
Our 5th December

Yuri was standing on the park. 'Another December' she thought.

Yuri's P.O.V

Today's our birthday. I mean... was our birthday. The time when we started. The time when we overed. December... The time of our sweetest memories. The time of our best recordations... That's all I have from him... Memories... December was everytime my favorite month. The time when my heart was opened and broken... That's everything what rest from him. December still existing, even thought we don't exist. Is that possible? December can over with us? I still waiting. I still waiting for him... I believe in December... I believe that something will happen... I wish...

End of P.O.V


1st December

Yuri was waiting in the park by him. The person who was her best friend. The person who she actually loved. Choi Minho. She sat on the bench, until she saw someone tall running towards her. It was him.

"What did you wanted to tell me, huh?" Yuri asked.

"Yuri, we've been friends for a long time" he started.

Yuri was getting nervous. 'What does he want with this?' she thought. He held her arms.

"I don't want to be your best friend anymore" he said.

Yuri was shocked. Everytime, she thought they had the perfect friendly relathionship. Minho went close to her. Their faces were very close. Yuri couldn't breathe. Minho kissed her softly. They didn't broke the kiss. When Minho broke the kiss, he just smiled for her.

"I want to be your forever" he said.

Yuri smiled. Tears of emotion came to her eyes. She kissed his cheek. Minho smiled back.


2nd December

"Yeobo, where are you taking me?" she asked.

"Wait and see" Minho said.

Yuri had eyes covered by Minho's hands. When he took them she smiled. She saw the park with a table full of candles. He smiled for her and gave her a rose.

yeahthebestsnsdblog:  lol  MinYul, I approve :Db

"Happy birthday" he said and kissed her passionately.

When the kiss was broken, Yuri smiled for him.

"Happy birthday"


3rd December

Yuri was passing by the park when she saw this.

When she left Yuri ran to Minho and slapped his arm.

"You player!" she shouted.

She left him. Tears were rolling down her cheeks. Minho chased her.

"Yuri! Let me explain!" he shouted.

Minho was faster than Yuri, as he grabbed her body.

"You didn't understood. I still loving you the most" he said.

"How do I know?" she asked.

Minho kissed her in lips deeply. He broke the kiss.

"This is enough?" he asked.

They kept on kissing all night.


4th December

Yuri was waiting at the park, for Minho. When he arrived, Yuri worried because his face was so serious.

"What did you wanted to tell me?" she asked.

"Yuri, I-I wanted to tell you that we aren't working so well" he said.

"What?" Yuri shocked.

Minho kissed her softly.

"I'm sorry" he said.

He left, he left Yuri crying.


Yuri's eyes were now full of tears. She couldn't believe. She lost all her faith. Then, she saw a shallow. A familiar shadow.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

"So, you still loving me?" he asked.

"You FOOL! Of course I've been waiting for you!" she shouted.

He hugged her tightly. He smiled for her.

"So, do you want my birthday present?" he asked.

"What's?" she asked.

He kissed her. The most passionful kiss he had ever gave to someone. Their fifth December kiss. As every December they were together and they kissed. That was the best December of them. Their fifth December...


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MY1259 #1
Chapter 1: Aaaaa this fic so sweet till i don't know what to comment anymore. ><
Chapter 1: So cute!! My birthday is on 5th Dec too
Love your story :)
BlackPearl_Goddess #4
Love this! ^^ want more minyul stories from you! ^^
cocchi01 #5
Awwwww. I love this so much!
Awww! Minyul is love :D
I totally love how it ended!
kpoints #7
awwww <3
BlackPearl_Goddess #8
This sounds like a sad romance but nonetheless I'm still interested to read more... ^^