Are You...Probably Drunk, Hyung?

Are You...Probably Drunk, Hyung?


Eunhyuk just got back from gym when he saw Heechul sat on one of the chair in the dinning table, back-facing him. Eunhyuk walked to the refrigerator that placed in front of Heechul.

“Oh? You’re here, Hyung?” Eunhyuk asked, took out a bottle of water from the refrigerator.

“Yes, I’m here! Why? Can’t I? It’s our dorm!” Heechul almost yelled, made Eunhyuk jumped a little.

Ah, I shouldn’t talk to him at the first place,’ Eunhyuk thought. Eunhyuk decided not to bother his seems-so-mad hyung. He drank from the bottle and felt his hyung stared at him nonstop.

“How could you remain like this?” Heechul asked out of nowhere.

“Wh-what?” Eunhyuk asked, confused, with a bottle in his right hand.

“Look at you! How old are you?”

Eunhyuk knew his age, but the anger in Heechul’s semi-red eyes made him stuttered to answer. Beside, he didn’t get why Heechul asked about his age. Did Heechul really not knowing his age or...

“You’re some years passed 20 but how could you still like this? Innocent and cute and childish and... Yaish!”

Eunhyuk didn’t even realize that he already took two steps back. “Wh-what d-do you m-mean, Hyung?”

“Oh...look how innocent you are! That’s why many people out there like you so much, huh? Ssshh...”

“Are you...are you probably drunk, Hyung?” Eunhyuk blinked his eyes.

Heechul stared at him, “What?! Why the hell I would drunk in this early morning?! Huh?!”

“It’s noon already, Hyung.”

“Aash, whatever! You! How long have you been in entertainment industry? And...and those breath-taking years of training! How long it’ve been and you still have your innocent look?”

“I-I don’t understand. What do you mean, H-Hyung?”

“You’re just too innocent to understand! Yaish! Just get off your innocent and cute and childish and all face! Stop it already! You all the world’s attention and love with your innocent look! I hate it!”

Eunhyuk’s jaw hanged open. Did Heechul scolded him just now? But why? Because of his innocent and cute and childish look? It’s not even his fault.

“Do you guys have anything to eat here?” Leeteuk came out of nowhere looking for food.

Eunhyuk and Heechul stayed quiet. Heechul stared at Eunhyuk with intensive glare and Eunhyuk tried to look anything but not Heechul.

“What happens here?” Leeteuk quickly felt the weird aura between Heechul and Eunhyuk.

“ annoyed me!” Heechul yelled and slamed the table before he left.

Both Eunhyuk and Leeteuk just watched Heechul leaving them.

“What happen?” Leeteuk asked when the water bottle slipped from Eunhyuk’s hand and fell to the floor.

Eunhyuk’s mouth hanged open but no word came out from him.

“Did you guys quarreling just now?” Leeteuk took the bottle from the floor, seeing that Eunhyuk’s trembled.

“He hates me...”

“What? Who? Heechul? Why?”

“I-I d-don’t k-know... Innocent and cute and childish...,” Eunhyuk blinked his eyes in disbelief.

Leeteuk stayed silent for a moment before laughed so hard and sat on the chair. “Haha...did he mad at you because of that?”

“N-no, he h-hates me...”


Eunhyuk got his mind back, “Why are you laughing, Hyung?!”

“Haha...yes, he’s mad at you!”

Eunhyuk blinked, showing that he didn’t understand a thing.

“Yesterday he was invited to be a guest MC on a show. The scriptwriter is just too cute, sweet, beautiful, and young so he tried to get close to her. He asked if the scriptwriter happy to have him as a guest MC, since it’s rare for that show to have an idol as guest MC. But the scriptwriter said that she prefer you as the guest MC. Yes, you! She said that you’re so innocent and cute and...ah whatever. That’s why Heechul got mad at you.”


“Well, that’s ridiculous. But yeah, in fact he got really upset because that was the third times he found a girl who said that to him,” Leeteuk drank the water. “And...ah, manager hyung said that he drank a little last night. Because of that case.”

“Just how much a little for him?! He surely drunk!” The pissed off Eunhyuk walked to his room and slamed the door.

“Yah Eunhyuk-ah, do you have something to eat?” Leeteuk asked from outside, teasing.

“Just find it yourself, Hyung!” Eunhyuk yelled.

And Leeteuk burst into laughter once more.





A/N : some people maybe hoped that it'll be a or boyxboy, but sorry, it didn't turn out like that >.<

hope you still can enjoy this story ^^

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Chapter 1: Heehyuk are my guilty pleasure too ! They're just an odd combo but that's what's charming
Lol, that was funny, Heechul jealous XD
But Heechul, you're cute in your own way, though Hyuk is cutter, hehe

*Tsuki runs away*
Ahaha I love the concept of this story :D chullie upset cause girls prefer hyukkie over him hehe :D
ffloverespukiss #4
I like it when Hee's Jealous! Somehow I thought he hated him for being cute because he loved him. Though, this is actually cute.
blackspiderlily #5
Heehyuk is my no. one guilty pleasure.. :D

somehow.. my brain is still connecting things that aren't connected and seeing things that aren't there.. cause even though you said that it's not , i definitely 'sensed' Heehyuk somewhere in there.. :D

hahah... XD

i like this.. :D
heehyuk is a bit hard to write, because they're in this 'awkward' relation, hihi...
but it's challenging too..i hope i can write more heehyuk in the future~
meehyukkie #7
oh my.......heenim is jealous xD
heehyuk couple is interesting too.... :)