I doubt it would be some people knocking on your door to sell something anyway don't you have a doormen to keep them away? Maybe it’s the pizza your hubby promise he would bring home oh they better not be eating all them.’’ Clapping her hands Soyou ran to the front door while Bora checked her phone a text message from Jiyoung, hmm properly forgotten the time we supposed to meet tomorrow,

Sorry unni, my good for nothing oppa told Sungmin that Hyorin unni is back and staying over at your place.’’

Gasping Bora ran to the door and slammed it shut. Turning around slowly, the whole family stood still, stunned at the sudden appearance of Hyorin ex- boyfriend. ‘’I’m so doomed.’’ Thought Bora as her husband’s voice called out from the other side of the door. ‘’Honey, why did you slam the door into my face? Bora sweetie, open the door the pizza’s going to be cold soon.’’ ‘’Is someone blocking the door? Hwa-yong buddy that better not be you!’’ He warned as the door finally opened in and he saw the shock and worried face on his wife and sisters’- law. ‘’Bora sweetie what happened he asked in concern, the pizza laying forgotten in his hands. ‘’it’s impossible.’’ Meeting their eyes ’’ Who told  Sungmin that I was here?’’  Hyorin demanded in anger. 

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shihtzus #1
nice to come back here and so many chapters updated ( I have problems logging into asianfanfics for such a long time)...sob..sob...they didn't end up together....
Thanks for the story!
DongJayHyo #2
Curious about this story So Much. Flawless couple of Pit-a-Pat. So dissapointed it didn't continue
I actually found It more interesting than WGM.
Min And Hyorin were real like u could tell they Made some effort And begun to like each other.
Thank u for this story Update Soon
bonchan #3
is the one who saving hyorin is sungmin?
Lol, eunhyuk and onew are gonna get it again! So, yesung is like the guy Hyo likes now? Btw, author-nim, who are all these guys?? Eunhyuk, Kyuhyun, Onew, T.O.P, G-Dragon and Taeyang.. haha. I'm lost here>_<
Great! Now everybody's lost!!!!!
Never follow a little kid, they never know where there going!!!
butterdilys #6
Quite agree love anything to do with Hello Kitty esp the watches. thanks for all the comments everyone! Thank you eviegurl and shihtzus and all the readers for reading this story!
A meeting at 8???
I sense drama!!!!!!!!
Hello Kitty blankets are the best, just to let everybody know*^^*!
shihtzus #8
Glad I found this fanfic. Have been sungmin and hyorin deprived since I last seen them on Pit-a-pat shake. Wished to see more interactions or collabration between these 2. Think they are able to spark soemthing off if they are on WGM. Praying and hoping I would see news of that one day. Look forward to your next update! Fighting!
Kamila-Dalmate #9
by jiyoung do you me jiyong aka gdragon
Who is Bora's hubby? So Leeteuk is Jiyoung's hubby? Sorry, im a bit confused here..hehe.

But, I seriously think its cute when Hyorin is all angry seeing Sungmin at her doorstep! I really wonder whats Hwayoung's reaction if he like plays with Sungmin. Will he like Sungmin to be with Hyorin, or does Hwayoung like another guy to be with his mother? Haha! Anticipating the next chapter! Peace! ^_^¥