The Girl and Her Cat


There's something different about Jasmin's cat. Of course there is - it's supposed to be a boy named Jonghyun. It was a boy named Jonghyun. Now it's just a cat with a boy's soul.


Jasmin and Jonghyun used to be thieves. But a robbery went wrong, and now they're living in the busy city of Seoul with one of them forever binded into the body of a cat. It's hard being in love with someone who doesn't know you love them, but it's even harder when your lover is now a cat who can't speak.


'It's my fault you're like this - forever confided into a cat's body. Yet I'm the one getting angry. I'm the one who yells and screams. I'm the one who gets confused and throws tantrums like a child. I'm the pathetic one who continues to act like she's five. You don't deserve a bad person, yet you're stuck with me anyways, I wonder how you feel.'


'You're always under this impression that I'm perfect, but I can't do anything in this body, can I? I can't protect you like a man because I'm a cat. I hate being a cat, but I can't blame you. It wasn't your fault - you didn't plan this. You frustrate me - you're always so sad. I'm causing you a lot of stress, aren't I? Being the stupid creature I am, I can't do anything about it. I just watch as you pull your hair out, quietly hoping you'll stop. Maybe you're better off without me.'


(A/N: This is for my friend who shares the same name as the character in here. My characters usually end up in a bad situations, so this time I'll try and right something more...happy? Haha, hope you enjoy this story! Please comment - I love hearing what all of you think!)


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majin88 #1
Chapter 1: Wow, this is unusual story.. Marrying a cat, wow... Ahahaha.. But yes please, make a sequel please.. I want to see Jonghyun become human again XD
hallothere #3
Yeeeeee. Stalking through your stories and found this again and with then read the comments and i felt weird :3
thank ~you~ for writing this story! :D
i enjoyed reading it very much - it brought a few tears to my eyes, lots of waterworks when she pulled him away from the balcony.
//it's corny but oh god i feel for cats so much and i feel for jjong so much and then you put jjong ~and~ cat together and i'm just like MY FEELS//
i agree with the comments below mine, this story is really original. i haven't quite read one like this in any fandom before. ^__^ like i said, thank you for writing. (this comment is really long, sorry!)
iamangeluuuh #5
When I think about it, a cat marrying a girl, it's weird. But I find it very sweet.
This is so cute ^^ . Can you make a sequel ? pretty please ^^
sosoFan #7
make a sequel pls... cant he change back to human ??
Its so sad yet so cute <3
hallothere #9
that is not an OC :P
alehina #10
love it