True Love

True Love

Woohyun is an idol singer in Korea.
He has a sister, named Jieun.
Kyura has no family member.
She stayed with her aunt when her parent's died because of an accident.
After a month, her aunt can't support her niece's life anymore.
So she decide to send Kyura to her other uncle.
His uncle had a son name Woohyun and a daughter name Jieun.
Woohyun asked his father to accept it because he likes her.
Kyura cried because she has regard her aunt as her mom.
Woohyun always gives Kyura his wealth and bought her many things such as clothes, shoes and more.
But Kyura wasn't a big fan of money.
She dislikes fame and fortune.
She just wanted to live a peaceful life.

After a few months living at Woohyun's House, Kyura got new branded clothes again.
Jieun said "You're wardrobe is so packed but oppa bought you new clothes.You're so lucky to have someone like my brother."
After finish packing Jieun got a news that they would be going to Tokyo because of Woohyun's schedule.
When Woohyun came home, Jieun asked him was it true about Tokyo.
Woohyun said " Yes and bring Kyura to the shoes shop to buy some new shoes"
Kyura was shocked because she had  lots of them in the wardrobe and some have not been used.
Kyura was afraid of Woohyun so she followed his request.

When they arrived in Tokyo,Jieun was excited to tour this city.
Kyura just wanted to stay away from Woohyun so she lied and said that she wasn't feeling well and wanted to rest.
Woohyun just said "Yes and if she wanted anything just call him"
After they left the hotel Kyura quickly put some sweater and was ready to tour Tokyo by herself.
She went to a market and there was this place crowded with people.
She tried to go in but instead a man pushed her and she fell on the ground.
That man fell on top of her and then people started to look at them.
He quickly carry Kyura away from the crowd and brought her to a bench far away.
He quickly wrap a scarf at her knee because it was bleeding.
Kyura asked him why did he pushed her?
But he wouldn't answer and left.
Kyura tried to called him but he won't turn around.
The man came back with coffee in his hand and told her that he was just protecting her.
Stephanie didn't realise that the man was just protecting her.
She said " Thank you for helping"
That man replied by saying "Welcome.My name is Sungyeol."

They started to talk friendly.
Kyura realised about Woohyun and Jieun.
She tried to move but was injured so she couldn't walk.
She told SUngyeol that she needed to get back to the hotel.
Sungyeol said "Get on my back.I will send you back."
At the hotel, Jieun saw Kyura and Sungyeol at the lobby.
She ran to them and slapped Sungyeol.
She said "How dare you kidnapped her!"
Sungyeol didn't get a chance to explain because he was told to leave Kyura.
Kyura told Jieun about what actually happened and ask her to keep this away from Woohyun.
Jieun felt sorry for slapping Sungyeol.
The next Morning, Woohyun brought a tour guide to Kyura.
She was shocked to SUngyeol.
Woohyun told Sungyeol to keep her safe and that Kyura was his girlfriend and ask him to back away.

That afternoon they toured Tokyo.
SUngyeol brought Kyura to the River Of Wish.
He told her that one wish per visit and threatened her to say her wish out loud.
Kyura threw her coin and said "I want to find my true love here in Tokyo"
Sungyeol looked at her and wanted to say something but he went to hug Kyura.
She was shocked.
SUngyeol said "I fell in love with you when i looked at you for the first time"
He also said that he loves her.
Kyura replied by saying " I Love You Too"
Sungyeol was shocked by her reply and asked her about Woohyun.
Kyura said "I belong to him but my heart belongs to you"
Sungyeol kissed Kyura and said "You are his but your love is only for me..."
Sungyeol and Kyura kissed at the River of Wish and they toured the whole Tokyo together.


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Haha xD MinKyura this is shoo cute >.<
Hey guys if I reach at least 5-10 subscribers.. I will do another One-shot story and u guys will decide who will be in the story!! Kamsahamnida! ^^
thanks minsoph74! sorry because of the Stephanie name.. I wrote the wrong name but I already change it.. heheheehehe MIANHE! DX
It's good! but I would love more if possible! also it randomly says Stephanie in the middle of the story- is it supposed to say that? sorry if it is :)
please subscribe and comment! gomaseumnida! ^^