the crazy day continues

An Unexpected Love

It's 10am, and it was time for INFINITE to arrive lat the hotel. You and the Yoseob and some other employees are gathered at the entrance waiting for INFINITE. There were many fans outside the hotel, with letters and presents for INFINITE in their hands. You think, "IS INFINITE that cool? I really don't get these crazy fans." Just then, the stars arrived. The fans start screaming wild. You have never heard girls scream this much before. Yoseob is putting his hands to his ears, and you laugh at the sight if it. But then, it got more crazy. The members started getting out of their cars, and the fans were screaming so loud, that you thought your ears popped. The first to get out of the car was leader Sungkyu. He smiled to the fans, and then went into the hotel. Next was Dongwoo. He went towards the fans, and let them take his picture. Third was Woohyun. One of the fans fainted just looking at him. Fourth was Hoya. He looked very sleepy. Next was Sungyoel. He was very tall, that you got jealous of his good looking style. Sixth was L. The fans were geting more crazy. Last was the youngest one , Sungjong. He was cute, waving to all of the fans. Okay. Now, your head wad going to explode from all of the screaming from the fans. You really didn't get why everyone was this crazy about INFINITE. Anyway, you go into the hotel, and it was time to do your real job, to give them information about their rooms and stuff. You go to where INFINITE and their managers were. "Hello, my name is ~~~. I will give you information about your rooms and for that i need you to sign in. So please follow me." You said with your fake smile. Noone was listening to you. Only their managers. You took the managers to the front desk, explained about their rooms and gave them their keys to their rooms. It was at that time when you noticed. One of the INFINITE guys was smiling at you. It was L. All you could do was look away. For some reason, your face was turning red. The managers bowed to you and left the front desk. One of the managers forgot one of their planners, so you ran and looked for the manager. But their was no sight of him. They've must have gone on the elevator already. But no, a few were waiting for another elevator. You go up to them and see if the manager is around. Yep, no sight of him. ""You looking for someone ?" You heard a warm voice from behind. It was L. ""Yeah, one of your managers forgot this at the from desk. Could you give it to him?" You asked. "Sure"he answered with a smile that was making you about to go crazy. "Thanks" As you answer that, you hurry to the front desk. Omg, was i just falling for him like those crazy fans? You thought. Ok, it's gonna be ok,.because they must be leaving this hotel in two days or something, right? You were calming yourself down, but just then, you heard one of the employees conversations. "They are going to stay at this hotel for two weeks! Omg, work is gonna be paradise!" "No way! I am nooot gonna miss work no matter what." You were getting more and more dizzy at every word they say. Two weeks?! Looks like there's gonna be drama at this hotel for a while:-p --------------------------------------------------------------------hope you guys liked the second chapter! Comment please ! -

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i wonder what will happen when 'you' starts falling in love with one of the infinite mbers!!!its gonna get interesting isit!?!haha!! update asap!!:):)
AbsolutelyLovely #2
and i'm your first subscriber. woop! :DD
AbsolutelyLovely #3
i liked it!
she seems like a very chill character :D

and Yoseob-ie~ he's such a cutie.

i would definitely pass out if i found out Infinite was going to stay at the hotel i was working at o___o

update soon!
AbsolutelyLovely #4
hi there new author~

you have a fairly interesting plot. i mean, basically anything with Infinite is absolutely amazing^^

i'll be looking forward to an update :)
