Chapter 18

Long Lost Memories

Kevin took the file from Raymond and gave it a quick glance over.  "This is huge," he remarked as he closed the file.  "Why aren't you overseeing this yourself since you already started on it?"

Raymond patted the stacks of files on his desk and said tiredly, "Look at my workload.  With all that I have going on I won't be able to give this project any detailed attention.  And ABC's project is the biggest one we have and we can't afford to screw anything up."

"Still," Kevin said uneasily, not liking the prospect of taking credit for Raymond's work.  "You could shift your other projects onto me and handle the ABC project exclusively.  Why don't you do that instead?"

"I know but I've already spent a lot of time on those other projects.  The ABC project is still relatively new and has just started building out.  It makes more sense for me to give this one up than the others," Raymond explained and wished Kevin would just take it and drop all the needless questions.

Kevin was still reluctant to take on the project and said, "I don't know…  Taking this project off your hand is like stealing your limelight."

"You'll be saving me from exhaustion," Raymond quipped then pleaded softly, "Say you'll help me.  Consider it a favor for me."

Not wanting to let a friend down Kevin smiled and said, "Alright, I'll do it."  He opened the file again and pulled out the summary of costs and fees.  "Have you gone through the numbers with ABC?"

Raymond had but the list of figures in Kevin's hands weren't the same figures he had negotiated with ABC a few weeks ago.  Smiling innocently at Kevin, he responded casually, "Yes.  There's an agreement in the file which they signed.  All you need to do is use the figures on the list and coordinate with the vendors for the materials."

"Have you been in contact with any of the vendors?" Kevin asked as he searched through the file for the list of vendors.

"Yes, they know what to give us and when to supply the materials.  It's all itemized on a schedule in the file.  Look it over tonight.  Everything is pretty much straightforward and if you follow the schedule and make the payments in the order written nothing will go wrong."

Kevin scanned the schedule that Raymond mentioned and nodded his head in accordance, "I guess I have no more questions then," Kevin said with a smile.

Raymond returned the smile and said softly, "I didn't think you would.  And I thank you for helping me out on this."

Kevin laughed softly, "Help?  What help?  You did everything already.  I'm only handling the easy part.  All I have to do is make sure the construction process is on schedule and make the necessary payments."

"Nevertheless, I still appreciate you helping me out," Raymond said with a straight face.  Glancing at the time he asked, "Want to grab dinner?"

Shaking his head, Kevin stood up from his seat, "I can't.  My wife is expecting me home for dinner."

Raymond also stood up and began stuffing files into his briefcase.  In an offhand manner, he said, "Your wife's cooking is really delicious.  I wish you would invite us over to your place more often for dinner.  It's very rare that we get to have such good home cooking."

Kevin laughed as Raymond walked over to his side.  Placing an arm around Raymond's shoulder he asked coyly, "Are you looking for an invite to my house for dinner?"

"What if I am?" Raymond joked then nabbed Kevin in the ribs, "Am I invited then?"

Kevin pulled away slightly to give Raymond a frown which made Raymond a tad bit nervous.  But it quickly diminished when Kevin broke out in a wide grin, "Of course you are!  Is Myolie coming too?"

"No!" Raymond blurted.  Seeing Kevin's puzzled expression at his outburst, Raymond explained, "She already has plans for the evening."

"Oh well, let's go then," Kevin said and walked towards the door.

Raymond remained standing by his desk, "I have to make a quick call.  Why don't you wait for me in the lobby."  When Kevin nodded his answer and left, Raymond waited until he heard Kevin's footsteps echo down the corridor before picking up his phone.  "Hey Myolie, it's me.  I'm sorry but I have to cancel our plans for tonight.  I have something to do.  I'll call you later."  Putting down the receiver he felt a twinge of guilt for having to lie and use her.  She didn't deserve to be hurt this way.  If anyone was to blame then it was Kevin.  Kevin brought this on her and with that thought in mind, Raymond left his office.


"How am I doing?" Tavia asked with a giggle as she stir fried the thinly sliced vegetables in the overheated wok.

