King High

I'll capture your heart with my ninja star~ ★

watch out for mistakes! :3

'w-what? m-mentor? why...?'
'hmm...mentor doesn't seem like the right word but..yes, i'll be your mentor and also your protector'
'b-but..i'm not in any kind of danger...'
'yet' finished Anna
'for now, nobody knows about your situation but don't worry, i'm a very fierce ghost so i can scare them away'
'....uhm...i...dont know what to say'
Anna giggled creepily.
'i forgot to mention that your parents told me to tell you that they say hi'
'WHAT? you know my parents?! hows that possible?'
'as you can a ghost...'
'oh right...aha....'
'well then...i think you should get some rest' said Anna
'you have a big day ahead of you'
You nodded and proceeded to go to sleep. It took a while but dream land was calling for you so in the end you fell asleep.
The next morning, you dressed up nicely in your prettiest black dress, then took all long ride on the bus to the cemetery holding the red roses.
'umma, appa, i'm you miss your daughter? i've missed you guys so much..' tears were making there way to the ground
'the past year was tough by myself but i made it through, you're both proud of me right? i promise i'll get into a good school and make a lot of money. I hope you guys continue to watch over me from up there in heaven'
You placed the roses on the stone and stepped back.
You turned around to see Anna, the ghost, crying. Her nose was all runny and tears were coming out nonstop. Simple description would be; her whole face was leaking. Just like niagara falls.
'Anna! what are you doing here? dont cry...'
'i...uhu..just decided to drop by and..visit'
You nodded and stared at the grave for a while
'my parents...they're happy right..?'
'of course! they are happily watching over you'
'i i die, does that mean i would be with them?'
'whatt..! NO, i was just asking! oh gosh, i still have many years ahead of me until i can die'
Anna sighed in relief, 
'thats good then~ are you hungry? you should get something to eat'
'nah im not--'
Your stomach started growling and you stared at Anna
'you knew didn't you?'
Anna just had a smug look plastered on her face and shrugged her shoulders
'i don't know~'
You entered the warm bakery and a familiar face greeted you
'oh! hey~' 
You turned and smiled at Jongup
'hello, can i get that coconut bread over there with some coffee?'
Jongup nodded
'coming right up~ while your waiting, why don't you sit at the tables? i'll bring the food to you when it's ready'
The food came out quicker than expected because Jongup came to deliver your food 5 minutes later. Since there wasn't a lot of customers that came during the night, Jongup sat at the table with you.
'is the food yummy?' asked Jongup
You gave a thumbs up while munching on the bread
'best food ever~ who makes it?'
'uhm...Yongguk hyung and Zelo makes the food, Daehyun does the dishes, Himchan wipes the tables and sweeps the floors, Youngjae just chills like a boss and i am the cashier'
'wow...gummy bear baking..? that must be a funny sight'
'gummy bear....?'
'oh nothing hehe'
'I forgot to ask! why didn't you come to school today?' asked Jongup suddenly
'awww, did you miss me? LOL, i'm joking~ i just had something important to attend'
Jongup turned red and looked down at the table
'i uh...gotta go back to work, BYE'
He dashed off in a hurry and disappeared into the kitchen 
You chuckled at his cuteness and took one last sip of your coffee before exiting the bakery.
'Sakura Sakura Sakuraaa~'
'ughh, remind me why you're here again..?'
'well, you are in danger and i'm here to guide you to a safer path~'
'but i'm not in any danger!'
'yet~' giggled Anna
'you're gonna be in danger soon'
You groaned and threw a tantrum on your bed. For a few seconds, Anna didn't move and she was just floating there like a statue, then she came back to life.
'damn! how could i forget that?! erfrfbrgbhtnghkgx'
She started facepalming herself while cursing
'are you okay..?' you asked
'yeah...your parents were sort of..ehehe...scolding me before haha...'
'what? why? what did you do?'
'i just...forgot to tell you something..'
'uhm, they told me that you have to use the money they left you'
'but i can't just use the was all earned by them'
''if you dont use it, i'm going to get a big beating back in heaven and they also said that it doesn't matter how much you spend because even if you run out, theres more the other houses...'
'your parents have houses in nearly all of the countries across the world and if you run out of money, which is pretty much impossible -just saying-, then you could sell the houses that are overseas and use that money'
'so your saying i'm rich?'
'yep, your pretty much like a princess. I think you could buy a whole country with all your money combined'
'wow...i wonder how my parents made this much in such a short time..'
'i cant tell you that but you'll find out sure'
'okay then...i'm just going to use that money to renovate the house abit'
Anna nodded then looked at your arm
'hey do you want me to do something?'
'do what..?'
'heal your arm'
You looked at your damaged arm and stared at Anna
'you can do that?'
'of course! i'm a special ghost that can heal you'
'oh okay then~ heal me pleaseee'
Anna drifted towards you and you stuck out your arm. Suddenly, a bright blue light started emitting from Annas body towards your arm. It was the awesomest thing you've ever seen. 
'done~' smiled Anna
'what? already?' 
Anna nodded then pulled up your sleeve on your other arm
'do you want me to get rid of this too?'
You shook your head while you stared at your scar
'nah, i want to keep this for childhood memories. My memory might be faint but i remember reaching up towards the table trying to grab some candies but instead, a knife...i think it was a knife...well, a knife fell down and cut me in the arm. I don't know how the scar turned into an arrow though~ must've been some arrow knife haha'
Anna laughed
