I Can't Be Without You

I Can't Be Without You

Why are you like this?! Eh?! I don’t understand you! I’ve been tolerating all your jealousy and yet it’s still there! Look, if you can’t understand that I’m also in the Entertainment Industry. Then we better stop this thing you call ‘relationship’! I’m sick and tired of trying to adjust to your every want and need..                    I said, while my tears are falling. I can’t believe he did it again! He’s absolutely not the Kyuhyun I've spent time this past few months!

No. Please, Hye-ah. Don’t do this to me! Jebalyo!                           He pleaded. I turned my back, trying to hold back tears which keep on streaming down my cheeks.

I think we need some time apart, Kyuhyun-ah. We need this.                    I told him, packing some clothes into my bag.

A-Arrasseo. Just please ca-call me.. I need to know… that you’re okay.             he asked me, snifling. I nodded as I opened the door out.

Be safe, Kyuhyun-ah.                                                                               I told him as I went out.

I went directly to Sarang-unnie’s house. There I cried everything. It hurt to stop seeing the one you love. Especially when you’ve had a fairytale love-story at first. Well, maybe the magic already stopped. But seeing him in that state? It made me realize that I could become like that too.

It’s good for the both of you, Hye-ah. You’ve done what you can. It’s his call now. He has to make the move.           Sarang-unnie advised me as she and Sam-unnie wrapped me in an embrace.

I love him unnie. I can’t be without him.                                                  I sobbed. They just comforted me and even spent the night with me though they had dates with their boyfriends.

It will all be alright, Hye-ah. It will be.                                                       Sam-unnie told me. We all stayed in the room intended for me whenever I’m free to visit them.


[ 4 Weeks After ]

Unnie, there’s a sale in that book store! I’ll just pop in and see if I can find some good books, can I?         I asked Sam-unnie as we were waiting in line. She nodded and I ran to the book sale.

Oppa, can you buy that for me?                                                                    I heard a girl whimper, pointing at a bunch of flowers.  With their back to me, I tried to remember where I’ve seen them before.

Seohyun-ssi, you have a lot of flowers from your fans. Why do you need one from me?             the guy replied, making me gasp in surprise. I’d know that voice anywhere. It was him. My beloved Kyuhyun.

But oppa…. I want to receive something from you!                                      Seohyun pouted. I took a deep breath and went past them. She didn’t notice but he did.

Hye-ah? Hye-ah!                                                                                  he called me out. I stopped but didn’t turn around. I just looked around then found a good place to hide. A Music store. I went in and roamed the aisles, looking for a cd of Jay Park. I knew he would go after me. He knew that I would know that too.

Hey.                                                                                                 he said when he cornered me in one part of the store. Seohyun, apparently annoyed to see me, didn’t bother to give me one look though she wouldn’t let go of Kyuhyun’s arm.

Hi.                                                                                                           I said, after calming down a bit.

How are you? You didn’t call me this week.                         he asked casually, not giving attention to the sleeve-tugging Seohyun.

Oh. I thought you would be busy. So, I didn’t call.             I told him in as-a-matter-of-fact tone. 

Nah. I’m not too busy for you. Besides, we have to talk. You know. About…..-------                            he was cut off by Seohyun who suddenly kissed him on the lips. I took a deep breath calming myself, and

Well, you seem busy. I’m sorry, I have to go now. Sam-unnie might be looking for me by now.                   I said, excusing myself as I felt my heart constrict in pain. I gritted my teeth and went out of the store, almost staggering into Sam-unnie’s arms.

OMO! Hye-ah! What happened? You’re pale!                                    she exclaimed.  I pointed to my chest and she knew what to do. She helped me walk out of the mall and hailed a taxi, helped me in and we went home.

What happened?                                                                             she asked me as she helped me on the couch.

I saw him. With Seohyun.                                                             I said, tears welling up my eyes. She took the box of tissues and let me sob it out. I was so exhausted from everything that it helped me to just sleep.




I woke up, feeling like my head is being pounded by a 5 ton hammer. I slowly sat up on my bed and accidentally brushed on a human hand. Still hazy and cold, I turned to that direction and saw Kyuhyun with his head and right hand near my pillow while the rest of him seemed to be sitting on the floor. (My bed’s leveled on the floor).

