Only Chapter

Won't Go Home Without You

Jiyong is used to winning over Chaerin. She's so nice to him, too kind, that it may seem like she's a push over. But one night, she had reached her limit. Too bad ji didn't see it coming..




', this sounds bad, he didn't call me hunchae. He's playing the cold card.'


"Just go home without me, I need to finish this. And I'd be appearing in an afterparty real quick. You know.. keep my reputation and some ?!"


'The hell?!? I came here to pick you up, and you give me this?!? Keep calm chae, keep calm' she breathed heavily in her nose.
She tried to summon some aegyo despite the fact that she's starting to boil inside. "But oppa, you promised you're going home early today. Why else would I prepare a lovely dinner with all your favorite foods if you won't be coming home with me?" She said, trying to make ji guilty.


Avoiding to look at chae for he knows he won't be able to resist her aegyo.. "Just put it in the fridge! We'd eat it tomorrow. Oh and don't wait up for me, I'd probably be home late." He answered coldly, shaking his guilt away.


"But you said this will be the day that we try to work things out? If it hasn't occured to you, we've been in a deep hole for quite some time now. It's only gonna grow deeper if we don't act now. Am I the only one who wants to fix this?" she implored.


"What's there to fix Lee Chaerin? We're good.. you've got me, Kwon Jiyong is yours! At least every night, if you know what I mean? -he smirked and winked- What else do you want?"


"I want you to show me that I'm still important!" she yelled.


' here comes the water works. I can't do this here,' she dragged jiyong with his sleeves out of the studio into an empty room. She broke down.


"Do you think that's all I need? You just see yourself as a ing ? How did you turnout to be such an jiyong-ah? Where is the man I fell in love with?"


"What the hell are you talking about? Girls would kill to be in your place! And as for me, I'm still the same old, love me or hate me, it's up to you!" He shrugged proudly while gesturing his hands.


"I remember how you wooed me. How you fought your way over other guys to win me. You've put me in a pedestal before, and cherished me like I was your biggest treasure. We were so happy, so in love. Until little by little you've distanced yourself, using work, partying and alone time as an excuse. What happened? What changed? Why? Why love me less? What have I done? Do you even love me still?" Chaerin's eyes were about to flood the room.