'i think you should get some sleep now or you'll be late for school tomorrow'
'ah okay, goodnight'
The next day, you arrived at school happily. You didn't know what made you so happy though...maybe there were some happy drugs that Jongup had put in your coffee the night before.. but nah, Jongup is too innocent to do that type of thing so maybe it was gummy bear..?
'hey Sakura~' said a guy who walked by
You smiled at him, then stopped walking.
'do i...know you?'
'w-what...we met like..2 days ago? i'm Chanyeol...'
'OHH, RIGHT! hi Chanyeol'
Behind him, you could hear his friends laughing
'AH!' you snapped your fingers and rummaged through your bag
'here you go~ banana milk'
You headed towards Sehun but he didn't come out of his hiding spot (behind Suho's back)
'whats wrong?' asked Suho
's-she's g-going to drink my blood..THAT BANANA MILK IS ONLY BEING USED TO LURE ME IN!'
Suho glared at Chanyeol
'look at what you've done! you made Sakura into a vampire and now Sehun won't even go near her'
Chanyeol smiled creepily
'well~ i can always have the banana milk~'
He snatched the banana milk away from you and opened it. Just as he was about to take a sip, Sehun leaped into the air and snatched it away from him
When Sehun realized that everyone in the corridor was staring at him, he smiled weakly and quickly hid behind Suho
'wow...maknae sure is scary' mumbled Chanyeol
You started laughing out loud which caused the guys to jump back in shock
'whats funny?' asked Baekhyun
'you guys are hilarious, gosh, it's just banana milk~'
you stared at Sehun and moved closer to him
Sehun yelped and ran to hide behind Kai.
' you believe in vampires?'
'Sehun believes in anything' said Chanyeol
'oh reallyyyyy, what if i say that i'm an undercover angel sent from heaven?' you asked
Sehun's head popped out from behind Kai's back
'an angel? really?'
You nodded
'yep~ i just gave you special banana milk, doesn't it taste extra yummy?'
Sehun nodded his head excitedly
Sehun forgot about you being a 'vampire' so he quickly came to stand beside you
'do you have any....' he looked around before whispering into your ear 'powers...?'
You giggled and shook your head while his hyungs facepalmed themselves.
'gosh, we have such a stupid maknae' grumbled Chanyeol
'yah, this stupid maknae is very cute' you defended
'yeaaaaa~' chimed in Sehun
The both of you high-fived each other and started laughing 
Chanyeol rolled his eyes but had a smile plastered on his face
'well, i better get to class, see you later'
You waved at them and skipped off to class
'why are you in such a happy mood?' asked Yongguk once you sat down in your seat
'why? is it that obvious~?'
'so...skipping into the classroom and singing a happy tune doesn't mean your happy?'
'ughh, just shut up. Don't try to ruin my mood'
Yongguk sat back in his seat and sighed
'your wish is my command your ...highness'
You rolled your eyes and faced the front when you heard the door slam shut, signaling that the teacher had entered.
'class! listen up' spoke the teacher in a loud voice
'this year, we are going to be competing with King High. The winning school will get to have new sport equipment, more food added to the cafeteria and maybe a free trip to lotte world~'
The whole class erupted into cheers
'BUT, that is only if we win'
Groans were heard throughout the classroom
'how are we going to beat King High? they always win!' groaned one student
'thats because they always cheat'
Yongguk turned to look at you
'whose King High?' he asked
'just....our enemy school...they always cheat in competitions so we never really win anything'
'shouldn't you tell the judges then..?'
'thats the only problem...the judges are teachers from their school so even if they see people cheating, they wont do anything about it'
'thats not fair though! why aren't our school teachers the judges?'
'because King High teachers are scumbags and they always persuade our teachers for them to be the judges'
'i see...'
Homeroom was over and math class began. The class didn't really pay attention to the teacher because there was excitement for the competition.
'should we cheat like them?' you heard a guy whisper infront of you
You slammed your hands down onto your desk which scared the dude
'no cheating, we can't stoop that low. The judges will catch us in the act and eliminate us anyway'
'how about..we don't do it to win...we'll lose instead..?' stated Yongguk
It was deadly silent, even the teacher stopped talking
'lose?' asked one student
', we'll do the competition or whatever and lose on purpose. Instead of going there to compete, we'll just bully those King students instead. Trip them and do whatever since they don't play fair anyway'
'thats a pretty good idea..' you agreed
Students nodded their heads in agreement
'lets ruin King High'
'they all deserve it'
'finally! revenge for the first time in 5 years!'
'why didn't anyone think of this sooner?'
Someone quickly put their hand up and shouted out
Nearly everyone in the class raised their arms
'Yongguk is the leader for our school then, i wish you luck' said the teacher with a wide smile on their face
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asian_prydeee #1
Chapter 5: Haha sehun is funny! Update please
Chapter 5: Update soon~~~~ XD
Chapter 5: Ah Sehun is cute! He believes in everything! And Yong Guk's idea is hm... And what kind if danger is Sakura in? O.o update soon!
LOL Zelo's ninja skills when Yong Guk threw the 'ninja star' Hehe oh, hey! EXO has appeared, too Cx Aww Jongup is sooo sweet! And why does Sakura need a mentor? O.o It's been so long since I've last read this! Update soon!
Wait Exo members are the kingkas?
Hehe oh Yong Guk. He has multiple attitudes XP Jongup seems sweet here Cx I hope I see more of him too Cx Update soon ~
update soon~~~
Lol the food! I would love that to happen! Haha! Oh, Yong Guk, you idiot... XP you can't scare her! And Jongup is adorable here! Update soon
lol with all the food~~~
and bang you fail XD good luck next time~