I Will Make You See


Swallowing the lump in his throat, the brunette furrowed his brows just a tad as he frowned visibly, he attempted to look past the obviously taller male to see if there was an escape route past him, though alas, he found no such thing. Eventually, he released a sigh before lowering his head just a little more.


“What are you doing here?” he questioned, biting back the whine that threatened to escape his lips, he could feel that dark void in him growing stronger.


Smiling broadly, as if nothing at that point in time bothered him, the younger male stepped forward once more, blinking just a little when Baekhyun took a step back. “I’m here to pick you up and apologize.”


Sighing again, the older boy simply took one more step away, “I hope you don’t mean that literally, I didn’t ask for an apology.”


“Well I’m giving one to you anyway whether you like it or not, I’m sorry.” The other retorted, a small tone of impatience ringing out in his voice before he ran fingers through his hair, slightly frustrated. He didn’t understand how the other could act so cold after so long. “I didn’t mean to mock you the other day, okay? Besides, Jongin is busy today.”


“Just cause he’s busy doesn’t mean I can’t exactly travel by my-“


Rolling his eyes, annoyed now, the taller youth simply seized the boy’s wrist before towing him away, yet even with all the protesting, it was undeniable that the older brunette had no way of getting free from the iron grip. No matter how hard he tried, he was still being dragged along anyways almost like a child, panicking evidently, he looked around, wondering if anyone would hear him if he screamed.


Yet the thought of doing that only made his pride burn, it’s not like he was being kidnapped, right? The intimidating rapper would do that, right? In the end, he simply whined before trying to pull away again. “I’ll smack you so hard you’ll see stars if you don’t let go of my arm, Chanyeol…!”


With a sudden bark of laughter, the taller youth stopped in his tracks, turning to the older male who simply cast his glance away. “You can’t even bare to look up, maybe if you said that to me I’d believe you, can you do that?”


Grumbling under his breath, the brunette had tried willing himself to look up, and possibly deliver a nice swift punch, though when his body refused to respond, he knew it was hopeless and simply allowed himself to be towed along down the streets once more. Blinking once, twice, he caught sight of something on the floor, and as if it were a miracle, something new grew in his mind.


As they made their way towards the doors of the school with the older brunette still sulking to himself, the rapper tried everything he could do to ease the pain in his foot, “You’re a real pain in the , you know that?”


Lowering his gaze a little more, feeling the guilt piling up in this throat, the brunette simply restrained the whine that threatened to break itself free. “If that’s the case, you should go.”


“Just cause you’re a pain in the doesn’t mean I’m bothered by it.”


“Too bad, I wish you were.”


Smirking, slightly amused, the throbbing pain melted to an ache as the rapper managed to push other thoughts into view. Glancing up at the roof of the school, Chanyeol scoffed. “You know, I’m going to take you up there later.”


“Good god, no you’re not.” The brunette protested as he followed the younger boy’s gaze before dropping his vision back to the floor, the panic from earlier beginning to return as he thought about him, on that roof, looking down. The unimaginable seven story height was enough to make him feel like hurling right there and then.


“Oh yes I am, and you better be prepared.” And with that, everything else passed in a blur, the younger male had shoved his senior into the right class room before taking off, promising him later ‘thrill’ and emphasising that he’ll hunt down the singer if he even tried to run away.


Baekhyun had tried escaping at every possible chance, though strangely enough, the silly rapper had managed to find him, no matter what, and when he DID find him, he’d look all smug, spluttering nonsense in rap sequences just to rub it in. These weren’t the things that disturbed the teenager the most, with every encounter they made, the heavier his heart felt, the larger the void grew, it was undeniable. The affection he had nursed three years ago had begun to break free from the shield he had made.


At beginning of the afternoon period when lunch ended, the brunette felt the need to weep when he saw the younger, taller youth making his way towards him. He didn’t even try hiding anymore, he was put out, he was tired, he didn’t want to face the day anymore.


“Hyunnie, it’s stopped raining.”


Sighing audibly, the brunette simply reclined in the chair, picking at the cover of his slightly battered paperback book. “I can see that. Why won’t you leave me alone?”


“Cause Kai’s busy.”


Turning his gaze to the rapper’s shadow that cast itself dauntingly upon the floor, the brunette released one more sigh before he gripped the book a little bit tighter. “You don’t have to accompany me around today just because he’s busy, I won’t tell.”


Frowning darkly, the younger male’s hand shot out, grabbing his now surprised senior’s delicate wrist without even a moment of hesitation, tugging at the poor boy in the process. “Just cause I said that doesn’t mean I’m not happy, you idiot. Now stop whining, we have places to be.”