I gasped, remembering what happened yesterday. Tears suddenly formed and threatened to fall. Wanting to avoid him, I dizzily stood up and suddenly fell on the floor.

HYE-AH!                                                                                                                         he exclaimed being woken up from my fall. 

Gwaenchana?                                                                                                              he asked as he went to my side, trying to help me up. I shrugged him off and tried to stand up on my own. Dizzy as I was, I zigzagged to the door. 

Hye-ah, please! You need to rest!                                                                            he said as he followed me, arms open in case I fell down again.

Don't. I need to get away from you.                                                                           I managed to mutter.

Hye-ah, let's talk about this. You're going to overexert and you might get sicker than you are!                                he said worriedly. I gave him a stare and gulped down the lump in my throat.

J-Just go back to yo-your girlfriend and pl-please leave me alone!                     I said, panting at the effort I exerted. Suddenly, my knees gave out and fortunately, he catched me before I hit the floor.

No. You have to be in bed. You've had one of your attacks yesterday. I cannot leave.                  he told me as he carried me to my bed.

O-Okay. If you won't leave, then I-I'll go. Y-Your girlfriend might come and gi-give me a surprise attack.                 I said, shivering.

Oh my goodness. You're still having that fever?! C'mon, tuck up.                                     he said, tucking me up with the blanket, shielding me from the cold. 

J-just call Sam-unnie or Sarang-unnie and go. I-I don't want you h-here!                          I snapped at him. He just shook his head

No. They're out. And I'm the only one available to take care of you.                               he said, pouring me some tea.

Well, I DON'T WANT YOU HERE!!! UNDERSTAND?!                                                        I raged, for the first time talking straight.

What's your problem, Hye-ah? I'm here to take care of you because I know you need me.                           he asked, obviously shocked at my attitude.

I-I don't want to... to hinder you anymore! Okay? You're dating Seohyun now, so can you please sa-save me the most painful thing to say and j-just go?           I stuttered as tears fell.

If.. If you really wanna.. make this official.... Okay.. I'm bre-breaking up with you and yo-you're free to be w-with Se-Seohyun now. So go! I-I can be alone for a while.. I wo-won't move until my unnies are h-here.                                   I pushed at him weakly. He suddenly hugged me, letting my sobs ebb and finally reduce to hiccups.

Look, Hye-ah. She's not my girlfriend. You are. If you're still thinking about what happened yesterday, she told me that she did that so that you will break up with me and she could make me hers. I know I've been too hard on you but it's just that I don't want you to change your mind about our upcoming wedding. And because I love you so much.                                                                   he told me as he kissed my forehead. 

Hye-ah, you're the most wonderful thing that ever happened to me and I won't let you go. You know, last night, Sam was yelling at me for letting you go through this. When I heard you had one of your attacks, I quickly rushed and came here just to take care of you. I don't want anybody to do that to you. Not now, not in the near future, not ever! I'll be there for you through it all and I won't let anything or anyone hurt you ever again. Even though I seem to do that pretty much. I love you, Hye Soo. I really really love you.                                he said, looking straight in my eyes.

I.... I love you.... I love... you too... Kyuhyun-ah... I do....                                             I told him, feeling a little light headed as I inhaled his scent.

Now, would you please lay down on the bed?                                                              he asked me as he rubbed our noses together. I smiled and nodded but not before

Kiss me.                                                                                                           I ordered him. He looked at me,

You know I can't stop...                                                                               he told me. I nodded.

Just do it.                                                                                                            I commanded him. He smirked and slowly brought our lips together.

I love you..                                                                                                           was the last thing we ever murmured to each other as we let ourselves be taken to Paradise....

















GOMAWO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^^


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mauisj1kyu #1
I totally loved this one shot. /going to read ur other stories.
4everlovingkyu #3
@Nobodyimportant: THANK YOU VERY MUCH! ^^ YOU MADE MY DAY.. kekeke.. starting to think that tomorrow i might update my other fan fic again.. ^^ :D
Nobodyimportant #4
that was really cute