Park Changsook's Oath

Hey, Boys! Do You Think I'm Pretty?

Hyosonn and Heejin were walking around the school before the bell rang. Heejin looked up and gasped. "Yah, Hyosonn-ah!"

"What?" Hyosonn said thickly. She just shoved a doughnut into .

"It's Im Yanggae, remember? The queenka you bumped into a few days ago?"



Hyosonn swallowed the doughnut -- choked -- and started coughing. Heejin rolled her eyes and thumped her on the back. As they walked forward, they came closer and closer to Im Yanggae. This time, she was wearing blue headphones.


Hyosonn was still coughing and didn't pay attention. She accidentaly bumped into Yanggae once again, and her books fell everywhere.

"Whoops, sorry again!" Hyosonn said. She and Heejin immediately bent down to help pick up her books. "Geez, it seems like a weird way for us to meet up again, huh?"

"Yah, what the hell is your problem, you dorks?" Yanggae suddenly snapped. Heejin blinked at her in shock. "Excuse me?"

"You heard me! Or are you guys deaf as well as clumsy? Jeez, the nerve of some people!" Yanggae grumbled and swore under her breath as she grabbed her books angrily. Heejin just stared at her in shock. What did I say? Bipolar. The girl was a shy girl who barely said two words to us last time. Now she's suddenly swearing? She really is crazy.

Yanggae straightened up and narrowed her eyes at Hyosonn, who held her pencil case. "Give me that!" She grabbed the bag and pulled on it, but Hyosonn wouldn't let go. She narrowed her eyes and stared intensely at Yanggae's face.

"Didn't you hear me? Let go!" Yanggae snapped.

Hyosonn ignored her and continued scrutinizing her. Then she slowly said, "Who are you?"

Heejin blinked. "Yah, Hyosonn-ah, I told you, it's Im Yanggae. The girl we bumped into last time, the queenka! Remember?"

Hyosonn shook her head and stared even harder. "This isn't Im Yanggaeu. Who are you?"

Yanggae gulped, suddenly looking nervous. "Uh.....I'm.....I'm....."

"Psst! Unnie!" Someone suddenly whispered, in the exact same voice as Yanngae. The emergency door they were standing nearby opened and an exact replica of Yanggae, except wearing white headphones, stepped forward. "Unnie, you forgot your homework....." She stopped dead and stared at Heejin and Hyosonn.


"Pabo, what are you doing?" Yanggae hissed. "You'll blow our cover!" She grabbed Hyosonn and Heejin's hands and dragged them out the emergency door. "Come with us for a minute!"

"W-w-what....." Heejin stammered, pointing at the clone. "How.....there's two....."

Hyosonn looked at the clone and smiled. "Oh, THERE'S Im Yanggae. Hey, nice to meet you again! Who's that?" She pointed at the Yanggae-who-apparently-wasn't-actually-Yanggae.

The REAL Yanggae -- the one who appeared from the door -- blushed and shifted uncomfortably. "Er, she's my unnie.....Im Yeunja. We're twins."

"Yes, I can see that!" Heejin snapped, still looking from Yanggae to Yeunja and back again in shock. "But how come we only know ONE Im girl?"

"Ask unnie." Yanggae shot an accusatory and embarrassed look at her twin sister. "This was all her idea."

Yeunja rolled her eyes and adjusted her blue headphones. "Okay, basically, I thought it would be funny if only one of us goes to school at a time. We look exactly alike, so it's not like anyone would notice. That way, one of us can stay at home and relax while the other goes to school, then we just teach the other what we learned later on."

"That's ridiculous!" Heejin exploded." And.....kind"

"Way awesome." Hyosonn nodded her head. "If I had a twin, I'd totally do that."

Yeunja smirked. "I'm beginning to like you, girl." She high-fived her. "Yanggae, these are the girls you told me about, right? The new kid who's standing up to that Queen ."

Heejin suddenly stopped trying to think up reasons why it was a bad idea and gasped. " called her Queen !"

"Yeah, 'cause she is one."

"Unnie!" Yanggae hissed. "That's not nice!"

"Oh, be quiet, dongsaeng, you hate her guts too. Yeah, I call her Queen . Problem with that?" Yeunja frowned. "Don't tell me you're one of those Sook-Drones. And just when I thought you two were decent."

"N-no, I hate her too!" Heejin spluttered. " two -- I mean, Im Yanggae -- whichever one you guys pretend to're a queenka! Queenkas! I thought all queenkas were on her side!"

