Chapter 5

One summer


The Friday camping club session was on and we were officially members after Emi asked us to help them organize a carnival a month before summer ends.

“So Haruma and I are for sure singing. Others can set up their own show or their own booth too. For now, we should talk about how we can do some fundraising. After we get all the money that we could, that’s when we decide what booths to set up and how many.” Emi instructed.

“We can do the same thing we did before, Emi.” Haruma said. “We can get a permit from the city hall and perform street music.”

“Okay, that’s sounds great.” She said as she scribbled something on her “agenda” list. “Who else?”

“Claire and I can bake muffins and cupcakes and sell them in the plaza.” Shota suggested.

Haruma glanced at me inquiringly. “Yeah, why not. Then while I try and sell the goodies you can do some dance moves and attract more people.” I added.

“Aww, yeah! We’ll be awesome!” Shota beamed as he put his hand up for a high-five.

“Yeah!” I said as our palms met.

“Okay, okay. Some good suggestions. Anyone else?” Emi asked ignoring our little ‘celebration’.

“I can get a part-time job at the bar.” Kevin said.

“Okay.” Emi agreed as she scribbled some more.

“I can join Claire and Sho with their baking and dancing thing.” Ryuu said.

“Then I can join you and Haruma too.” Faith said shyly.

I saw Emi gave Faith a sharp look to which Faith responded by lowering her head to avoid her gaze.

“Never mind.” Faith whispered.

“Why not?” Haruma asked. “You are welcome to join us Faith.” He said charmingly.

“So that leaves Junichi and the twins. What are your plans guys?” Emi said quite annoyed after Haruma took Faith’s side.

“My uncle works as a clown in a carnival next town. Maybe I can call him and ask him if he can help us set up rides.” He said hopefully.

“Hiro and I can draw caricatures for money.” Mari said.

“Okay! Seems like everybody is pitching in. We can start with the fundraising tomorrow. The sooner we get the money the better. We have about a month to prepare.” Emi informed.

“Are you guys done?” Aunt Mina asked as she entered the room. “Dinner’s ready.”

“Great!” Shota exclaimed. “My tummy has been growling.” He said as he stood up and followed aunt Mina.

They all followed her leaving Haruma and me alone in the room. Emi asked him if he’s coming and he said he will later.

I wasn’t that hungry so I stayed behind. But if I knew that Haruma would stay as well I would’ve pretended I was and followed the rest to the dining room.

After the incident in his room, I preferred not to be alone with him.

“You’re not hungry?” I asked as I stood up from my seat. “See you later then.”

“Claire.” He said as he stood up as well.

“Yeah?” I asked.

 “What’s wrong?” He asked as he took a step closer.


“You’ve been avoiding me. Why?”

I laughed tensely. “Avoiding? Why would I?” I asked pretending to know nothing about what he was pointing at. “I’ll see you later” I said and finally turned my back at him.

“Did you see her?” He added.

My feet were rooted on the ground as soon as I heard him asked about it. How did he know? Was I too obvious?

I didn’t plan on blowing up my cover though.

“Who?” I asked innocently.

He sighed heavily. “The pregnant woman. I’m pretty sure you saw her on your way to my room that day.”

“What pregnant woman? I didn’t see anyone on your floor except the room service guy.”

“Don’t you want to ask me anything?” He asked boldly.

“Ask about what?” To be honest I’m not interested in hearing his issues anymore. I figured I should save myself from future nuisance.

“About that person who made me hate the stars.”

“I asked you before. You didn’t want to answer. I have common sense in case you haven’t noticed that Haruma. You didn’t want to talk about it so I got your point.”

“You don’t want to know it?”

“What for? It wouldn’t matter to me. And why do you want me to know now? Whatever you’re dealing right now, I’m not going to judge you. For all we know, we wouldn’t see each other after this. We are basically just acquaintances.” I stated sullenly and left him hanging before he could even say a single syllable.

I was fuming as I walked to the dining room. I don’t know why I felt the sudden urge to get mad at him for finally opening up. Maybe because it was long overdue and I felt like I didn’t need to know. Or maybe I just didn’t want to get attached to someone who wouldn’t stay that long in my life. I didn’t see the purpose of getting closer to him and wasting my time and effort.

I must be frowning when I took my seat beside Shota because he asked me if I was okay.

“Yeah.” I said as I changed my frowning face to a grinning on.

“Where is Haruma?” Aunt Mina asked.

“He’s still in the room.” I answered as Haruma entered the room giving me a quick glimpse. “Never mind.” I mumbled.

Little did I know that I mattered to Haruma – something that was opposite to what I thought of him.

 It was a foggy evening because of the sudden change in temperature but I still went to the convenience store several blocks away from Aunt Mina’s house to buy some midnight snacks. I missed eating junk foods and Aunt Mina’s cupboards didn’t carry them. So I walked there spoiling my random cravings.

“We’re lucky tonight, aren’t we?” A voice from behind me said. I turned around to see three tall muscular guys wearing beanies that were covering half of their faces.

I pretended not hearing them so I continued walking while I gradually increase my pace but they were still behind me snickering and talking in low voices.

My heart started to pump faster and I knew I was in trouble so I increased my speed even more – more of like running.

“Quick! She’s running away!” One of them yelled.

It was 10 o’clock at night and I wish I just stayed in my room. This could be my last day and it’s another dumb way to die.

They caught up on me in no time. I did my best to push them away but what’s a short woman like me can do with three gigantic men?

“Hold her!” One man ordered.

