첫 눈 그리고 첫 키스.

First Snow, First Kiss [One-Shot]

Staring at the ceiling, you drummed your fingers repetitively on the bed. The sandman just wouldn't come to you. You've tried everything from listening to classical music, counting sheep and looking at the stars outside your window. Exhaling, you turned to look at your alarm clock. It read 11:43. Groaning, you got up and ran your hand through your hair. Making your way to the desk in front of your window, you gazed out at the quiet, icy street to his dorm. Snow still hasn't shown itself during this winter season; you were still waiting for its puffy, white flakes to float down from the sky.

Surprisingly, the light was still on. You could see moving silhouettes though the window. Their shadows danced around the window pane. Putting your head on your hands, you took a glance at the big, green box on your nightstand. It was decorated with only a simple red bow and a small, white tag titled 'Hyunseung'. You still hadn't given him the present after all those weeks you spent agonizing over it. He was leaving for Taiwan tomorrow for a surprise showcase and wouldn't be back for two weeks.

Screw it. Without thinking it over a second time, you grab the box and slip on your Uggs. Taking care not to wake the other occupants in your house, you tiptoe quietly through the halls until you reached the front door. Setting the box down on the floor while you put on a simple white hoodie, you check over your shoulder again to make sure everyone was asleep. Taking the box, you open your front door, making sure that you took your house key off the key hook. You lock the door and walk down the steps of your apartment. As you exit the door of your apartment, you glance at the small steps leading to your building, a faint smile crosses over your face.

It was Christmas of last year and it was freezing cold. Snow was coming down heavily from the sky and even the parka that you wore only harbored minimal protection from the harsh temperature. You wanted to go home early from a Christmas party that your parents had forcibly dragged you to. Thank goodness they let you free. You just couldn't wait to go inside and drink some hot tea. Reaching the door to your apartment building, your trembling fingers search your pockets for your key. The key.

Crap, you forgot your house key. With your parents a good fifteen minutes by taxi away, you had no choice but to wait outside all alone. Hugging yourself, you curse yourself for being such a moron. How could you forget your own house key at your house?! Now you were going to stand out here, slowly turning into a human icicle by the minute. You felt like crying, but you were afraid that the teardrops would freeze on your face.

Sitting down on the steps leading to your apartment, you sob quietly to yourself as the night dragged on. Your parents wouldn't be back for another two hours and you had no more money to buy food from the street vendors, let alone pay for a taxi back. On top of all that, your cellphone had died on the way back. Some Christmas this was. The snow was still coming down steadily and you could feel your lungs constricting as a result of the frigid air.

Just when you thought all hope was lost, however, you felt someone sit down next to you. "Um, are you alright, miss?"

"Hm?" You lift your head up to face a tall, doe-eyed boy, those same eyes filled with concern.

"If you don't mind me asking...why are you sitting out here all alone? I-I mean, shouldn't you be inside with your family? It is Christmas after all," he mumbled shyly.

You sighed as you gazed at the snow on the ground. "They're at a party. I was stupid and locked myself out of my own apartment. Now I'm gonna freeze to death here."

"N-no, you aren't," the boy denied. "I'll stay here with you if you'd like. I-I-I mean, it's-it's cold and you shouldn't...I'll just stay and...ah, please don't be sad anymore. I promise I won't let you freeze...out here..."

You couldn't tell if it was the cold that was making him stutter. Or was that his shyness? Either way, it was nice to have someone to keep you company out here. You quietly thanked him and he put his arm around you so you wouldn't be as cold. The both of you made awkward small talk at first, but once you got to know each other, he began to open up more. You learned that he was in a rookie boy group by the name of BEAST and that he had moved into a new dorm down the street not too long ago. He went outside to buy some food for his bandmates when he came across you. Time passed until you could see the headlights of your parents' car coming down the street. Profusely thanking the boy, he smiled and told you it was no problem. As you turned to leave, he called out.

"Wait! I'm uh, sorry. I...I didn't get your name.." There goes the stuttering again.

You told him your name and he gave you one last parting smile. "I'm Jang Hyunseung. I...I'll see you around, then, I guess..."

