

It was a lazy Saturday night in our small apartment. The TV is on, playing the latest music reward show like Inkigayo or something. For a Saturday, it's been a pretty long day. My girlfriend and I had just come back from hanging out with our friends that we haven't seen in a few months. A good old time really. It's around 8 pm but I rather not collapse just yet on our comfy bed.


I'm sitting on the couch, relaxing like I do every other Saturday, watching what whatever I decide to while scrolling through the endless channels on our small but reliable TV. My left hand supporting my head, with it's elbow resting arm of the couch and my right arm draped over the top of said couch. My legs found whatever position they deemed comfortable and stayed like that. It's nothing to really be thinking about but when you're tired and finally have a chance to sit down, you feel like a king at his throne. Which I do. Besides the part where I'm the king since I'm female. Though I can't count how many times I've been told I look like a dude.


I have yet to change into my sleepwear since we have just returned home about an hour ago. It's a humid night out, so I don't exactly feel like moving right now. I continue watching the programs on the TV when the current, and hopefully forever, love of my life comes from the kitchen and occupies the rest of the couch. She has already changed into her pajamas. If you can call them that. More like a really tight gray shirt that hugs her torso in all the right places and bottoms that might as well be counted as underwear since they're so short. If they're that short, why wear them? The function of pants so they cover your legs, shorts aren't that much of an exception. But I'm not complaining. They give me a really nice view of her legs. Sometimes I think she's teasing me with the clothes she wears.


Like I said, she's occupying the rest of the couch. And by that I mean, her head is resting on the arm rest, her back laying on the soft cushions beneath her, and her legs are arching over my thighs. She's on her white Iphone, texting the friends that we saw just an hour ago good night and see when we can all hangout again in the near future.


“Hey Amber,” she calls in English. We talk in English when it's just us and no one else. I like it that way. It's like we get in be in our own little world whenever we want.


I answer in a sound instead of a word.


“We have to go to the super market tomorrow. Running out of food.” She lays her phone on the ground and rests her arms on her small torso. She looks at me.


“Okay. Anything else?” If we're going out, we might as well hit everything we need.


“No, just food. I can stop by the convenience store some other time.” She's still looking at me.


I finally turn my head and respond to her staring with my own. I'd rather stare at her than the TV, she's much more interesting. I give a small smile and ask her, “Are you happy that we got to see the others tonight, Krys?”


She responds with a smile, “Yeah, it was really fun catching up and all. What about you? You have fun?”


“Yeah. Seeing how they haven't really changed was nice to know. Sulli and Luna still haven't failed at making me laugh at their randomness. Though adding you into the mix was quite adorable. You're such a dork.” I softly laugh. The loudest noise is coming from the TV, everything else is in a comfortable silence and I don't feel like changing that.


“You're one to talk, dork,” she says in a playful voice. I laugh again and turn back to the TV. Once again, the TV is the only one that is speaking.


“Hey, Amber.”


“Yeah?” I didn't turn to her this time.


“I want to try something.”


“And that would be?” I somewhat curious, and somewhat scared. Some of Krystal's ideas can be a little out there.


“I want you to kiss me somewhere you haven't yet.”


What? While I'm not going to argue with such a request, I'm baffled as to why she wants me to. Scratch that, how did she come up with this idea? She's not getting ideas from some strange magazine, is she? Or advice from the others because that's just extremely awkward.


I still haven't turned to her. If my princess orders so, then I have to do it. But where? Where could or should I do such a task? I mean, sure, we've had , multiple times actually, since we're adults and that's something I won't go into because that's strictly between the two of us. My head is still resting in the palm of my left hand and my right has yet to move from the top of the couch. I work my brain for possible choices but there's so many possibilities that I don't know where to start.


I'm still looking in front of me. And that's when and where I found my answer. Her long and milky legs are right in front of me, bent at a 45 degree angle at the knee. My left hand that was holding my head like a bag of peas has now started moving without my consent. My right arm has finally move from it's post like a jaguar ready to strike it's prey. My left hand caresses the front of Krystal's lower legs, while my right softly her thighs.


She has really soft skin. Smooth and pale, but warm and inviting. My fingertips brush against the top of the leg that's closest to me, leaving touches as soft as a ghost's. I gently run my right hand beneath her left thigh, run down the length and grab her leg at the bottom of her knee. I prop it higher, the angle at the knee becoming sharper, and graze the top of her foot with my free hand, looping it around the ankle to properly hold her leg steady.


I lean in close, slowly. I don't know why, but my breath is heavy and coming out in big puffs that blast her already warm skin. I gently kiss the base of her leg, not moving my lips. Instead, I drag them softly, placing pecks every few centimeters and letting myself linger longer then necessary with each kiss. I deepen the kiss at the knee, this time adding tender and small bites. I continue to the side, still biting and kissing, then straighten her leg so I have access to the bottom of the knee. I give her another bite, only this time a little bit harder. I add in my tongue, lapping over the patch of skin I had just bitten and trail to the top of her leg again, my tongue never breaking contact.


