A lonely birthday

A lonely birthday


Alone in front of his cake a bit too big for an only person, he still takes a photo, while he is trying to make a thin smile which they'll maybe enjoy. Never let fans the slightest doubt about our happiness. Once done, he sits, don't let his eyes out of the dark screen of his cellphone. He is waiting for some words, a voice. A proof that memories are not that forgettable. But nothing comes, and pictures of past invade him, make him suffer a bit too much. Laughters, six united voices to sing the same song only for him, affections signs. Why, if at the slightest obstacles, nothing lasts? Even so, he doesn't cry. He reminds with bitterness but he doesn't want, he can't blame them. Because it is beyond his forces, even if they forget, live without him, he will still love them to death.

He unlocks his cellphone. Twitter. An happy birthday from the magnae illuminates his tired face.

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