Before the Bacon could even reply, he was already being towed out of his chair, spluttering protests whilst on lookers stared at them in absolute confusion, though never questioning what was going on. Needless to say, the duo bustled up several stair cases, whether they were allowed to or not was a different case of course, yet as the higher they ascended, the fear in the brunette simply grew, though no words he spoke would change the mind of the determined rapper.


Eventually the intimidating door came into view, grey from age but never the less clean anyways, the metal glistening just a little despite the low light. Releasing the boy’s hand, the younger youth grinned up at the door, though his said grin wasn’t seen by the other.


“…I’m not going to force you to follow me, even though I did drag you all the way up here, though I assure you, it’s worth it.” And with that, he his heel to face the shorter male that almost toppled down the stairs when he attempted to take a step back.


Slowly, Chanyeol outstretched his hand, his arrogant smirk turning into a warm smile, one that had no mockery, one that had no amusement; it was simply calm, and welcoming. It was the smile that the brunette had fallen for on the first day they met each other, it was the smile that made his world turn completely upside down, yet it was also the smile that lip up his dim, lonely world. When he realized he was staring at that perfect face, the brunette cast his gaze away to the hand, slightly embarrassed.


Gingerly, the brunette simply outstretched his own hand, yelling profanities in his mind, attempting to make him take back his actions, his brain yelled for him to slap the hand away, to turn on his heels and run, so that he wouldn’t have to suffer, though he ignored it all. He held onto the hand fast after many seconds of obvious reluctance, yet when their fingers met and latched together, a small gasp escaping his lips, he knew then and there, that he might never want to let go if he had the choice.


Wind lashed at them tauntingly as the door was forced open mercilessly by the one handed wrench wielding Chanyeol, when the doors were simply just flapping in the breeze on its hinges, several questions simply went through the brunette’s mind as he watched the tall male grin, obviously proud with his work. He wondered where he got the wrench, he wondered if it was even safe up there, he wondered if there were chances they were going to be discovered and punished. There were many questions bolted up in his mind yet the older male found he could only utter the rapper’s name in small, fearful wonder, his breath hitching in his throat a tad.


Smirking openly, the younger brunette tugged on the teen’s hand softly but impatiently as he refused evident eye contact, “You may have your own psychological problems, but so do I, let’s forget all about them here, together.”


Swallowing just a little, the senior simply nodded before allowing himself to be towed over towards the distant, railings, painted with the droplets of the storm that was previously waged, it had caused the floors to also be slightly slick from the waters, yet besides those, everything else seemed dry if you ignored the walls and door.


“…Are we even allowed up here?”


Deviously smiling, the rapper glanced down at the boy, and amused expression crossing his face as he raised an eyebrow. “Does it really matter?”


“Yes…” the words had slipped out from his lips before he could even stop them, and he found himself looking towards the floor in embarrassment like he always did, though the humiliation began to ebb away slightly when the younger boy laughed.


“Don’t be scared, Baekhyun, just like how I’m not scared of your face.”


Surprised, the older youth found his eyes widening just a little. “…Why?” judging from the young teen’s expression; he assumed he did not get the question, causing him to turn away once more. “…Why are you not scared…?”


Blinking in sudden realization, the rapper could feel a smirk tugging onto his lips, his hand gripping the other’s a little bit tighter. “Cause you’re beautiful.”


Scowling, the nineteen year old halted in his tracks, almost slipping in the process though he managed to regain his balance. “Don’t make fun of me…”


“What do you mean? I’m not making fun of you.” Chanyeol remarked, incapable of erasing the grin that grew broader. “Why would I even do that?”


Gritting his teeth in visible annoyance, the brunette simply looked down at his feet, pretending to examine the new droplets of water on the leather whilst he swallowed the lump in his throat as fear began to build in his stomach once more. It was the feeling he had every time he recalled his face, every time he looked into a mirror, every time he felt the hatred towards himself.


“Don’t lie to me, Chanyeol, I know how I look like, I look horrible, ugly-”


Pinning the other fast against the railings with growing impatience, the younger, yet taller boy let his eyes roam those surprised, sinfully youthful features, his gaze drifting from the feline brown eyes down to the cutely sculpted, elegant nose, down to the plush, full pink lips. Silently, he raised a hand to grasp the delicate chin, only to have the senior turn away sharply, breaking the contact as his hands desperately tugged his hood on.


Frowning for once, the rapper seized those small, slender hands away, his own free hand pulling the fabrics away once more, though that was all enough to make him stop in his tracks; the boy, who always came off as calm and collected, was trembling. “…Don’t look at me like that…”


Slightly amused, the taller brunette simply placed both hands on the railings, trapping the older male there effortlessly as he leaned in closer, eyes glazing just a little. “How am I looking at you, hmm?” When he gained no reply, Chanyeol simply began nipping at the other’s exposed earlobe, earning himself a soft, sudden gasp of surprise and a hand pushing at his shoulder.