I'm at her thigh and decided to just attack it from inside to out and outside to in with bites, kisses and . I travel up, increasing the force of my bites and and sometimes kisses, but not enough to leave marks. I further up I go, the longer I stay on the inside of her thigh, still harassing it with compassionate touches and actions from my mouth. I give her left leg one last , one last bite and one last kiss before moving down to start at the base of her right leg and repeat. I'm caressing the left leg like I did with the right when assaulting the previous. Up and down, side to side. Great and small strides. But gentle and firm. I think I hear her . I'm not sure. I'm going to assume she is since she's the one who wanted me to do this, so she better be enjoying it. Either way, I'm glad she wore these really short shorts.


I finish with her right leg, letting my face stay near her thighs a bit longer and allowing my left hand to continue both legs before I finally go up and kiss her on the lips, and she lets me. I move my lips against hers and her teeth, asking to let me inside. She grants me permission and I waste no time exploring with my tongue. I feel one of her hands caress the side of my face while the other gently combs my short hair, tugging every so often when I graze my tongue against hers. The need for air dominates my senses so I break the kiss but continue downward, leaving a trail of butterfly kisses from her jaw to the base of her glorious neck and amazing collar bone. Again, I'm and nipping all I can, earning a few moans that just melt in my ears along the way and feel both of her hands on my head, pulling my hair to guide me where she wants me to be. I oblige and the hair pulling feels good. I'm still caressing her legs while I attack her collar bone, the side and center of her neck as she easily turns and lifts her head so I'm able to get every nook and cranny, allowing me to strike the spots she enjoys the most.


I finally break away from her neck and look her in the eye. Her slender arms are folded above her head, her long hair is spread against the arm rest like a silk curtain. Her eyes are half way closed, looking at me and I'm sure I can see a spark of lust. I glue my eyes to her lips and I see this y yet oh so cocky smirk. This girl, I swear. I've been played. She wanted all that to happen. I can't believe she planned this far ahead- from her pose, to her shorts, what else does she have up her sleeve?


“I can't believe you. If you wanted me to kiss you, you could have just asked.” I'm still panting. I say that she can ask, which she can, but I have to admit, that was pretty hot.


“Yeah, but that wouldn't be as fun.” She's still giving me that y smirk and look.


I sigh. I give up.


“Alright, alright. You win.” I hear her celebrate her victory before grabbing my hand and pulled me off the couch to drag me into our bedroom. I turn off the TV since I know I'm done for the night. It's about 8:54 pm. It's going to be a long but fun night. I'm not that tired anymore.


Author's notes:

please excuse any grammatical and spelling errors. I don't have a editor and editing myself only gets me so far since you start to memorize what you write. So instead of seeing what's actually there, you see what you want to see.


As much as I want Amber to be on top, I know she never will. Krystal wears the pants, even if Amber is on top. Krystal's the one giving the orders. Poor Amber. She'll never be dominate. And that's why I read fanfiction, so I can pretend she tops sometimes when I know she can't(at least to me.)


I feel like Kryber would have an interesting life honestly. Since Krystal calls all the shots, she'd want Amber to do stuff. Maybe not too crazy but enough to at least have fun with it. Mostly Krystal since she would be controlling Amber like a puppet and Amber wouldn't know. But Amber would enjoy it none the less.


This was originally going to be used in a very later chapter of In My Favor but I decided against it. I have something else in store for that one. Will it be as good as this? I hope so. You guys are just going to have to wait and see.


Guys, this is my first time writing something like this, and I found it pretty difficult since I have no expirience of my own(I'm doing just fine single :P) and I didn't want to copy someone else's style. Remember, everyone has their own style(Mine is very sarcastic and I like using parenthes's because I can't explain stuff worth crap. Ask my friends. They can vouch for that. Do you know how many times I've been called useless because I can't properly explain stuff lol?). They can be SIMILAR BUT NOT THE SAME. By anyway, I'm guessing this counts as practice for what's ahead in In My Favor. That being said, how'd I do :)?


Suggestions and crits are much appreciated, comments make me happy, and flames make me laugh so please leave something ;)



hoped you enjoyed reading!



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unknown_kx #1
Chapter 1: Nice
Alerth #2
Great storie!
jpigtom #3
Chapter 1: You never done 'it' till now?
NeZuMiLiU #4
Chapter 1: Looooooooooong night... Hahaha... I like it...
Chapter 1: amber is really a loyal servant. hahaha
1ll1ll9oo #6
Hahaha, in my opinion, you know their character really well :)
The playful yet sly version of Krystal, and the clueless and dorky Ambet ^^;;
So the only real thing I can tell you is... Update faster? :D
Lmao, Jkjk ^^;;

You could keep trying different scenarios, play them in your head or something, and then from what I've heard, that'll be enough to improve their writing skills and style a lot :)

So... Good luck? :D
fxcrazy #7
nice one :D
kimhyuraa #8