chapter FINAL

Between Fact and Fiction

-Kellie’s POV-

I hold onto the piece of paper with my two bare hands. I just can’t believe it, believe that fact that you would leave me like this. After all these years, am I nothing to you? Without you, the me who is crumbling, is left here. The pain that we went through together, was it all a joke? Something I’d never have a chance to say, something that I might never tell you again. I vow to myself that I will never forget him no matter what circumstances that he might go through.

One years later…

“Woohyun oppa!” I whine, holding onto his sleeve. I want to take my rounds but a clueless Woohyun he is, he always follows the book. I don’t like when he’s serious; it’s boring.

“Come on. It won’t take long!” I use my puppy eyes and he motions me to go before he changes his mind. I skip my way to the back door of the hospital, which was a quicker to Tim Hortons. I swear being a policewoman, you can easily get addict to coffee. As I pass by the door, I notice a familiar fragrant. I look back and I see nobody. Hmm, that’s weird. I swear this fragrant belongs to him and nobody else. He has this sweet scent that no guys can ever have. I run back into the coordinates and saw a familiar body built. I took a peek. Is that really him? Why is he wearing the hospital’s gowns? Why is he talking to Woohyun? Do they know each other? All these unanswered questions couldn’t leave me.

-Myungsoo’s POV-

It has been a year since I got this stupid treatment but nothing is working. I hope Kellie is happy wherever she is and forget a loser like me. I saw a familiar scent as I pass through the doors. I can tell this scent from anywhere. Kellie loves to use this shampoo. I was afraid that she might have seen me so I never dare to look back, even if she was a careless type of person. I bump into Woohyun on my way back to my ward. What luck I have, I thought to myself, sarcastically.

“Hey,” I awkwardly said. Without saying ‘hi,’ he got straight to the point. I never saw him this serious before.

“What did you tell her?” he asks me. I knew what he meant. I didn’t look at him straight into the eyes. I keep silent.

“Don’t you know how hurt she has been?! You have been with her for 5 years and you told her it was all a joke?! Not to mention that it was by letter.” I knew he would be disappointed in me. I don’t want her to be hurt like when I first met her. The lonely, sad face that she wore, keeps on coming back to him.

“I know you will take good care of her,” I simply states as if it was nothing. I try to hold back my tears. He grabs me by the wrist.

“You will meet her at the park in 30 minutes,” he hisses and let go of me. I just nod.

-Kellie’s POV-

“Woohyun oppa! Sorry I took long!” I pretend to pants so he doesn’t suspect me. I want to see him for so long. I thought that I would have forgotten him but this parting left nothing behind but wounds. It hurts me by the fact that we are trapped in reasons rather than emotions.

“It’s okay.” He did his famous bunny aegyo. I chuckle at his weirdness.

“Hey, I saw Myungsoo a while ago, meeting his cousin. Want to see him at the usual park later?” Woohyun said.

“S-sure,” I stammer, not so sure if I did the right thing. Many things had happened during our five years relationship and it just ended like that on Christmas.

I saw him by the park, sitting on the swings. He wasn’t wearing a hospital’s gown; instead he was wearing black pants and a brown leather jacket.

I sit down on the swing next to him.

“Hey,” I start it off. I notice how thin he has gotten since the last time I have seen him. I wish this was all a dream. I just can’t distinguish from fact and fiction. It seems all too real to be fake, a dream.

“I hope this is a last time tha-“ I cut him off and start on throwing questions at him.

“Are you sick? Why were you at the hospital? Did you and Woohyun plan something behind my back? Why did you break up with me back then? Was our relationship a joke?” I blurt out as if I was venting out my anger.

“None of your business and maybe it was a joke. I hope that this is the last time we’ll see each other.” He got up and starts to walk away as I silent watch his back moving further away from me. I try to reach out for him. I want to convey my voice to him but nothing came out.

As the day pass by, Myungsoo disappear from my sight, as well as Woohyun’s. No news from him either. I wish that all of this can be a dream but it is impossible to dream. I hope that all these things that seem like fiction story can become a fact one day.

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@HotLove00: thankyous (:
awesome!!!! =)))