Taking care not to slip on the icy ground, you make your way to his dorm. It was still freezing cold outside and you were still in your pajamas with only a flimsy hoodie to warm you up. You really needed to pick clothing choices appropriate for the weather. The dorm was like a giant tower in front of you, even though it was roughly the same size as your apartment building. Looking at the stairwell, another smile crosses your face as you reminisce of the past.

It was late March and springtime had just begun. You and Hyunseung were supposed to be baking cookies for Kikwang on his birthday and you were lugging up a giant sack of flour to the dorm. Boy, was that thing heavy. Being the klutz that you were, you lost your balance on the step and tripped, sending flour everywhere. It got on your clothes, his clothes and all over the stairs. Hyunseung just stared at you in shock. You began to apologize quietly, promising him that you'd clean it up before the day ended. A moment of silence passed by and then Hyunseung got this weird smile on his face.

The next thing you knew, a whole fistful of flour hit you in the face. You looked up to see Hyunseung grinning innocently. What's this? Quiet Prince Jang throwing flour at you? That's how he wanted to play it, then. It was war! Scooping up a bunch of flour from the floor, you pelt it at him and before you knew it, flour was flying everywhere. You laughed so hard that day and by the time Kikwang and the rest of the boys came back, you were still in the stairwell, howling with laughter and looking paler than a ghost.

Shaking your head good-naturedly, you walk up the stairs with the box in hand. You really hoped he was still awake. Of course he was; otherwise, why were there shadows moving around in his room? Knocking on the door seven times in your secret code, you pray that he would open. After a few seconds, he sure did! The surprised look on his face was genuine as you greeted him. Handing over the box, you spoke.

"Hi, there. I couldn't sleep...so I thought I'd pay you a visit. I know it's not much...but merry Christmas."

He beams back at you. "It's not even Christmas yet. You still got another, oh, I don't know, eleven minutes to go? Thank you anyway, though."

Taking the box from your hands, he disappears for a moment into the dorm. Thinking that he wasn't going to come back out, you turn away from the door. Oh well. Mission accomplished, right? Starting down the hall soundlessly, you think about the short trek back home. Imagine your surprise when you hear Hyunseung's voice.

"Hey, wait up! Our flight isn't until noon tomorrow, but to be honest, I couldn't sleep either," he admits. "Do you want to go for a walk or something?"

"That'd be awesome," you agree as you walk down the steps.

The road was glistening with ice as you walked down the dimly lit street. The trees were all bare and the stars still twinkled brightly from the sky. It was almost like a winter wonderland...without the snow. Hyunseung shoves his hands into his pockets and glances around observingly. You don't know what hit you, but you suddenly feel a rush of energy. Taking his hands into yours, you walk backwards with newfound pep.

"Hyunseungie, come to the park with me!" you announce cheerily. "I wanna go to the swings!"

Smiling, he agrees as you lead him to the park. The park, of course, was deserted. Heading towards the swings, you sit down and motion for him to join you. He obliges and for a bit, you both swing there in silence. It was comfortable silence, however. Scrutinizing the scenery in front of you, you close your eyes for a minute as you recall another memory.

"Look at all the pretty leaves," you pointed out to him as you walked down the park path one fall day.

"I know! It makes me want to jump into a pile of them," he admitted. "It's tempting."

"Hey, they're the same color as your hair," you tease as you ruffle up his shaggy, long hair that he grew out and dyed for the new concept.

"Yah!" he scolded but laughed anyway.

"Hey, I know! Remember how when you were a little kid, you would gather up a whole bunch of leaves then jump into a pile of them? Let's do that!" you say, grinning mischievously.

"Chincha? We're too old for that, though," he said, apprehensively.

"Aw, come on, Hyunseung! Don't be a killjoy!"

"Killjoy? I'll show you killjoy," he answered, his competitive side taking over. "First one to gather all the leaves in a pile wins!"

So it began. In an hour, you scoured nearly half the park looking for leaves until you see a giant leaf pile in the center. It was truly beautiful. The two of you just stood there, looking at it in awe. Who knew that in such a short time, you would be able to create a masterpiece such as this one? You stood there, commending your beautiful work.

"So, who's the lucky one who gets to jump into this pile of leaves first?" he asked.

