shuffled feelings

Lucky, Im Inlove~


December 24 2010 – Sung Byul’s House – 6:30

       -:- Sung Byul’s P.O.V. -:-      

Im  a little bit sad because JunJin called and said he can’t spend Christmas with me because he and his family are  going out of town L …I was having my moment until…

“SungByul~!!!” mom suddenly burst and and cried out

“MOM~!!!! Can you at least knock?”  I said

“Harin is here she’s waiting for you downstairs” mom said

“Really???” I said and promptly head down without even glancing at my mom

I hug Harin and she hugs me back~ <3

“HA RIN~!!!” I shouted teasingly

“yah~ SungByul!! I told you my nickname is Halee! She said being irritated

“ I know~ I just teased you.

Park Ha Rin or maybe  Halee , she’s my bestfriend since 6th grade or maybe 4th I don’t know guess either? “HALEE” is really pretty, I tell you!,  she’s smart too although sometimes she’s kinda lazy.

I kindly greeted her unnie’s and oppa and her parents. Then we chatted a lot it’s kinda a tradition of us celebrating with our families together. And I told Halee about JunJin calling too. She feels sorry for me.

“SUNGBYUL~!!!” she suddenly blurted out.

“what ?! “ I replied

“Wanna go out? “ she asked.

“why?” I replied with a chuckle

“DUH~ to relieve your pain from missing “HIM” so?” she answered

“yah, why not?” I replied


I went out with Halee. We walked and we window-shopped. We were having fun UNTIL this thing happened….


“Halee~ that dress is sooo~ cute ^^ “ I said

“S-S-Sung  Byul” she stuttered pointing at some way


I looked at what she’s pointing and I SEE Junjin dating a girl.

I didn’t want to believe Halee so I made up a reason


“Maybe it’s her cousin” I said looking at Junjin and the girl

but then I realized that girl that girl is SHIN GYU MI, my worst enemy in my whole 6th grade arghh~! :@.. then we caught GyuMi kissed MY junjin

“JUNJIN” said hale crumpling her fists

I ? I was speechless pinching my cheeks then I felt something in my cheek , no, it wasn’t tears it was blood rushing and boiling inside my head(cliché I know,haha)


“Hey? Wanna get back at him?” halee said


I didn’t answered and I suddenly held halee’s hands and we rushed to get to Junjin and Gyumi.


“Out-of-town huh?” I said out loud at the back of Junjin and Gyumi

Junjin and Gyumi looked back and saw me and Halee standing in front of them

“Sungbyul?!” both of them answered shocked.

“yah~ Junjin what are you doing with Gyumi? Nah?” I said screaming

Gyumi: YAH SUNGBYUL~!!! Don’t you talk to my CUPCAKE like that!

Sungbyul:yah~ CUPCAKE? What do you care?


I was about to slap Junjin when Gyumi went in the way and she was the one who got slapped.


“Aish! Yah! Why did you slap my PRINCESS?” Junjin said

* Gyumi started to cry .* (it was obviously fake you know?)

“ I-I-Im-“ before I finished m sentence  JunJin cutted my sentence

“ You know what? Since you already know my relationship with Gyumi. WERE BREAKING UP!” Junjin said

“B-But “ I stuttered

“NO BUTS! C’mon Princess “ they went off like a flash


……………………………skip the walking and crying scene……………………

Me and Halee went home and we didn’t tell anyone about what happened


“Cheer up! He’s not worth it anyway!” Halee said

“Halee , ill just go out for awhile” I said

“ okay, just be safe~ “ halee said and gave me a hug


I went  out without anyone noticing…

I went to the park near and sat on a bench I cried and cried until I decided to went off again to a bar we passed by a while ago.

I entered, this was my first time to try drinking but I still did

I ordered a shot but to my luck I didn’t feel dizzy at all, then I saw this man sitting beside me drinking too he still isn’t drunk btw.


I asked “are you having trouble with love too?”