Jiyong paused, voices echoing in his head, "you're such a slave," another voice spoke, "yeah man.. slave for love." "This guy's a goner," followed by laughter.
He shook his head to drive the voices away.
Chae saw him shaking his head, she took it as saying he doesn't love her anymore.
"Finally you answered! Thank you, cause I'm getting too sick and tired of this anyway, thank you for admitting. These would be the last tears I'd ever shed for you Kwon Jiyong! You're not worthy of my love anymore. Treating me like trash, taking me for granted, all of it screams that you don't love me anymore, I was just too blind to see, and too scared to ask. I don't deserve this. Goodbye Oppa." She wiped her tears and walked away.
I didn't take it seriously, though I can see a hint of permanence and conclusion in her eyes and her words. I just tried to shrug it off and let her walk away as I said "bye hunchae.. I'd see you later."
The afterparty was banging! I'd usually be flirting with other girls to prove a point to my friends. But tonight was different, seems like I'm out of touch with my seductive side. Chaerin's outburst took me out of my A game. She affected me extraordinarily tonight, to the point that I can't defelect the guilty feeling
anymore. My gutt feel was stirred differently, making me uncomfortable the whole
night. I had to go home, my conscience made my legs walk and drive.
'Hmmm.. I guess I've been pretty hard on her tonight. I should apologize, be my sweet self, get ready with lots of aegyo and the  sweep her off her feet like I
usually do. You never fail Jiyong! There's no fight you can't resolve in the bedroom,' I thought to myself, smoothing my hair while trying so hard to fight
the uneasy feeling I've been having all night. Trying to be confident when the truth is, something inside me is scared to death. 
I made a detour and bought treats to help me beg for forgiveness.
"Hunchae, I'm home! I'm not so late afterall." He said with a hint of sarcasm. No answer.
'Omo! She left our supposed dinner out, aish.. there goes my favorite foods to waste!' He thought while slapping his forehead. 'She must've been really angry.. aigoo!'
"Do you want me to get rid of this babe? I'd clean it up for you, just wait for me there in bed." He said with a forceful happy tone. Convincing himself she 
slept early cause of their fight.
"Hunchae?.. Where are you babe?.." -looking around their room- "You in the bathroom?" -he opened the bathroom door, disappointed that chae's nowhere to be found, he continued searching- Instinctlively, he opened their closet, Chaerin's stuff are gone. Ran to the bathroom, chae's toothbrush and other stuff aren't there as well.
He searched frantically, his whole body shaking while his blood escapes his extremities, for her perfume, slippers, but he can't find any of her posessions, 
except for one. He froze. Sitting in front of the armoire was a ring, the promise ring Jiyong gave to Chaerin. He grabbed it while tears started to flow down his 
Jiyong was kneeling in front of Chaerin in the middle of a garden filled with flowers. "Hunchae, wear this ring as a symbol of my undying love to you, and only 
you, the girl that I would grow old with. With this ring I promise to love you, cherish you, take care of you, and protect you the rest of our lives. I promise 
to reamin loyal, kind, in love and forever grateful for giving me the honors of being your man. I'd love you forever Lee Chaerin. Nothing will tear us apart."
Chaerin smiling while sobbing, "oppa are you proposing to me? I love you too! I'd marry you anytime, anywhere! I'd be the happiest and luckiest bride in the 
world!" She knelt and gave him the most passionate kiss.
"Well this is not yet my proposal. This is me promising my life to you, and the ring as symbol of it. But it's nice to know that you'd be saying yes to me next 
month when your custom engagement ring's done." He said with a very wide smile, as he pounced on her and they rolled over the garden in a hug.
He smiled, tears still rolling down his cheeks while remembering the day he gave Chae the ring in his grasp right now.
"Wow man! You're totally smitten by your 'hunchae'!" His friends , all of them awkwardly and tauntingly said hunchae in chorus. They took turns to 
badger him. "It's only been what? 11 months, yet you've given her a promise ring? Might as well snip your balls and hand it to her in a platter!" They all laughed in ridicule. "Don't tell me on your anniversary you'd ask her to marry you?" As all of the guys high fived each other, laughing their brains out. "Goodness dude! Think about it? You're too young to be this serious in a relationship! You've been clinging to Chaerin for almost a year now, you barely have time to hang with us anymore! Don't even get me started with marriage? You're already a slave dude, don't let yourself be more bound!"
Such memory made him cringe as guilt, anger and hopelessness devoured him.
"Jingyo oppa, where are you going?" Chae ran out their house, trying to chase Ji before he leaves.
"Out with my friends. We're hanging out today." He said while walking towards his car.
"B-but its our anniversary. Y-you remember r-right?" Snatching jiyong's arm before he get's away.
"Oh sorry I forgot! Um.. here.. go get yourself a decent meal in some fancy restaurant." He handed her his card.
"But I have something else planned for us, this is such a special day! It's not just our anniversary, it would be our engagement day too," she said blushing 
while looking at the floor.
"Oh yeah.. that.. um.. I cancelled with the jeweler. I thought about it and changed my mind. I guess we should give it more time. Our love is young, and so 
are we. There's no need to rush into things. Let's enjoy ourselves first, neh?"
"Ye-yes of course. We're not in a hurry. I just thought.. oh, but can we at least celebrate our anniv.."
He cut her thru her sentence with a shout while he entered his car, "I'm running late, I'd see you later." He stepped on the gas and was gone. 
He partied, all the while being anxious, but didn't show any trace of it with his friends. He put on a show that he's not bothered by the fact that that day was a 
very important day for her, for them! He didn't show any signs of worry, but deep inside he's breaking as much as her. He let his ego and pride win over the girl he loves. 
In the end his conscience will kick in, and he'd grovel for her forgiveness. That's how the vicious cycle started.
Gripping tightly to the only thing left, as his eyes produced rivers of tears. He looked at his phone, scrolled at hundreds of their pictures until he found the 
picture of him and chaerin, wrapped in sheets, in bed, kissing. He remembered when he took that picture. The night of their first anniversary. When he treated her coldheartedly, yet she forgave him. That was the day everything went spiralling down. She remained sweet, loving, and caring towards him even when he's slowly turning evil. She became more patient and understanding while he became undeserving.
'Why? Why did I let this happen? Why am I so weak, to let those bastards control me? I'm the most stupid in the world! I couldn't have done anything more idiotic than lose her. How did I let her suffer all this time? How could I hurt her this much? I don't deserve her, she's right! But I'm dying.. I'd die without 
her. She's my life, my all.' He couldn't breathe. He's choking from the thought of her being gone forever. He's getting dizzy, he fought for his consciousness as he prayed.. 'please God, give me one more chance?'
With one deep breath, he felt some strength from his legs. He didn't waste any time as he rose giving his all to stand up. Got the keys and drove  as fast as he can to arrive in front of chaerin's house in a flash.
knock.. knock.. knock..
(Insert song "I Won't Go Home Without You" by maroon 5)
-=The End=-
*Hope you enjoyed reading :) If any questions, don't hesitate to ask*
Note to readers: If you listen to the song, you'd know the ending. Hope this helps, thanks!
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mimi_qitchi #1
Chapter 1: U must make sequel for this story.....
Joyvin #2
Awesome story!! Rlly nicely written.
waaaaaaaaaa! now i get it!
such a great story!

a SEQUEL would be great!! CHU! (^O^)
Kiwa8D #4
Gd only realising how important she is when she leaves *shakes head* but I do hope theres Part 2 : P
queenchaerin #5
Hello dear friends :) sorry if u felt like i left u guys hanging.. but thats kinda the point of linking it to the song.. @littletea: u definitely got my point, if u listen to the song, ur imagination would lead u to the ending, and as it said, Ji wont go home without Chae! So reading between the songs line, its a good ending. I just didnt want to paint an exact picture, leaving readers options on how they envision it would end based on the song. Hope this helps :)
here's the sequel readers:

"It's not over tonight
Just give me one more chance to make it right
I may not make it through the night
I won't go home without you"

~ :3
yessss pls make a sequel....please make em together>.>
cl_jiD #8
oh can you make a sequel? :)
Thanhmai #9
Continue, please~!
Yeah, he acts really like a jerk -_-
Don't give up easily, Chae. But to be noted: Please, still, come back to him in the end, okay ^^