
Pure Romance


*Six Weeks Later*

You are walking down the street to you house. You come from school and you have finally gotten your grades up from Fs to

you : Yes! I got a B- *dances around* at this pace I’ll be in college in no time! Gosh, I have to go and thank Ji-Hoon!

                              Yes even though you don’t really want to Rain still tutors you. Your grades are improving so you decide to ignore the previous accident.


*Wait! I don’t have to thank Rain, argg why am I even thinking about him. I mean all I lately think about is Rain this and Rain that. Soo annoying *


you : I DON’T LIKE HIM!!!

Rain: Who?

You start to feel your cheeks getting hot. You turn around petrified to find Rain standing behind you.

you : NO ONE, anyways what are you doing here, your house is nowhere near this part of town.


Rain: it’s your sister’s birthday today, I brought her some cake.

you : ohhh

Rain: you forgot didn’t you?

you : NO! Hah like I will forget something like that.

You begin to walk home with Rain

you : Ah just so you know, well because you are my tutor I got I B- now!

 Rain: hahaha nice

Rain smiles at you and pats you on the head messing up your hair on purpose.

you : Don’t do that

Rain: Ahaha fine.

                                           *At Home*


you : when do you think she is going to be home?

Rain: soon, I think, she’s never this late.

You hear the door open and your sister voice

Samantha: I’m home you     

She goes over to you and gives you a big hug.

Rain: Finally, you get here, we have been waiting forever

Samantha: What are you doing here?

Rain: I came to celebrate with you! You do remember is your birthday!

Samantha: Hey, that’s true, (facepalm) well I’m happy you are here I want you to be the first person to meet my........................ fiancée

Samantha points at the door where a handsome man has been standing all this time and you hadn’t noticed. You look at your sister in disbelief.

Rain: wow, he is good looking. Great for you, finally you are settling down. I’m so proud of you Samantha.

Samantha: Thank you so much Ji-Hoon you don’t know how much it means to be to have your blessing.

You are in shock looking at the whole scene. Even though you are happy for your sister, but you can’t help but think of Rain. On how must he be feeling? You begin to get mad at your sister, I mean doesn’t she know how much Ji-Hoon loves her!

you : Hi, nice to meet you. You say to the Ayame my sister wanted him to be Ayame from furuba lol (sister fiancee) Sammie im going to go get some snacks at the store.

Samantha: At this, time and you’re going alone. I don’t want anything to happen to you I don’t know.

you : No I'm not going alone I'm taking Rain with me

You grab Rain's wrist and start to rush out the door. After running for a little while, you stop at a lamppost, tears streaming down your face.

you : H-how can she be like that. God she is being so freaken mean right now. I’m so mad at her!

Rain: Hey, what’s wrong?

you : Obviously, you love her and she tells you she is so happy to have your blessing. Really, I  don’t know why I am even crying….

you : So embarrassing! It’s just that I imagine how you must feel and the tears just started drooping without permission. Now they won’t st—

You are cut-off in mid sentence by Rain’s lips to yours. He wraps his arms around you and places his head on your shoulder.

Rain: the tears stopped.

 The tears had stopped after the initial shock of his kiss.

Rain: Stay like this with me.

You hugged him back letting his silent tears fall on your shoulder.

Rain: This kid, it hasn’t been long since I’ve met you, but you are still the only one allowed to see me like this.

            Soon you had to go back. You and Rain forgot to get the snacks

Samantha: where are the snacks?

You: what? Oh those well……..

Rain: I ate them. Hahahahahaha



Hey I know I took a long time to update its just that I’m not that good at typing and honestly I don’t know how well I’m doing with this story. So please pretty please subscribe and comment! I love feedback it encourages me to write =D so I hope you like this chapter. I tried my best =)

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I havent update because my ipad when updating sooo ill update when i computer is given to me XD which mean idk i hope soon


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Dude you need to update this story i cant believe you just stopped!!!
:O brb gonna turn the Air conditioning on~! OMG THAT WAS AN EPIC CHAPTER!!!! SO GOOOODD
Jenfjcwkwoxochiwowns <333 sooooo goood i was dying kyaaaaaa
the 'im so excited' was our thing!
ExoticKissMe1125 #5
AHHHHHHHH OMMMGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I KNOW THIS ANIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! o_O One of the greatest *cough cough* is now turned into a story with the reader as Misaki!?!?!!? O my shisus I can't TAKE IT *fans self* I'm so glad you posted this on my comments wall, or i wouldn't have seen it! Not to sound to forceful, but I offically LOVE you for doing this! Wanna be friends? *creepy grin* be both like Mir after all....we could kidnap him together!
Im sorry i havent updated ive jst been busy but ill update soon!!
So sad! I want to hear more of your story! ToT
opps! I meant FIc, not fix. hehe
HAHAHHAHA Rain is jealous. :P i swear that this fix is either Rain-ception or Junho-ception. LOL!
Oooooo Rain isn't happy! And my boy junho is finally on the scene! Both boys?! So jealous!!! ^^