"Just because people think we're popular it doesn't mean we try to be," Yanggae whispered shyly.

Yeunja rolled her eyes. "Yeah. People only like us 'cause we're hot."


"It's true, Yanggae!"

The bell suddenly rang. "Aw, shoot, gotta get to class!" Hyosonn rolled her eyes. "Later, you guys!" She ran off.

Heejin rolled her eyes. "I better get to class too. Hopefully, a Beast member will find Hyosonn and direct her to the right class. She always gets lost."

Yeunja narrowed her eyes. "Beast? Don't tell me she's a Beast-fangirl."

Heejin snorted. "Not even close. She somehow roped Beast into being her coaches. They're trying to teach her how to be a girly-girl."

"It's not working."

"Yeah, but whatever. It makes her happy. Later."

Yeunja stared at Heejin as she walked away, before saying slowly, "Yanggae."

"Yes, unnie?"

"Come to the principal's office with me." A devious smile spread on Yeunja's face. "I wanna go to high school full time now. With those two around, it'll make my life a whole lot more interesting."

"I-if you say so, unnie. I hope you don't plan on getting in trouble again....."

"Hey, those middle school staff members totally had it in for me, okay? They immediately assumed it was me who put a smoke bomb in the staff lounge."

"But it WAS you!"

"So? It's not like they would have known anything. They punished me without any trace of evidence......"

Bickering, the twins made their way to the principal's office (where the principal and staff members got a pretty nasty surprise when they found out there were two Ims).


"You're late AGAIN, Kim-yang," The math teacher called out warily.

"I'm really sorry, seonsang-nim, sir!" Hyosonn said cheerfully, bowing and saluting. "I got lost again!"

The class rolled their eyes and shook their heads in unison with the teacher. Only a month into the school year, and they were already used to Hyosonn being late almost every single class.

"But as an apology --" she reached out to somewhere beyond the class door, and yanked hard. Junhyung came tumbling in, swearing. "I found this guy wandering the halls. Am I forgiven, sir? Will this go on my record?"

The Sook-Drones narrowed their eyes, and several of the students looked envious at Hyosonn's "close" relationship with the kingka. However, may of the more friendlier students just shook their heads with a smile once again. It was another classic routine that the teacher didn't mark Hyosonn late whenever she dragged Junhyung into the class.

"I won't mark you down, Kim-yang. Please take a seat. That includes YOU, Yong-gun!" He narrowed his eyes threateningly at Junhyung, who was trying to sneak out of the class again. He swore and slumped into his seat angrily.

Dongwoon chuckled and winked at Hyosonn, who grinned back as she made her way into her seat. This was another routine, because Dongwoon absolutely loved seeing Junhyung get stuck in class.

Today was the day the math teacher assigned a class project.

"Alright, this project is simple. Discuss the formula you would use to best answer this question --" he wrote a long and complicated-looking word problem on the board. "-- and use this chart paper to show your work. This will be handed in to me at the end of class, whether you're finished or not."

Everyone hurriedly eyed their friends to pair each other up.

"I have already picked out your group members," The teacher added, and everyone groaned. "I tried to make it as fair as possible. Alright, in Group 1: Shim Taro, Moon Hwamin, and Tak Pilyoung. Group 2......"

The list went on and on until the teacher said, "....Group 6: Yong Junhyung, Son Dongwoon......"

The leftover girls gasped and squealed and crossed their fingers so they could get landed with the two kingkas.

".....and Kim Hyosonn."

"NO!!!!" Several girls shrieked (most noteably the Sook-Drones, who immediately sent a text message to Park Changsook to warn her of the events that just happened).

Hyosonn jumped up to get the chart paper from the teacher. Before handing it to her, the teacher hissed into her ear, "You're the only one that can control those two. Please make them do some work! I don't care if they just write their names down, I'll give you full marks if you make them do SOMETHING!"

Hyosonn felt rather sorry for the desperate teacher. "No worries, seonsang-nim. I got yo back!" She winked and dragged the oversized paper to Dongwoon's desk.

"We're working together again, I see," Dongwoon said, sounding more amused than anything else.

"Don't we always work together on group stuff in math?"

"That's because you at it, and as a genius, I feel bad and try to help you." He made a face. "You're still stupid, though."

"Oh, gee, thanks." Hyosonn turned around to look at Junhyung, who refused to get up from his seat. "YAH, SKULLS!!! GET OVER HERE!!!"

"Skulls?" The Beast fangirls whispered, confused. "Is that some sort of nickname they have?" "Maybe a secret code?"

