
Another Life

14th March 2012 – Seoul Incheon International Airport

An airplane from Canada had been landed successfully at Seoul Incheon International Airport. You could see a man stepped out from the airplane. He was definitely breath-taking with the handsome face, the gorgeous blonde hair and the very good style he had. Some girls were drooling over him, some just couldn’t blink their eyes as they were staring at him like he was a very good prey, some just left with their mouth agape and some were even squealing and clapping their hands like a retard as he passed by them.

There were even these girls who tried to catch his attention with acting cute, winking, falling down in front of him, or anything. But much to their dismay, he didn’t even lay his eyes on them. If you thought he was just the typical handsome playboy who was acting ‘hard to get’ ,well you were absolutely wrong. The truth was he wouldn’t give a about girls, an exception for this one girl.

“Jiyong-ah, here!” A petite girl called him with her bright cute tone. He tried to find the source of that voice, and there he found her. The girl waved her right hand in excitement, which he replied with a very bright smile. Yes, he smiled. It was a very rare event when he smiled like that. This girl here was the only girl who successfully made him do it. He walked to the girl’s side, and once he reached her, he let out an even more bright smile, again.

“Dara noona, how are you ? Long time no see” he delightfully said, while the smile was still plastered on his handsome face. “Well, not bad. It’s your loss anyway. You run away to Canada. So you must take the sequence not to see me in 2 years!” She pouted. “Geez, I didn’t run away. My father told me to come there because grandma wasn’t in a really good condition. And what’s with that pout?” he replied, pinching her right cheek. “Yeah, I know.” She nodded her head while her right hand made its way to his hand that was pinching her cheek. “Uh, well, since you just had a long trip, you must be tired, right ? Let’s go home now.” She continued, taking the his left hand and headed to where her car was parked. He just followed behind like a lost puppy with the word lovestruck was clearly printed on his forehead.

The girl was Sandara Park, she was Jiyong’s best girl friend. Err, I meant she was the only friend who was a girl he had. No, she wasn’t his girlfriend. Though he wanted her to be, because he was definitely in love with her, or so did he think. She was the only girl that Jiyong would play / talk / show an emotion / tease. Well, you could call her special. Because she was the only girl that Jiyong gave a about ‘for now’.

They arrived in front of the most luxury apartment in Seoul. She parked her car on the VIP area, and they headed to his room. “This is your room, and here is your key. My room is exactly on the next” She said and gave him a key. He just replied with a nod. “Well, enjoy your rest, then. I will go for a while, you know, college stuff.” She said, smiling.

She was gone, and he didn’t have anything to do. Well, since all of his things had been prepared by his father’s people and with a help from his lovely noona, Park Sandara before, he didn’t need to organize his room anymore. So, since he was tired to hell, he decided to make a long, good rest.






“Promise me, you’ll be mine. You’ll be my girl, you’ll never leave me” -----

high-high I’m so high, high-high up in the sky’ A loud noise woke him up from his beautiful slumber. He groaned and opened his eyes. He reached out to where his phone was and turned off the alarm. He registered his dream before. ‘Weird dream. Why must I have a dream about my death?’ He thought. But he didn’t have any time to conclude his dream and read a book about dreams interpretation. And soon enough, he forgot about his dream.

Today would be his 1st day in his new school, which was definitely not an exciting thing for him. Well, it didn’t like he was a stupid student who hate school very much. He just hate the people there. Once they knew that he was the child of Kwon Sijung, one of the most richest people in Korea, they would send him a fake smile, and soon ing around him. And he loathed it a lot.

He stepped to the YG High School building and soon enough, people around him were eyeing him like he was a president or maybe an International big star. Some of them couldn’t take their eyes of him, some were drooling (girls) and some were biting their bottom lips and flying to their dream world (absolutely girls again). And much to their disappointment he didn’t even look at them, even with the corner of his eyes. ‘Well well, another boring day’ he thought.

Break time-

After the teacher left the class, the girls in his class were circling around his seat at one time. Some were introducing their self, some were asking for his phone number and some were just talking about random things. He hated this situation the most. He just rolled his eyes and soon enough sent them a deadly gaze followed by the words “ off, !” He then walked out from the classroom, left the girls with the shock to death expression. ‘What a great 1st day’ he thought, a sigh left out from his mouth.

He made his way to nowhere. He wasn’t even sure where he was. Since the school was so ing big, and this was his 1st day in this school, the most thinkable conclusion was he was lost. ‘Great. Just great’ he thought. He kept walking till he found the door with ‘student can’t enter’ sign. He had taken 6 level stairs, so this door probably the way to the rooftop. He entered the door, (come on, who will obey the door sign ?) and he found out a really nice place. The view was so beautiful, and there was no sign of the most disturbing creatures (read : girls) around. ‘Finally, great place’ he thought, a sigh came out from his lips.




Teng.. Teng.. Teng..’ The school bell rang. The class was over and the students immediately made their way out from the school.

Kwon Jiyong just woke up from his little nap on his new favorite spot. What a very good student to ditch class at his very 1st day at school, right ? Well, It was okay. The teacher couldn’t get angry to him anyway. Who in the world have the guts to get angry to the only son of Kwon Sijung ? No one, except they didn’t want to live a good life anymore. And besides, he was a pretty  smart student. He actually mastered all the lessons in high school. So why did he need to enter this school you say ? Because his father asked him to and he also needed a graduation’s diploma of course.  

He headed out from the school building and lucky for him, all the disturbing creatures had been gone, so he had this peaceful ‘going home’ season.