“No!” I yelp kicking my legs in the air as the third guy carried me on his shoulder. “Put me down!’ I shrieked hitting him in the back. “HELP! HEEELLLLP!” I shouted more but the second guy cover my mouth with his filthy hands.

“You better shut up or we’ll kill you.” He hissed.

I never thought some people would be interested in kidnapping me. I mean I wasn’t from a rich family. My aunt’s a mere nurse in the city while my dad’s a freelance artist. And he’s nothing compared to Michael Angelo or those other famous painters who hit millions of dollars from being a prodigy.

I didn’t want someone else’s hand covering my mouth so I bit his palm extremely.

“OUCH! YOU SON OF A -----!” He screamed as he took his hand off.

“HELP ANYONE!” I continued screaming.

“SHUT HER UP!” The guy that I bit demanded.

“PUT HER DOWN.” A strong, familiar voice came behind the fog. All of us froze to wait for the silhouette to come out of the white smoke.

My eyes widened in surprise. The voice came from the man I thought didn’t care about me at all.

“Please, put her down.” He said politely. “It’s not a fair game. There’s three of you versus her. Very cheap game you’ve got here.” He said boldly.

“Who the hell do you think you are to talk like that?” The first guy said insulted. “Do you even know this girl?”

“Yes.” He said simply.

“Ahhh, your girlfriend?” The guy holding me mocked. “Well, too bad buddy. You don’t know how to take good care of her. Why do you let her roam the street this late, huh? Now, she’s ours! HAHAHAHAHAHA” He laughed wickedly as the other two guys joined him.

Okay, he sounded gay when he said ‘Now, she’s ours!’.

“Well, you leave me no choice but to – ” He said as he step forward and strike the first guy on the face twice, throwing him to the ground.

“You think you can handle us?” The guy holding me mocked once more as he pushed me to the dirt. He rushed towards Haruma and gave him a punch but Haruma was quick enough to miss it.

He didn’t see the third guy creeping up behind so I shouted. “Behind you!” I said as I kick the second guy’s .

“You brat!” He yelled and was about to run after me but Haruma gave him a kick on the as well.

The first guy was slowly getting up so I searched for something that I can hit him with. There were rocks beside the road and it was the only thing I could think of that can hurt so I gathered a handful and started throwing at him.

Haruma was busy dodging the blows and kicks coming from the other two muscular guys. Haruma was quite built but the guys were bigger than him so I thought I should do something better than throwing rocks. But I must say that his quick reflexes and how even though he was alone he was able to knock them out impressed me. I quickly reached for my bag lying on the sidewalk and took my phone to dial the police.

“Hello. Yes I need help! Three guys are beating up my friend. Uhm, we’re at the corner of Sakura street and Takoyaki court not too far from the convenience store.” I said hysterically.

I glanced over to Haruma still struggling with the three. “Hurry up please! They’re killing him!” I cried over the phone.

 I kept praying to God to keep him from danger. I even promised that I would treat him better if nothing bad happens tonight. Not knowing what to do, I suddenly found myself crying while yelling at them to stop. I could see Haruma’s face covered in blood as he continued dodging their throbbing strikes.

“STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!” I wailed. Sirens going off suddenly filled the air.

“COPS!” The first guy yelled to his buddies. “Let’s get out of here!”

They gave Haruma a final blow but the second guy pulled something out from his pocket. It was a shiny metal and I knew exactly what it was.

“NOOOOOOOOOOO!” I screamed as I tried to stop him.

“UGHHHHHHHHHHH!” Haruma screamed in pain as the sharp blade pierced through his flesh. Blood came out and spread on the ground. I ran towards him and held him in my arms.

“HELP US!!! Someone call the ambulance!!!” I cried.

My vision became blurry after and all I could remember was a police officer pulling me off from Haruma and carrying me to the cruiser. Ambulance came in seconds and paramedics carried Haruma to the stretcher.

My senses shut off mechanically from the trauma and the next thing I knew was I was on the hospital bed beside Haruma’s.

I gasped as I saw his unconscious body filled with bruise; his left arm covered with bandage. I hurriedly walked towards him and woke him up. “Haruma!” I called his name anxiously.

“He’s on sleeping pills so he won’t wake up easily.” A nurse informed me as she walked in the room. She checked the IV bags and the ECG machine for the status of his heartbeat.

“How is he?” I asked not leaving Haruma’s side.

“He’s stable now.” The nurse replied. “The knife missed his liver so it was a relief. Otherwise, he would be in critical condition.”

I sat beside his bed in extreme shock. He could’ve died. The nurse noticed my sudden glumness as she said

“Don’t worry now. He’s safe and the doctor said if his condition is consistently stable, he would be out in four days.” The nurse said as she noticed my sudden glumness.

I nodded weakly as exhaustion finally took effect in my body.

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sharsharr #1
Oh my gohdd. Why stop author-san? Why stop at the most convenient time when she confessed & I'm dying to know about his reactions? Why? OTL I like how it took her 6 chapters to realize she likes him instead of the usual love at first sight & confess right away at chapter 3 stint most authors are so fond of. It's so hard to come by a good story with fluent english & a refreshing plot on this site nowadays. So please please continue this story. I would like to know if he rejects her or not, about his background story & if they end up together or not. Thanks. :)
Chapter 6: Yay! An update!

I can't wait to see what happens next.
ooooh, so interesting. i like it. please update!
Reia_Na #4
Nice story,, I like it,, update soon, please!!
gabuchan #5
@Infnt7Inspirit Thanks for reading and supporting! <3
spring-rain #6
WOAH, this fic is so well-written! :) Fighting!