Charmaine peered over her shoulder to look at the colorful arrays of vegetables and said, "It looks yummy.  Don't forget to add some flavor to it."

Turning to pick up the bottle of oyster sauce by her side she said thoughtfully, "I wonder will they be able to taste the difference."

"What you really mean is will Ron like your cooking," Charmaine teased which earned her a soft slap on her back.  "I was kidding!"

Smiling dreamily Tavia stared at the wall in front of the stove and murmured, "I really do love him."

Charmaine took one look at Tavia's love sick expression and laughed.  "I know you do but don't let your love burn the vegetables you're cooking."

Snapping out of her trance, Tavia quickly stirred the vegetables.  As she finished up with the dish she asked, "Tell me, was it love at first sight when you first met Kevin?"

"Not really," Charmaine responded uncomfortably and busied herself with taking out the bowls and utensils.

Tavia turned to look at her with a sulky expression and said, "That's it?  You have nothing more to add to that?"

"Absolutely nothing," Charmaine said quietly and was saved from any further questions from Tavia by the doorbell.  "Try not to burn or break anything while I get the door."

It was Ron and he was alone.  Surprised that Kevin wasn't with him, Charmaine asked, "Where is Kevin?"

"He had a meeting with Raymond and didn't know how long it'll be so he told me to come straight over myself after work."  Looking around the living room he asked, "Where's Tavia?  She should be here before me."

Charmaine hung up his jacket and pointed towards the kitchen, "She insists on cooking half the dishes."

Ron made a face of horror and exclaimed, "You're joking right?  She can't even boil an egg!"

Laughing at Ron's exaggerated expression, Charmaine headed towards the kitchen again and said over her shoulder, "You'll be surprise tonight."

Ron quickly pulled her back and whispered nervously, "Surprise in a good way or bad?"

Suppressing the urge to giggle, Charmaine brushed his hands off and gave him a wink before quickly disappearing into the kitchen.  Seconds after she stepped into the kitchen she heard keys jangling in the door, "Kevin's home," she said to Tavia.  After quickly washing and wiping her hands on a towel she stepped out of the kitchen only to stop dead in her tracks.  Raymond was standing beside Kevin and locked his eyes on her when she entered the room.  A cold dread filled her when Raymond gave her a smug smile.  Trembling with alarm she forced herself to remain calm as she waited for Kevin and Raymond to approach her. 

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HottestVIPSone #1
You’re the best Charray writers out here (:
midnightdreamz423 #2
simcon, are you still planning to update this story? I will be really upset if you don't because you are one of the few talented CharRay writers out there =/
Leemyy #3
Seems interesting, I'll try reading it :D
I knw its been a long time but I m dying 2 knw hw this ends.
Hope you'll be able to find the direction you want this fanfic to go to soon :)
simcon888 #6
All, I have yet decided on the direction of this story so I may not update for some time. In the meantime, you can read my new Charray story "Blood of Love and Hate" and I hope you'll enjoy it. Thanks again!
mewmew #7
The nerve of Myolie to barge in like that. She needs to come back to reality instead of living in that fantasy land of hers. I'm thrilled that the table is about to turn and that her fun is about to end. Yay Kevin to resolve the problem. Thanks for the update!
irreplaceable #8
woo! go kevin. i seriously love kevin in this story. no man would do that for his wife! thanks for the update!
luvcharray4ever #9
Jez I just came back from my long vacation and now .... wow Thanks for the wonderful story. Myolie You are sure a crazy woman. I dont think she will get what she want, she will just hurt herself over and over again. When the guy doesnt love you, no matter what you do it will not affect him or change his mind. Stupid Myolie!!! wake up girl!! The nesw about Raymond really disappointed me but I still support Charray. Cant make it in real life, we cann always come here for more charrayness. Thanks Simcon. I hope you will keep it up. By the way I think it will not be bad if she tells Kevin about their relationship since he's wanted it all along. Cant wait for next chapter.!! Simcon you are sure the BEST!!!!