“How did you know?” he said

“ Im just in the same position as you, what could any be the reason? I answered

“ maybe a friend died.” He said

“ that’s love too” I said

“oh~ yeah… and I couldn’t think of anything else” he said and we laughed

“hi~ by the way my name is Cho Kyuhyun. Nice to meet you” He said

“oh! Park Sungbyul, nice to meet you too” I replied with a smile

We chatted and laughed, we asked things about each other and I was about to tell him about Junjin when

“Did you say Jujin?”  he said with a shocked face

“yeah..” I replied

“Aish! Lee Jun Jin? That’s the reason my girlfriend broke up with me!” he said starting to get angry.(remember that)

“ … By any chance, is your girlfriend, GYUMIN? “ I said with widened eyes

“Ne~” he said

“ Aish! You’re girlfriend is a ~.” I didn’t continue coz I know what he’ll feel.

We ordered shots of alcohol until we get a bit drunk and I said

 “ wanna get revenge?”

“ Who says im gonna back out to that! When do we start?” he replied

I was to drunk to answer his question. I suddenly se blurs in my eyes then I fell dizzy and I fell asleep.


       -:- kyuhyun’s P.O.V. -:-


“Yah!” I yelled at Sungbyul, then she fell asleep! I panicked a moment when I remembered that she has a friend named  Halee , I searched for Sungbyul’s cellphone and called Halee. Then she answered the call


“SUNGBYUL,where are you?,do you know what time is it?” Halee said with just one breath.

“Yah~ this is not Sungbyul. She’s asleep right now in the bar! Drunk!” I said reasoning.(am I even right?>_<)

“AH?! What ? she? Drunk? Aish! Tell me where it is! “ Halee said

Name of the place” I answered then Halee ended the call


In just minutes a girl came in rushed to us. She didn’t even gave a glance at me just shouting to Sungbyul when Sungbyul cant even hear her, then she was trying to make Sungbyul stand up but she was to heavy for her , I interrupted and asked “need a help, I can bring you home if you’d want” I continued


“You look trustful , okay then” Halee said with a raised eyebrow.

I carried Sungbyul from my back and brought her to the car beside Halee

When we were on the way Sungbyul woke up and saw me driving, she sat down and talked to Halee , she apologized to me and I just said it’s fine

It was 3 in the morning when we reached their house, it wasn’t far it was just its midnight, Sungbyul and Halee went out of the car and gave me thanks.

I was about to go when Sungbyul shouted

“ Hey! Why don’t you stay for the meantime its already 3 a.m. “ she said

“yeah, our parents wouldn’t get angry anyway “ Halee added

I didn’t insist cause I’m really sleepy .



Oooops~ that’s another chapter. Don’t worry I’ll try to update every day!

Merry Christmas ~!!!!! … hope you like my start! I’m really hopeful you do

And sorry for boring moments I’ll try to make it more lively .

Again MERRY XMAS~!!!

Thnkx … xoxo… Super SoShi Jpop…(super junior, snsd, jpop,)

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<3 your story~~~ Kyuhyun so cute!! ^^
When are you gonna update?? Please let it be now!!!
Tnx ^^ @shyonky and @jaimeestar~!!!! im speechless hehe,....... THANK YOU~!!
AwesomeWeirdo #4
Thanx for the update!!!<br />
new reader!!!<br />
I read all chapters in 1 day. Its so interesting!!!<br />
Will wait 4 your update!!!
Jaimee #5
thanks for the update!!<br />
I love this story!!<br />
I wonder what kyu will think of donghae ^_^<br />
Update soon!!<br />
Jaimee #6
I get now^^<br />
I loved it!!<br />
kyu and Sangbyul are soo cute together :)
Jaimee #7
I love kyu's reaction when he hears that Sangbyul was there ^^<br />
So Halee and Heechul and heechul are going out?? sorry my reading skills are horrible -_-
I love this fic as well!! sorry about not commenting, was a bit lazy lol :) update soon
Tnx~ at least i know someone appreciates ^_^