Smiling devilishly, you gently push him towards the pile of leaves, causing him to lose his balance and land amongst the foliage. "You are."

Getting up, he dashed after you as you tried to run away. He was too fast for you, however and he caught you in his grip. You squealed and tried wriggling out of his grasp, but to no avail. Hyunseung dragged you into the pile of leaves and started playing in them until it got dark. By the end of the night, the both of you were tired, laughing messes, covered in orange and brown leaves.

You jumped off the swing in a perfect parabola shape. Hyunseung applauded you on a job well done and he got off as well. Heading down the park path, you let out a breath. In that short span of time that he would be gone, you were going to miss him so much. It was moments like these that you wanted to freeze and relive forever. You didn't even notice him walk beside you, as you were too engulfed in your own thoughts.

"Something wrong?" he asked.

"You know that it's gonna be awfully lonely around here without you for the next couple weeks," I mumbled. "I mean, I still have my other friends but it isn't going to be the same without you, you know? Even though it's only been a year since we met, I...I feel like I've known you for so much longer."

He was silent for a minute and all you could hear were your footsteps hitting the pavement. Did you say too much? He's probably really uncomfortable now. Mentally cursing yourself over and over again, you were startled to feel a patch of coldness hit your nose. To your left, you could hear Hyunseung chuckle. Looking up at him, you saw that he was looking at you with more attention.

"Look," he alluded. "Snow is falling from the sky."

You nodded as you looked upwards in amazement. He continued talking and as he did, he put his arm around your shoulders protectively. The next words out of his mouth were so unexpected and sweet that you nearly teared up because of joy.

"I'm happy that you're in my life. I'm happy that I could walk down this road by your side. I promise you one thing-- that I'll love and cherish you forever," he confessed. "I...I wish you a merry Christmas."

He then took something out of his hoodie pocket. A flash of silver caught your eye. Hyunseung slipped something around your neck. Looking down, you saw that it was a tiny heart shaped locket encrusted with mini-crystals. The moonlight bounced off of them, creating little replicas of the glimmering stars. Words get caught in your throat. You don't know what to say. All you could do is put your arms around him and hold him close. He responded by your hair and resting his head on yours. Burying your face into his chest, you feel newfound warmth emanating from him.

"I don't want you to go," your muffled voice says. "But I know you have to. Promise me that you'll have fun there, okay?"

Hyunseung doesn't say a word but just holds you. Then, he lifts up your chin with one hand. Gazing into your eyes with that meaningful expression that you know and love so well, the corners of his mouth turn up. He leans closer and before you know it, you feel his soft lips against yours. At first, you were stunned. You never dreamed that you would ever be kissing Jang Hyunseung in your entire life. After the first few seconds of initial shock, you kiss him back harder. This was definitely a moment worth reliving for all of eternity. Just the two of you alone in the park, kissing underneath the stars during the first snow of the year. First snow and first kiss.

Hyunseung pulls away and hugs you close to his body just as his watch beeps midnight. You feel his lips brush against your ear as he whispers softly, "Merry Christmas."


Not as good as I planned. I'm sorry if it was a bit rushed! I wanted to get something in for the holiday season. (: Merry Christmas to you all! I hope you enjoyed this short one-shot with our lovely Prince Jang. Comments would be much appreciated. Please check out my story Very Important U as well, if you have time. Until next time, annyeong(: mystery signing off(:

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AnnoNiji #1
Chapter 1: So sweet, i'm found of reader/HyunSeung stories >w<
nixstix #3
Chapter 1: daebak.
m0zarts0nata-- #4
that was really good^^ your an amazing author <3 i feel so behind because this story was from a while ago XD haha
thatchinesegirl #6
This was an AMAZING oneshot :] Thank you for writing it!
Ethrel #7
That.was.freaking.cute. Oh my god I got goosebumps when they kissed! How is it I'm just now finding your stuff? Shame on me!
AIGOOO<br />
SO DAMN CUTEEE >_<<br />
I LOVE IT<br />
@kevinwooismine I'm flattered :3 I'm so happy you enjoyed this. xD Oh dear...if any of the CUBE artists ever read something like this, I'd like, freak out. xD
kevinwooismine #10
I LOVE II!! I LOVE IT!!<br />
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