
Hey, Boys! Do You Think I'm Pretty?

Finally got out of writer's block and hunted my USB down. Forgive me -w-


In Biology at school, they had to dissect a frog.

"Alright, get into groups of three and take the necessary instruments!" The teacher called out. "The instructions are on the board and on page 273 in your textbook. I expect detailed notes, understand?"

Hyosonn snapped out of her daze when someone poked her. She looked over and saw it was Doojoon.

"What's up, Captain?"

Doojoon frowned at the nickname, but didn't mind it as much as before. That was the weird thing about Hyosonn -- one can get used to her idiocy very quickly. "I need you to join our group."


"Because Yoseob is a pansy and he won't do anything. I assumed since you're weird you can dissect a frog no problem." Doojoon looked at her. "Can you? I really don't want to cut it open myself."

"Of course I can, Captain!" Hyosonn smiled proudly. "When Heejin and I were ten, we dissected a frog we found in a marsh. So no worries."

Doojoon stared at her. "You dissected it YOURSELF?"

"Well, it was already dead and everything, so it was all good."

"I don't even -- okay, you know what, never mind. Where's Yoseob? Yoseob! YOSEOB!"

Yoseob was huddled in his desk and burying his face into his arms.

"What's up, Teddy?" Hyosonn patted his blonde head. "You alright?"

Yoseob looked up at her, his face paler than usual and tinted with green. "I don't like dissections," he rasped out in a hoarse voice.

"Seobie can't even look at pictures of it," Doojoon explained, sounding like he was trying to hold back laughter.

Hyosonn grinned. "No worries, Teddy. We'll do everything, just copy our notes later."

Yoseob's eyes widened. "R-really?" His voice sounded so relieved and hopeful it was almost pitiful. "I don't have to dissect it?"

"Course not! Not if it makes you upset." Hyosonn comfortingly patted his arm. "I can handle it, alright? Trust Weird Girl!"

Even SHE'S starting to call herself that now, Doojoon snorted.

A wide, grateful smile crept up on Yoseob's face. "YES!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!" He blubbered and clung to Hyosonn's arm. "I'M SORRY I WAS EVER MEAN TO YOU AND CALLED YOU UGLY AND CRITICIZED YOUR HIDEOUS FASHION SENSE AND YOU'RE THE BEST!!!"

"I know I am," Hyosonn said smugly. "Go and get the frog, Captain."

"Don't order me around," Doojoon said with a smile, as he went to get the frog anyway. Being the leader of Beast, he was very protective over his only friends, and it made him happy to see Hyosonn looking out for Yoseob as well. She was very kind to them all, in her own way. He remembered back when she gave him that egg, and he smiled slightly to himself.

In the end, she's really not all that bad. In fact, she's kinda nice to hang out with.....


"So what happened to you punks?" Heejin asked as she quickly pushed her tray of food out of Junhyung's reach. Once again, they forced Junhyung to buy them lunch by threatening him with the Secret Art of Seduction.

It's been a week or so already, and so far Hyosonn and Heejin have officially migrated to Beast's table. Beast would be lying if they said they weren't happy about it. Although none of them would admit it, they looked forward to the fun, laughter-filled, and occasionally total-bat-crazy lunch hour.

"We had to dissect a frog in Biology," Hyosonn said with a full mouth.

"Ick," Kikwang grimaced. "Thank god I don't take that."

"He dropped out of Biology class," Dongwoon explained smartly. "Now he has a spare."

"Don't talk about it when we're eating please," Hyunseung said with a grossed-out expression. "Hyosonn, if you don't mind, I want that."

"This? Sure, Ice, take it." Hyosonn slid the small plate towards him.

Suddenly, the table went silent. Everyone stared at Hyunseung.


" called her H-H-Hyosonn, not Weird Girl....." Yoseob stammered in shock.

Hyunseung gave them a wry smile. "Yeah, maybe I did. Problem?"

"N-no! I'm just saying, you know, are you c-close enough to call her by her name?"

"Maybe I am. Problem? Are you jealous?"

Yoseob flushed red. "N-no!"

