1 Month Later

Love Story : 우리는 서로 사랑해

Minho quickly grabbed his boxers and clothes from the floor while I put the blankets over me.

" Are you done yet? "

" No ," he replied quickly.

" Now ? "

" No "

" How about now? "

" I'll tell you when I'm done ! " Minho said as he chuckled.

I giggled to myself too. Although we did 'it' yesterday , I didn't mind , really . Because I trust him . But , we're still awkward .

" Ok , I'm done , " he said after 5 minutes.

He left the room as I quickly took my clothes and ran to the bathroom. 

[ 1 month later ]

It had been a month after me and Minho did 'it' . But , we're still together. We were walking home from school as Minho wanted to spend some time with me.  He said he wanted to go to the cafe with me and , I agreed.

On the way there , I felt like puking . Minho was putting his arm around me but , when I was going to puke , I puked on the floor.

" Are you alright?" Minho asked shocked.

" I don't think so.." I replied.

Minho gasped.

" Maybe its the baby! " he quickly screamed.

And thats when it hit me.

" No , it can't be .."

He quickly put me on his back and he ran to the nearest clinic there. 

Minho went to the counter and quietly said to the nurse ," Can we have a pregnancy test? "

The nurse immediately gave us the pregnancy test as he paid and quickly told me to test it in the clinic's bathroom.

" Ok , ok I'll take it ," I said weakly after minutes of persuading.

After taking it , I heard a 'beep beep' .

I slowly brought the pregnancy test to my eyes.

I gasped. I WAS pregnant ! I quickly burst out of the door to find Minho waiting in the hallway.

" Minho , I'm -"

He pulled me out of the clinic .

" Ok , now tell me."

" I'm pregnant ! " 

Minho was so happy that he lifted me off the ground and spin in circles.

" We're going to be parents ! "

" Minho , it's bad news you know ? "

He let me go .

" What ? "

" It's bad news .."

" No , it isn't ! "

" If we have to raise the baby together , that means one of us have to quit school ! "

Minho thought for awhile.

" I'll quit school ," he said calmly.

" What?!"

" I'll quit school. I'll do anything for my baby ! " Minho said excitedly.

" No , Minho. I won't let that happen! "

" Let's think about this after the baby is born . Let's just enjoy our youth lives before we become adults ," Minho continued.

I nodded.

So we continued our journey to the cafe.

" You still haven't told me about your family ," Minho told me.

I sighed.

" My parents used to work in Germany . They we're supposed to come back two years ago but , they never did. Days after their departure , the news reported that a plane crashed into the water and no one came back alive .."

I started crying.

Minho went over me and hugged me.

" That was how my parents died too," Minho said.

After I finished crying , he asked about my siblings.

" Are you the only child? "

" Nope . I have a sister who studies overseas. In fact , she's coming home next week.."

" Is your family rich?"

" Yup. But , I don't want a driver or bodyguards . I don't want safety. I want freedom . So , I live in the mansion with only a butler and 2 maids."

" Hey , speaking of siblings, what happened to Seo?"

Minho giggled.

I was so clueless.

" You've been so caught off with Nickhun you forgot about all the people around you !"

I frowned.

" Don't be sad. Seohyun is working in Japan . I didn't want to work for my dad's company but , Seohyun was interested so she took over the company there. She didn't need school. She said work is like school. You don't do well you get to the bottom of the place and if you do very well , you become the boss!"

I nodded.

" Speaking of which , I think we need to bring you to the hospital to confirm if you're pregnant . Otherwise , the pregnancy test might be a false alarm right? "

" How about tomorrow? "

Minho nodded.

" But , we need to bring Nickhun along ," Minho said.

" WHY?!"

" We need to show him how good of a couple we are ,"

I agreed reluctantly.

[ Next Day ]

[After school ]

" Come on , let's go! "

[ At hospital ]

We met Nickhun irritated.

" What am I doing here?"

" Just follow , douche ," Minho said to him.

I laid on the 'dental clinic ' like chair ( Sorry peps I don't know what its called XD ).

Nickhun stood at the corner of the room.

Minho sat beside me holding my hand. I think he was hoping that it wasn't a false alarm.

The doctor came in.

" We have the test results . Good news and I'm not so sure if its bad news."

Minho looked at the doctor with hopeful eyes.

" You are pregnant ."

Minho was so happy. Nickhun was quite dissapointed.

" But doc, what's the bad news?"

" I'm sorry but , Mr . Choi , you're not the baby's daddy ."

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Mariaaa #2
yay minyul forever!!! :)
Happy birthday! :D Loved the ending!
wow. love the ending.<br />
i'm excited for the next sequel.<br />
i'm going to read it now. ^^
Undescribable #8
I love it. Very good. :]
Khunpeeh #9
Awwwwww Thank you for the happy ending ^^
Minyul4eva #10
AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MINYUL!!! I HAVE TEARS IN MY EYES!!!! I WAS THINKING THAT A FEW FREAKIN DAYS AGO!!! THAT THE DOC SWITCHED ID!!!! HAHA F U NICKHUN!!! but seriously u had me freaakin worried about yuris baby... and nickhun..... :( im so happy now!!! i was thinking in my head she should abort the baby coz its nickhuns... but its minho's so everything is aaaaaaaaalllllllll fine!!! cant wait for sequel. please make one asap!! i wonder how their lives will bee.... <3 AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH