What the hell is going on?!

A New Life [[A Sequel To A One-Shot]]

[[A/N: This chapter might not make sense >_< I was over thinking stuff >_<]]


A few months have passed and none of them has gotten over Jessica, especially Jonghyun.
He's touching his lips while staring into space.
“Hyung, still haven’t gotten over noona?” Taemin asked.
“It’s his first kiss with a ghost, what do you expect?” Key teased.
“Not to mention, it’s his first kiss as well.” Onew teased as well.
There was then a knock on the door.
“I’ll get it!” Taemin said.
“Excuse me! Sorry if I’m disturbing you! It’s just that my car broke down! Can you by chance help me?” The person, whose voice seemed to be familiar to Taemin, asked.
It’s a girl. Taemin thought.
He opened the door and the girl seemed familiar to him.
She’s got a long brown hair on a bun and she was wearing a light blue dress and a jacket.
Taemin tried to remember her and when he did…
He gasped. “Noona!” He yelled, shocked.
“Uhhh… Nae?” Taemin pulled her inside and pulled her to the living room where everyone else is. “Uhhh… wait. Let me go, please!” The girl kept begging. They walked in in the living room and when the others saw them, saw her, they stood up slowly in shock.
“Please don’t do anything to me!” She begged again.
“Nae? Noona, we won’t do anything to you!” Taemin said, confused.
“I’m not your noona. We haven’t even met.” She said.
“What?!” They all exclaimed.
“Uhmmm… I should go.” She said, turning around and walking back the same way they went to the living room.
They chased her and ran in front of her and stopped her. “No!”
“What?” She asked. “You guys are creeping me out.” She tried to push in through them and then head to the door but Minho carried her over his shoulder and walked back to the living room.
“Yah! Put me down, yah!” She kept yelling and hitting Minho.
When they got to the living room, they put her down on the sofa.
“What… what do you guys want?”
“Please remove your jacket.”
“What?! No.”
“No, no, no! Don’t take it the wrong way! We just need to see both your arms.” Key said.
Jessica removed her jacket with hesitation. They all grabbed her arm and looked at it and their eyes widened when they saw the exact same drawings they drew on Jessica before she left. Exactly the same spot and accurately the same drawing and color.
“What?” She asked. “I woke up this morning and I then saw this. I tried washing it off but it won’t work.” She said. “Is something wrong about it?”
“We…” Minho said. “We drew these.”
“What?” She asked, pulling her arms from them. “How could you? You don’t even know my… my name, where I live and… and… and my age. How could he call me noona?” She asked, freaking out and pointing at Taemin.
“Woah, woah. Easy there.” Onew said, trying to make her relax. He then nodded at Minho and Key once.
Minho ran upstairs while Key went to the kitchen to get the girl some water.
“Now.” Onew said. “We know we don’t know you. And you know that. So tell us. What’s your name?”
“I’m Jessica Jung.”
“And when were you born?”
“I don’t see why you should know these stuff-”
“It doesn’t matter but we need to know.” Onew interrupted. Jessica got a bit scared so she just answered his question.
“April 18th. 1989.” He looked at the other two remaining, Taemin and Jonghyun. Key came out of the kitchen holding a glass of water and gave it to Jessica. She just drank.
“Exactly one hundred years after she was born.” Onew told Jonghyun and Taemin.
“After who was born?” Jessica asked.
Just then, Minho came down and handed pictures to Onew. Onew showed her the pictures of Jessica Jung they saw a few months agoand pointed at the girl on the picture. “After she was born.” Onew said.
Jessica stood up, confused. “Why do you have a picture of my great grandmother?” She asked.
“What?!” Jonghyun exclaimed. “She… She’s your great grandmother?!”
“Yeah.” She said, holding onto the picture. “Is that so surprising?”
“Yeah.” Jonghyun said. “Thi… this is making everything so confusing.” He said. “You’re… You’re great grandmother never had a child though. She died before even getting married.”