He arrived at his apartment and about to enter his room when he saw Dara was coming to his direction. “Hello Jiyong-ah, how was your first day ?” Dara said, smiling. Jiyong just shrugged his shoulder, “Boring as usual” he said. “Have you found a friend?” She asked. “No. I don’t think I wanna find one though, I don’t really need friends.” He replied casually. Well, he was a cold hearted prince, Kwon Jiyong after all. “You need to open up Jiyong-ah, no one can live alone in this world. Not all people are as bad as what you think.” She said. “Well, I’m not alone anyway. I have you.” He said, pinching her nose. “Oh my God, cheesy Kwon Jiyong!” she smacked his hand softly while her eyes were rolling. But you could see a small smile can be seen on her lips.

Okay, let me forward 32x from here.

Kwon Jiyong went to school, shooed the es around, made his way to his fav place, slept, woke up, went home, talked to Dara, slept and so on.

It was almost his monthsary as a student in YG High, and he hadn’t even found any other word to describe his school life than ‘boring as hell’. But thanks for his cold treatment, the girls weren’t  ing around him anymore. It wasn’t like they lost their desire toward him, no, no one could resist Kwon Jiyong. Just one look at his face, and you’d be attracted to him till death. But his death glare was another issue. It was scary enough to sent you nightmares. Death glare meant hatred, and no one wanna be hated by Kwon Jiyong. So, at least he had this little peaceful school life.






14th April 2012 – Seoul Gimpo International Airport

“Thanks for taking me here Jiyong-ah” Dara said while patting his shoulder as a friendly gesture. “No problem, I’m just returning your service in fetching me last time” He replied, grinning. “Well, I need to go now, I may lost my plane. Bye Jiyong.” She said. She gave him a peck on his right cheek before speeding her legs in a hurry. He was just smiling by her action. ‘So cute’ he thought.

He was about to turn his body when someone, more detail, a girl bumped into him. “Omo, I’m sorry!! I’m really in a hurry. Big sorry!” she said, panicked. She picked her phone which was possibly fell down because of their body crash. “I know. Haish, just give me 5 more minutes!” She nearly shouted to someone from the other line of her phone. He was just standing there, not even saying one word, so, the girl chose to leave. She was in a hurry after all. He walked 2 steps when he felt an urge to look back. His eyes made their way to the girl’s direction. He didn’t know the feeling, but he just felt attracted by this blonde girl. He kept looking for another second, and finally turned his body. Unknown by him, the girl was locked her eyes on his back after he turned over.



“Chaerin-ah, what takes you so long?! I’ve waited for a decade for you!” Park Bom said when she saw her blonde bestie headed to her way.

“What? You just gave me 10 minutes after I stepped out from that damn plane, Park Bom! Do you know how ing hard it was to walk in a speed with this hell heels?” She said, she pointed at her nearly injured feet and gave her red haired bestie an ‘are you kidding me’ look.

“Err, 10 minutes? Well, I thought it was already 1 hour. a ha ha ha.” She scratched her neck and let out an awkward laugh. “Okay, forgive me. You know how much I hate waiting.” She continued. Chaerin just rolled her eyes as a response.

“So, *munch* how was *munch* France ?” Park Bom asked to her bestie while busily eating her corn.

“Err, good.” Chaerin replied.

“Is that so ? *munch* Have you found a boyfriend there ? *munch*” Park Bom asked

“No, I have no interest to find a boyfriend, yet. And can you stop eating while you are talking ? It’s disgusting” She replied.

“Tch *munch*. I wonder when will my bestie here have her 1st prince charming *munch* boyfriend. And, no, you can’t make me apart from my corn.” She said, kept eating her corn.

Chaerin just once again, rolled her eyes as a replied. ‘God, how come I have an alien best friend like this?’ She thought.






They arrived in front of the most luxury apartment in Seoul.

“Here is your new apartment Chae.” Bom said, pointing at the very big building in front of her.

“Okay, thanks for driving me here.” Chaerin replied, smiling.

“Do you need another help ? Just say it to me.”  Bom said.

“Uhm, I don’t think so.” Chaerin replied. “Well, once again, thank you.” She continued.

“Okay, see you later then.” Bom replied.

Chaerin was about to turn her body when Bom called her name.

“Chae, must you enter the YG High? I mean can’t you go to my school instead?” Bom asked, pouting.

“Err, I don’t know. You know, my father is best friend with the owner of that school, and he said that it was the best school in Seoul, and etc. You know how stubborn my father is.” Chaerin replied, gave her best friend an apologetic smile.

“Well, it’s okay. I think your stubbornness is a copy from your father then.” She smirked.

“What, I’m not-“ Chaerin was about to protest but her best friend cut her off “Bye, stubborn girl.” Bom said running to her car while laughing. “YAH! What’s that ? Come back you Park Alien! Yah, I’m not stubborn!” She protested. Much to her pity, her friend probably couldn’t hear her protest. Park Bom just looked at her best friend and chuckled seeing how cute her friend was when she was angry from her rearview mirror.



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Chapter 3: What?! Hmmm..again :((( hope will update..btw great story tho
Chapter 3: Update soon authornim ~~~~
just read the foreword and i was like uuuuuuhhhh... interestinggg...
UNNIE!!! update please i miss this story and you asdfghjkl TT huaaa!!!!
infiknight94 #5
Chapter 3: goosshh i'm waiting long enough to find a fic about school life and i just read this.. totally falling in love <3<3 update soon please authorniimm
Chapter 3: Please please please please please update~~I am begging you~~
heartbreakergirl #7
Chapter 3: Aw. Ji's life is a bit messed up, specially in the love field.
Anticipating next Chapter! :D