“Stop it-“


“Can you really not see how beautiful you are?” the rapper mused, taking in his few-month-senior’s sweet scent, his lustful urges becoming harder to restrain.


“Shut up, I’m ugly-“


“You make girls jealous, Baekhyun.”


“Stop it before I smack you.”


Grasping the singer’s chin once again, he forced the boy to look at him, his gaze training and focusing on those irritated, fearful eyes. “You really don’t see how absolutely perfect you are…?”


Blinking back the moisture that threatened to emerge, the young brunette swallowed carefully, shifting his gaze just beyond the rapper’s head. “I’m horrible…” he murmured, those two syllables already enough to almost drive him into fits of undeniable tears, yet he refused to let them fall. “I look disgusting, damnit…”


Smirking as if those words proved intensely funny, the younger youth simply cupped the youth’s face in his hands gently as if holding onto a delicate artefact that might break with one wrong move, his dark eyes glinting in unknown knowledge and mischief. “You are beautiful, gorgeous and amazing.” He started, shushing the other older boy when he was about to protest.


“And I can prove it to you, I can make you see, I can undeniably open your eyes to the truth you refuse to look upon, if only you’d trust me, just a little.”


“You’re lying.” The brunette murmured weakly, yet he could not push aside the sense of hope that had begun to well up in him; was it really possible? It couldn’t have been possible.


Smiling brightly, hopefully, the rapper leaned in closer, “Don’t be afraid, Baekhyun, I’ll make you see the things you were meant to see but never saw; I’ll make you see the perfection you keep all caged up on the inside.”


And with that, he leaned in, shutting off their distances off completely between them, latching their lips together in a sweet, perfect lock that had begun weak and shy, but eventually grew stronger and bolder, the drizzle that was the rain growing stronger, hitting against them, trying to soak through their clothes, yet they  didn’t care, at that point, everything was perfect as they mellowed against each other, letting the darkness they locked up in their hearts be replaced by the light they created for each other.


Their kiss began to deepen, the older brunette’s fingers slowly, but surely, entwining and tangling themselves within Chanyeol’s now damp, auburn tresses whilst the latter pulled the other closer, his arms encasing the other’s smaller, more fragile body like a protective shield.


It was undeniable, no matter how many times they tried to cast each other away, no matter how people tried to pick them apart, they were the wings to complete each other.


Another crappy chapter, but least I got the main foundation down, hopefully connecting the other scenes together would be easier :D

Thank you very much subscribing and taking your time to both read and comment, I wish I could provide better :<

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Chapter 7: Attention! SPOILER:

I liked the story and the relationship between baek and Chanyeol, he's so sweet and their love is so sjcsofurgnd. **
But i don't like that Kris got away with nothing, and even jongin that talked normally to him. I mean.. Kris literally Baek and inflicted physical and mental wound to him.. Aish. Really hate him.
Apart that, beautiful story, so deep and full of sentiments and written pretty well too!
Great job! ^^
this was such a beautifully put together piece, omfg this was awesome. baekyeol fo life son
Chapter 7: so touching.. one of beautiful baekyeol fics ive ever read. i really like baekhyuns character in this fic, fragile but somehow strong too and chanyeol being a supportive boyfriend. thanks so much for making this story authornim :)
Arghh i'm on the Ignorance Is Absolute Bliss chapter, and i am trying so hard to not throw my cup at the wall because Kris is being such a . OTL you write so good. So good it makes me want to smash cups in Kris' face
Gosh~ This is so amazing, it could pass as a novel to be published~!!! :D
But I am so curious as to why Kai is still connected to Kris... Does he know what Kris did to Baekhyun? And if he did, why isn't he mad?! O__O
Anyways, I love the story all-in-all~ Thrilling, sweet, exciting, romantic~ Everything's there~
Baekyeol's love prevailed~!!! <3
I'm really curious as to what Kai has to do with Kris...
insaneleeee #7
I got curious when you mentioned that the TaoRis story sorta picked up from here, so I decided to read it. It didn't disappoint at all. One of the best BaekYeol stories I've read so far <3
I ain't even gonna lie...I shed a couple of tears. TT-TT
I wailed like a newborn though when I read what happened to him in the past that made him that way.
This story was just so heartwrenching & touching...really amazing job.
Thank you for writing this. :')
*is already in love with this pairing*
Thank you for this it was sooo good ^.^
This fic is overwhelming and incredible, emotionally. Spread more Baekyeol love with this kind of writing. ;)