"Give me that goddamn chicken, woman!" Junhyung snapped.

" no!" Heejin snarled back at him. "It's mine, you hear, mine!"

"I won't buy any for you next time, ing Two!"

"ing Skulls!"

"Why, you little -- I bought that ing for you!!"

"That's not my problem, you frog!"

"Speaking of which," Doojoon cut in, "Junhyung, has your Biology class done dissection yet?"

Yoseob groaned. "Don't even mention it. I felt like I was going to throw up and I didn't even do anything."

"I skip my ing classes, how would I know?"

"I'm in his Biology class, so I know," Heejin added, sounding disgusted that they shared a class together. "We're starting it next week."

"Of course she's looking forward to it," Junhyung snorted. "She'll get to be around her own kind."

"Maybe we should dissect YOU for class!" Heejin retorted. "I'm sure it won't make much difference!"

"Don't say 'dissect' anymore, I feel sick," Yoseob groaned.

"Have you guys ever had frog legs before? Apparently it tastes like chicken."

"I had some, but the spice made me cough --"

" -- used to have a pet frog --"

" -- Biology --"

"Why is it always frogs we dissect?"

"No, we dissect cats or something later --"

"God, that's even more disgusting --"

Hyunseung shook his head in amusement at Beast's absorbed chatter. "Why are we talking about frogs?" 

Hyosonn, as usual not paying attention to anything, noticed the Hua siblings walking around the cafeteria, looking for a place to sit.

"Myungdae! Meeyon! Over here, guys!" Hyosonn stood up and waved.

Relieved, the siblings headed towards her -- then stopped when they noticed the others at the table.

"Come on, hurry up and sit!" Hyosonn patted the table invitingly.

"'s Beast's table...." Meeyon said shyly. "I don't think we're allowed to --"

"If I say so, of course you can! Come on!" Hyosonn dragged them to the table and they hesitantly sat down. "We have company."

Kikwang, who was directly across from Meeyon, leaned forwards and winked. "Hey, cutie, what's your name?"

Meeyon flushed a bright red and looked down, her normal confidence gone in the face of a handsome kingka.

Myungdae frowned. "Hey, knock it off. That's my sister you're flirting with."

Kikwang ignored him. "Did you dye your hair that colour? I like it. It suits you."

Meeyon managed a small squeak. Heejin snorted and Meeyon threw some of Hyosonn's rice at her.

"What happened, Meeyon?" Heejin snickered. "Frog in your throat?"

The table burst into laughter at the mention of frogs.

"Hey, it's you again!" Hyosonn looked up at the sound of that voice and saw the Im twins.

"Hey, yo!" She said cheerfully. When they proved themselves to actually be twins, the entire school was buzzing, particularly Changsook, who was furious at being deceived. She almost took away their queenka rights, but that would have potentially damaged her reputation, so she grudgingly allowed them to remain at the top of the popularity list in Cube. They were, however, banned from eating with her. Not like Yeunja would have anyway.

"Unnie got in trouble again," Yanggae said sadly, shooting a glance at her evil sister. "She hid a lizard in the English teacher's desk."

Hyosonn and Heejin snorted and high-fived Yeunja. Yanggae flushed red. "It's not a good thing!"

"He deserved it, Yanggae. He yelled at you when you couldn't say that paragraph right." Yeunja said dismissively, waving her hand. "Yah, Hyosonn, you're looking good lately. Today your clothes actually look decent."

"Really?" Hyosonn looked down at her simple black T-shirt and white shorts. "Wow, awesome!"

Beast looked closer as well. "Yeah, now that she mentioned it....." Doojoon grinned. "Your style today isn't half-bad. What changed?"

Hyosonn shrugged. "Dunno. I was choosing what to wear today and I remembered what you guys told me about skirts and low-cut tops and everything so I chose this."

"You actually LISTENED to what we said?!" Kikwang said incredulously, before faking a sniffle. "Oh, I'm so proud!"

"Good job, Hyosonn," Hyunseung smiled at Hyosonn, who beamed proudly back. "So, did I do you coaches justice?"

