
You're My Lifesaver
'Why am i here? What am i doing?'

She is asking herself the same question again and again. She is hopeless. Tears streaming down her face and her vision become blurry due to the sudden flashback of what had happened to her. her life. her body. her mind. She's lost and scared. Too scared that she can't breath. Hoping for the nightmare to end.


'WHY CAN'T YOU DO WHAT I JUST SAID? HE ING PAID ME FOR THAT. I ASKED YOU TO GIVE HIM YOUR BODY! NOT RUNNING AWAY AND HIDING LIKE A SCARED CHILD. YOU'VE DONE THIS JOB FOR SO LONG!' 'b-b-but i never like it umma...' she pleaded. She know what will happen next. All of the sudden, she feel a hand on her face. She act like nothing happened. She's used to it that it didn't hurt her. She watched the stars while tears are falling down. 'appa, you told me that it will be alright after you're gone...'

Sitting alone in a dark place make her cry harder. She's wishing that somebody would come here and save her from this nightmare. Wishing that somebody will hug her and tell her that it's alright to cry. Wishing that somebody won't treat her the way they treated here. Wishing that somebody would take care of her like her father did.


She was late for her class. She ran like it's the end of the world. even faster than the speed of light. She could be the woman version of flash. While rushing, she bumped with the most perfect human in the whole wide world or the popular guy at the school,Lee Byunghun. Books are scattered around due to the collision. She picked up his books without looking at him and get ready to sprint off but he stopped her by touching her arms. She's too afraid to look up and face that angelic face of his so she just stare at her sneakers waiting for the hole to come visible. Suddenly, his beautiful mouth opened wide enough to chime a sweet 'thank you'. All that she can do just smile and walk away.

The story didn't end without a tragic ending. After the 'meet and greet' session with Lee Byunghun a.k.a L.Joe, somebody,somewhere in the school is having a grudge against her. She was dragged to the rooftop and pinned to the wall. The four girls are staring at her with their dirty smirk. She,well everybody knows them. The Queenkas, from left to right, Yoon Bomi, Son Naeun, Oh Hayoung and Jung Eunji.  One of them are holding a pocket knife, while walking slowly towards her. She's praying that they would use the knife to cut cucumber,tomatoes or anything except her. Hayoung is coming nearer. While playing with the knife, a smirk plastered on her face. 'Well,well, Miss Nobody, what exactly did you talk with my boyfriend?' She stressed the word boyfriend even tho everyone knows that isn't true. While the victim just kept quiet and keep staring at the knife. Hayoung,which can't control her sudden jealousy darted towards her way and put the harmful object near her cheek. 'Tell it or say goodbye to your ugly face.' 'I-I-I just..' she's practically speechless due to her condition. 'Too late .' droplets of blood dripping down her cheek. Bomi and Naeun grabbed both of her hand and Eunji bang her head at the wall. They left her there, while she is pleading for help.

Sighing sadly while staring at her scars. Cutting. It's her obsession, watching blood rushing out of her skin. even tho it's harmful, you can't stop someone obsession. Suddenly she felt a light touch on her arms. Moving up and down slowly. Scared that the memories will come back again, she's trembling with that sudden skinship and start to sobs.

Suddenly a warm voice, almost angel-like whispers to her ear 'It's okay, I won't hurt you.' The owner of the voice turns her body facing him. She's too scared to take a glance,afraid that he will hurt her.Like they do. Unexpectedly, he embraced her. She flinched. This is the second time she have this warm feeling, the feeling of peace, the feeling of love. She couldn't help but snuggle closer to him and inhaled his exotic scent. She feel safe inside his arm and she's asking her self who is this heartwarming person. As if he heard her thoughts, he whispered 'I'm Kim Myungsoo. Don't be scared, i won't treat you the way they treated you.' He knew about them? but how?

While she was deep in thought, he let go of her. The cold air touch her skin and she begins to cry again. She feels like the light is dissapearing and her world turn into a horrible condition. 'Shh,Shh. Don't cry,beautiful. I'm here. I'll stay with you no matter what.' Her forehead feel so warm as he kissed her forehead slowly. He carry her bride-style and walk throught the busy street of Seoul.

After an eternity, she woke up then realising an angel-like face guy, sleeping soundly next to her. She moves her hand and trace his facial features. Perfect. He describes the word perfect perfectly. His hair,forehead,nose,mouth,cheeks,chin, besically everything. She can't help but touch his lips. He mumbles in his sleep. She giggles amusingly at him. Then the frown appeared again. It have been a long time since she laugh. It's before her dad's death. That is 3 years ago. She sighed, reminiscing her sad life. She closed her eyes once again. Trying to sleep,trying to throw those worries away.

Suddenly she felt the bed moving and a hand caressed her face. She opened her eyes just to be greeted by that angelic face of Kim Myungsoo inches away from her. 'Good Morning.' He is smiling brighter than the sunshine. 'M-M'Morning.' He kissed her cheek softly and ask her to go and eat some breakfast. Out of curiosity, she asked, 'Who are you? Why are you helping me?' He smiles softly, 'I'm Kim Myungsoo. Is it a problem helping you out? 'N-No...' 'Then it's okay to help you. What's your name, beautiful?' 'I-I'm Park Chorong.' Stuned by his word,she stuttered. 'Well good Chorong, from now on, you'll stay here.with me and I'll take care of you and showers you with love that nobody can't compete with.' 'Tch.Greasy.' He giggles while walking toward the door .'That is part of Kim Myungsoo. Now get up and get ready. I'm going to tour you around the neighbourhood.' When he about to go out, She starts to sob. 'A-A-Are y-y-ou leaving..m-me alone?' He walk and hug her. 'No i won't I'm your lifesaver. I'll be here until the end. I'll take care of you more than anything. This is too fast, but i love you Park Chorong.'  She knew that life would be better after this.




토니안 Tony An & 스매쉬 Smash - Get Your Swag On.  2NE1 - It Hurts (아파). SHINee- JoJo. T-ara- Falling You.

Author's note : Why do i even create this fanfic? /facepalm/ My grammar is jibberish due to my laziness to study. I'm sorry and this is like the first attempt? lol nevermind .-. this is awkward.

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Isabella37 #1
Chapter 1: It's cute and cheesy
Chapter 1: love this fanfic <3<3<3
jotwins_vms #3
this is great~~ and sweet too :)
please make a sequel~~
@CutieKue1 thanks for the feedback ^o^ i will try my best next time :D
lol, this was good.. but you should write more about this story ^^