He's The One.


Kim Yesung. Turtle Lover. Awkward guy. Kim Ryeowook. Way innocent. Too kind. The two have like a brother relationship. Ryeowook always go to Yesung for help and tells him everything. But the brother bond suddenly fades when the two's feelings have changed. Do they become distant or close?




Kim Jongwoon,better known as Kim Yesung. You can say he's a weird person. I mean, he dances awkwardly. And well.. Speaks unrelated stuff.Oh! And he's a turtle lover/owner. But he has good intentions though! Possibly..

But... Yesung-hyung helps me in everything I need.. He's like a big brother to me.Always looking out for me. I can trust him with anything. There's something I wonder though.

1.What does he think of me?

2. Did my feelings for him changed?



"Hmmm... "

"What is it,Wookie?"

"Huh? Oh nothing.."

He ruffled my hair and gave me that encouraging smile of his. Because of that, my negative thoughts had been washed away. I smiled along with him.

Oh Kim Yesung...



Yewook oneshot for 2WeekBias~! 

Now...I'm not sure....if this...is actually fluff.... i really have no idea now. After constant switching of plots it's just been... confusing. XDD

Evil plot bunny... 

First Yewook fic, hopefully its a success! 8D

So 2WeekBias,I hope it satisfies you, even if its fluff or not.. XDD

Comments=♥ No Silent Readers

~Dia will be back!~

WARNING: BOYXBOY Don't like? Reconsider it then ^~^

Disclaimer: I own nothing,but the story plot. Some stories might be similar, but I can assure you that this is mine. 


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1652 streak #1
Chapter 1: Even it was just a short snippet of Yewook, I think it was a sweet one. Yeye humming to his Ryeonggu is my favorite scenarios, so I love the ending
I miss such short and sweet Yewooks like this. Nowadays they're so rare and you need to go back in time, to find little cute pieces like this. So I'm really happy it's still here, after all this years.
Thank you for writing, sharing and keeping this little soft one shot. It made me smile ❤️
yesung is just too sweet :D
he didn't leave ryeowook alone. i love the part where he hugged ryeowook and started to sing him soothing songs. it's so fluffy and cute :D
aw I thought that was too cute! poor Wookie getting his heart broken but Yesung came to fix things! ^^ kekeke
JadeRiver #4
<3 ryeowook so lucky to have yesung :)
hihi... pls update soon... hope that we can be friends...