"You look great!" Yoseob chirped up happily, before nudging Junhyung. "Whaddya think?"

Junhyung's eyes flickered up to her and back down to his meal again. "Nice."

"Just nice?" Myungdae raised his eyebrows.

"Coming from Junhyung, that's extravagant praise," Doojoon explained with a smirk. "It actually means, 'Wow, you're gorgeous!'"

"Shut the up, Doojoon."

"Shall we have a toast to Hyosonn's slow morph into a more elegant member of the female society?" Heejin said, raising her juicebox. "Yanggae, Yeunja, come sit down too." They grinned and sat down at the table. Everyone raised their bottles of water and juice boxes. Even Dongwoon put away his textbook and did the same with a smile.

"To Weird Girl Kim Hyosonn," Doojoon said, giving Hyosonn a friendly wink. "For finally listening to us and......" he hesitated, before saying, ".....making our school life more fun."

"Amen!" Kikwang added, and everybody laughed. "TO HYOSONN!!"

Heejin smiled and put an arm around Hyosonn. "I never thought, in all my three years at this school so far, that I would someday eat at the same table as Beast and actually consider them to not be s. Who would have thought it would end up this way, with all these people?" She smiled almost fondly at Beast, the Hua siblings, and the Im twins.

"Yeah. It's pretty nice, isn't it?" Hyosonn grinend at her best friend. "To have all these friends around us again."

"Friends?" Yoseob interrupted her. "Did you say FRIENDS?"


"So I'm your FRIEND?" Yoseob's eyes widened. "Does that mean I can call you Hyosonn now, like Hyunseung does?"

"You can call me whatever you want, Teddy."

"Hah!" Yoseob shot a smug glance at Hyunseung, who looked completely indifferent. "It's not just you anymore!"

Hyunseung rolled his eyes. "Whatever, Teddy."


Waaaah! So they finally admitted to each other that they're friends! Yay!

LOL but there's still more to come! After all, Hyosonn still has her cousin coming over, and her unnie hasn't been introduced yet......and she still hasn't fallen in love!

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em_angelica #1
Chapter 31: this story is awesome!! it's so funny.. Hyosonn HAHA
but i think the ending is too fast?
xoxosenshine #2
Chapter 31: Awwweee~ doojoonie oppa . Kyaaaaa , so sweeettt , sweeet like candy .
hslost #3
Chapter 31: I need a Doojoon right now -cries-
Good story authornim ^^
hslost #4
Chapter 24: I ing knew it !
Chapter 31: marriage omg hyosonn you are really weird i cannot-
this is so funny and i can't help to laugh in every chappie ^u^
Chapter 31: oh, god. marriage? Hyosonn, don't you think you're taking it wayyy too far? haha, that's so cute.
You should seriously write a sequel\~`
inspirit-beauty #7
Chapter 31: waaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh it just ended just like that???? this really needs a sequel.. im really curious with he KISS urgghh. and you know what i feel about this fic in the first chap? really really WEIRD! like hyosonn lol.. i thought the author is the weird but i guess not.. you are just that awesome i guess kekeke.. keep on the good works authornim ^_^ kanda! off to read ur other fics!! *waves* :DD
Suzzzy_RM #8
Chapter 31: Oh god this story is soooo funny and nice:)oh gosh I just love the ending it's so romantic and hilarious at the same time!:)whoopee she ended up with Doojoon:)my bias:p
shujun #9
Chapter 31: aigoo~happy ending..
dujun is sooo romantic !!!
love it..
Chapter 31: So I finally got around to finishing this. And... I WAS LAUGHING MY FACE OFF BRO. But I couldn't because my brother has his friends over and I shouldn't freak them out. Plus, my parents think I'm working on a school assignment. But, silent laughing is fine too. Except it hurts when things get this funny. That was a nice ending though. Seems like you wanted to end it quickly so you could make room for new stories though. Am I right? I'm right, right? This was such a hilarious and endearing story though. But Yoseob turning into a total (crazy) wimp at the end.. too cute. Like a puppy.