Junhyung sighed and got up, stomped over to their group table, and sat down.

"Omo! He actually listened to her!" The fangirls gasped in shock. "Just what kind of relationship do those two have?"

"Thank you for joining us, hyung," Dongwoon mocked.

"Shut your trap, ing smartass."

"So......" Hyosonn and Junhyung both stared at him expectantly.

Dongwoon groaned. "Don't tell me I'm doing all the work."

"Does it look like we can help you?" Hyosonn said in exasperation.

"You guys know how to work this problem out, don't you?" Dongwoon said desperately.

Hyosonn and Junhyung looked at each other, then back at him

(0_0) (0_0)

"So, am I doing all the work then?"

d(0_0)b  d(0_0)b

"AAAAARGH!!!" Dongwoon yelled out in frustration. "God dammit, okay! I'll tell you how to do everything! But you have to write it all down, okay?"

"Yeah!" Hyosonn and Junhyung cheered, fist-bumped each other, and reached for the chart paper. They looked up at him expectantly.

"Alright, I already solved it when he wrote it on the board. Just start by writing this down. 'The formula we use will be....'"


Changsook got another text message when she was in her class. She opened it up, and saw a picture of Dongwoon and Junhyung sitting with Hyosonn, their heads bent close together as they examined their work.

Then her faithful Sook-Drone sent her a video clip. In the video, Hyosonn was scratching her head and looking confused. Junhyung rolled his eyes and bopped her lightly on the forehead with his fist. Dongwoon laughed and pushed the back of her head down so she was staring at the paper they were crowded around.

Changsook's scowl grew deeper and deeper as she watched the video clip. The three students stood up and handed their paper to the teacher, who looked stunned.

Hyosonn laughed and held out her hands for high-fives. And -- to Changsook's utter shock -- both Dongwoon and Junhyung gave her embarrassed grins and high-fived her.

I can't believe this! She fumed, gnashing her teeth and ripping a paper to pieces furiously. I spent two years building up my reputation as the Head Queenka of this school! I am the It Girl, the number one hottie, the seductress of Cube High! All these titles I worked so hard to earn, until I could go up to Beast and they would willingly eat at my table for lunch! Something only I could pull off without embarrassing myself! That was supposed to be ME, and only me!

But ever since that.....that.....that VIXEN with horrible fashion sense and the IQ level of a tree came to Cube, it only took her a month and she's closer with Beast than I ever have been! Now THEY eat lunch together, and now this? Kim Hyosonn, I swear I will bring you down!

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em_angelica #1
Chapter 31: this story is awesome!! it's so funny.. Hyosonn HAHA
but i think the ending is too fast?
xoxosenshine #2
Chapter 31: Awwweee~ doojoonie oppa . Kyaaaaa , so sweeettt , sweeet like candy .
hslost #3
Chapter 31: I need a Doojoon right now -cries-
Good story authornim ^^
hslost #4
Chapter 24: I ing knew it !
Chapter 31: marriage omg hyosonn you are really weird i cannot-
this is so funny and i can't help to laugh in every chappie ^u^
Chapter 31: oh, god. marriage? Hyosonn, don't you think you're taking it wayyy too far? haha, that's so cute.
You should seriously write a sequel\~`
inspirit-beauty #7
Chapter 31: waaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh it just ended just like that???? this really needs a sequel.. im really curious with he KISS urgghh. and you know what i feel about this fic in the first chap? really really WEIRD! like hyosonn lol.. i thought the author is the weird but i guess not.. you are just that awesome i guess kekeke.. keep on the good works authornim ^_^ kanda! off to read ur other fics!! *waves* :DD
Suzzzy_RM #8
Chapter 31: Oh god this story is soooo funny and nice:)oh gosh I just love the ending it's so romantic and hilarious at the same time!:)whoopee she ended up with Doojoon:)my bias:p
shujun #9
Chapter 31: aigoo~happy ending..
dujun is sooo romantic !!!
love it..
Chapter 31: So I finally got around to finishing this. And... I WAS LAUGHING MY FACE OFF BRO. But I couldn't because my brother has his friends over and I shouldn't freak them out. Plus, my parents think I'm working on a school assignment. But, silent laughing is fine too. Except it hurts when things get this funny. That was a nice ending though. Seems like you wanted to end it quickly so you could make room for new stories though. Am I right? I'm right, right? This was such a hilarious and endearing story though. But Yoseob turning into a total (crazy) wimp at the end.. too cute. Like a puppy.