A Deeper Look

THE NIGHTMARES ( the hunt )


guys please comment and feel free to give me your ideas and thoughts of this story! i will be more than happy to read it all, now please enjoy ~


what is going on? Tao whispered to Yuri as the tow of them sit in the closed van clueless. should i go back in time? he added. yuri quickly ask him to wait not yet she whispered . Yuri stare carefully at the faces around her as she reply each person name in her head trying hard to memorize them sehun woohyun suzy lay ..sehun woohyun lay .. sehun lay suzy woohyun stacy.. Why this guy name woohyun is staring at me? She noticed the creepy stares. everyone we are almost there! remember the whole world is relying on us!! the driver guy said while the rest nod in agreement looking very nervous. what world? tao whispered to yuri scared as hell.

stacy look at scared tao and move closer to him and in a very reassuring tone she says don't worry about me my love i will be fine holding his hand. Tao moth drop when he hear the word my love and feels stacy warm hand on him before he whisper to yuri i agree with you no need to go back in time smiling from ear to ear. stupid! yuri mumbled and right then...

everyone we are getting there!! the driver guy shouted while the nightmares change clothes into a black rubbers tight outfit. what is this you wearing? Yuri asked in curios. stacy laugh and answer yuri what are you talking about! you made these for us to help us to obtain our powers~ shocking Tao and yuri. seriously,thank you yuri! i think this outfit make me look more y! woohyun said winking. welcome~ she replied raising an eyebrow. 

suddenly the van flies over the heavy pushes to land in a place that looks just like hell omg! yuri gasped when she saw the destructive city from the van window as the fire burn down every landmarks,then she see a river of people running behind the van hitting it while screaming for help and then she see dead bodies lying on the street oh my goodness what in hell did happen here? she gasped for air as she fight to breath from the shock impact on her. woohyun look at stacy and the rest wondering what's gone into yuri before he say the worst didn't come yet, i thought you should be strong enough by now yuri freaking her to death what can be worse than this?  she thought looking in horror to witness the splashing blood every where and soon it was covering the van windows. everyone hold on to your seat~ stacy! it's time to do your magic! see you later guys! the driver said driving super fast before he fly the van off the bridge.




[ Minho POV ]

excuse me but have you seen this girl? showing her old picture Minho wondered around every hospital in Seoul looking for Suzy. When he give up searching he goes to the first place they met and sit in front of the orphanage gate this is where I first met you Minho said talking to the young Suzy in the picture. suddenly he hear heavy foot steps and a familiar voice Oppa? the girl standing behind him said before she wrap her arms around his waist I thought I will never see you again she added. Minho heart stops when he realize it's his long lost young sister. Suzy no need to worry oppa is back he said as he hug her tight. 


[ Yuri & tao pov ]

What happened? How did we come here? Yuri shouted when she found her self standing in front of a huge wall with a big dragon sculpture in it where is the driver guy? she gasped when he was not around after the car flow off the bridge.

Sehun laugh and pat Stacy back this girl is the best! winking playfully. Get your hand off me silly boy! Stacy said. Why you acting weird yuri? we went through this plan over and over! Woohyun noticed her weird questions and suspicious behavior. You can teleport a group of people!!! i thought you can only teleport your self! how Cool!! Tao shouted in excitement after suzy explained to him how stacy improved her power. see yuri I can improve my power too! Feeling happy there is a good chance he can control his power in the future.

Everyone stare at the tow of them confused, lay quickly run to stand in the front and he scream raising his tow arms protective soul! using his power he build this huge transparent shield spreading it around him and his friends to separate the nightmares from the tow suspicious members. they got into you too?! Like it's not enough they have Nicole and jiyeon! He shouted before stacy run to push him away are you crazy! she scolded him in anger put down your stupid protective bubble right now! glaring at him. stop letting your heart mislead you! They are acting weird! Better be cautious! Sehun shouted at Stacy. Shut up you jerk! Don't lecture me about being cautious when you are the reason for all this disaster! stacy replied him. sehun shoot stacy the most scary look as he make a fist before suzy scream in anger stop! this is not the right time to turn against each other! we have a mission to save Minho and the rest of the world! soon she lose control of her temper and sit her self in fire. Yah!! everyone!!! calm down!! woohyun shouted.

Yuri stare at the scary scene with shocked face as she think of the nightmares incredible abilities lay is what my father used to call in his research .. the pure soul .. He must be the last generation to be able to obtain this tremendous great power! in the other hand Stacy is very emotional and not stable yet has a great power to be able to control many souls and teleport them to different places at once! Then many questions started to pop in her head but what is woohyun and sehun powers? and what about the rest who are not present?! what does stacy mean by sehun is the reason? And why suzy said we need to save Minho?! who is Minho anyway! While Tao stare at Stacy defending him with so much love. Suddenly everyone inside the protective bubble stop fighting as they focus their eyes on Tao and yuri direction.

What in hell is going on? Lay gasped eyes open wide forcing the clueless Tao and yuri to turn around in worry only to see another copy of them.


[ in china - shanghai ]

Luhan was still sitting beside the unconscious nana as he hold her hand with so much caring and love, slowly as the time fly by luhan felt tired and little bit sick as he started sweating but he decide to ignored his tired body for the young girl sick.

hey! are you not coming to play with me! bored sehun asked his friend after sitting for so long alone. he walk to luhan and pout as he stand next to him feeling slightly jealous. luhan look up and smile i will be with you in a minute. sehun shoot a dirty look at nana what is so important about her!  luhan heard sehun talking so he whisper hey watch out what you say! she might hear you scolding him. sehun eyes widen in shock then he quickly response hear what! i said nothing! .. looking at luhan with astonished face he can't hear what i think~ can he? he thought. luhan who is busy looking at sick nana ask why would you say that?. sehun gasp and scream omg! you just read my mind! didn't you! . luhan laugh at the funny accusation and focus his eyes on sehun but just before he reply..

your y gaze makes my heart beat so fast! he read sehun mind. Luhan mouth drop when he realize he just read sehun's mind then he point his finger at him and say you.. what you said.. your heart .. do you like me? as he gulp making sehun curse in panic ..Holly ! i am screwed up!




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writing this chapter confused me so much OTL


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Chapter 28: The triangle law of time was confusing but but it was very daebak of you to come out with those head spinning theories lol Seriously this story is getting better and better so please...can you just let them meet already? I'm dying to know everytime you update with those cliffhanger T_T
Chapter 24: What?! What will happen to nicole and jiyeon?! Seriously this is awesome and intriguing. Can't wait for all of them to gather.
Ycmcdc #3
Chapter 23: This is soooo interesting:P
Update is coming?!?!
Chapter 22: Owh that's a pretty cool power Nicole has :) author san thanks for updating and please update soon cause this story is very interesting and keep me wondering.
Chapter 21: Stacy look cool when she has able to control her power, no, they all does. I really hope Yuri can gather the nightmares soon but since they are all scattered in different places and have their own adventures now I don't think it's going to be too soon lol XD Fighting author san!
Mo0onyDolls #6
To Ambiebambi : * crack up laughing * i know Tao can't be that manly specially in my story he is adorably dorky in this fic so yeah i think you see what i mean after reading the chapter hehe , aww~ thank you ^^ LOVE YOU !!
Mo0onyDolls #7
To kellen_1825 : thank you kitty dongseang <3 miss you more !! love you ~~
To Ambiebambi : Minho chapter for you hope you liked it ^^ , sorry for scaring you * hugs * i will try to update more though -_-