“She’s my great grandmother’s sister.”
“What?!” Onew asked.
“Oh you mean Krystal Jung? Born October 24th, 1894?”
“Great. What else don’t we know?” Minho asked himself.
“How did you even know about my great grandmother?”
They then stood next to each other and let Jessica see their positions. She just tilted her head and tried to figure out what they were doing. When she did, she gasped and pointed at them. “No way! SHINee! Those detectives who solved the missing jewelry and proved that my great grandmother’s friend, Taeyeon, didn’t kill herself! Yeah! It was all over the news!”
“Well, she does know us after all.”
“How… how did you guys do it? I mean, that jewelry, it’s been missing for almost a hundred years if you didn’t find it.”
“Your great grandmother told us where it was.”
Jessica laughed.
“How could my great grandmother tell you where it was? She’s dead.” She said, but she stopped laughing before saying “she’s dead”.
“She did!” Onew said, grabbing a few things from his desk. He then showed it to her. It was the things her great grandmother gave them to help find the missing jewelry. “You’re great grandmother appears and then disappears and then she always leaves something behind. This stamp was found by Key when he felt her presence. This one was found by Taemin, when they met in the stairs and then she disappeared. This one, I found myself, when I saw her on the stairs and then left. The pictures were taken by Minho when he saw her. And look.” Onew said, showing her the pictures they took with Jessica. “We even have pictures with her. She asked us to solve her friend’s case. It was all because of your great grandmother that we solved both the cases.” He told her.
“Ohh.” She finally agreed.
There was then a long silence.
“I… I think I should go.” She said, then standing up and walking to the door.
“Wait!” Jonghyun yelled. Jessica stopped and turned around.
There was then a loud thunder and it started raining really hard.
“I think you should stay the night.” He told her.
“Uhhh… No, I’ll be fine. I don’t want to be a bother to you.” She said.
“It’s okay. We’re not doing anything anyway.”
“Yeah, noona!” Taemin said. “Please, stay, please, please, please.” Taemin begged like a baby. “Please? Can you? Please, please, please.”
Jessica, at the sight of Taemin begging like a baby, had a flashback on her mind.
“Yeah, can we?” Taemin asked like a kid.
“I’m born in 1889. You’re talking to someone way older than you.” Jessica replied.
“Please, can we? Can we?” Taemin ignored her.
Jessica sighed. “Alright.”
She kept shaking her head.
“Jessica, are you okay?” Jonghyun, who noticed her shaking her head, asked.
“Uhhh… maybe you’re right. Can I stay here for the night?” She asked. 
“Yes! Jessica noona’s staying here for the night!”
“Yah! Lee Taemin! You’re creeping her out!” Key yelled at him.
The brought her to their room and prepared Jonghyun’s bed for her.
“Are you sure I’m not disturbing you?”
“Oh no.”
“But, you have nowhere to sleep now.” She told Jonghyun.
“It’s okay. He’ll sleep in my bed.” Key said.
“Uhhh… Okay.”
When everyone was sleeping already, Jessica kept groaning and moving around.
Their fight was about Taeyeon’s self-made jewelry. Taeyeon wanted to show it to the public while Jessica disagreed. After their fight, Jessica left and Taeyeon sat there. After a few minutes, someone came in. Rylee. There, they watched Taeyeon get tortured and forced to write the letter. She got hit and slapped and she was screaming when she got dragged to the spot she was found in. Behind Taeyeon’s desk was a rope tied to the ceiling and a chair underneath. Taeyeon was forced to climb onto the chair and her head was put through the hole while her hands were taped together. Rylee then kicked the chair away and Taeyeon struggled.
“Yah! Jessica! Yah, wake up!” They kept shaking her and waking her up until she opened her eyes, sweating and scared.
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why wasn't this included in the music video??? It's really cool
I'm liking this story! Is it JongSica? Please make it be!!!
immapyromaniac22 #5