Hurt Me

Never Let Me Go [2min One Shot Collection]


Hurt Me - Dalmatian 

They laid quietly for a moment with nothing but the sound of their breathing filling the room. Taemin was the first to speak.

"Never leave me."

"I won’t."

“Never forget me,”

“I don’t think I could.”

“Never hurt me.”

Minho found the younger male's lips and kissed him softly before replying. “I promise,” he whispered into the darkness.

Taemin knew Minho meant it. Taemin gave Minho his heart. Taemin knew Minho wouldn’t break it.   

Taemin was wrong.

Taemin sat on the couch, bring his legs to his chest and resting his chin on his knees as he watched the TV screen. It was the performances of their last concert.

Before the incident.

He watched it claiming it was to see all his errors so that he could improve for next time, but Key knew better. 

"You're doing it again," Key said walking into the room. 

"It’s the only thing I have of him."

"It’s been a month. You need to move on. This isn't healthy for you, Tae." 

Taemin felt a lump in his throat as Key words left his mouth.

How easy it was for Key to say. For everyone to say.

Their hearts weren’t broken. Not in the same way as Taemin’s.

They only assumed they knew what pain was. They didn’t know what it was like at all.

They had each other. Taemin had no one. Not anymore.

Wanting to be alone, Taemin turned off the TV and stood up.

“Where are you going?”

“For a walk.”

It was dark as Taemin wondered the busy streets of Seoul. He let his feet guide him with no destination in mind, but before he knew it he was at the one place he told himself he wouldn’t go.

"I told myself I wasn’t going to visit you anymore. Not after what you did to me.” Taemin said. He felt a small drizzle start to fall.

“I saw you again," Taemin chuckled humorlessly. "I see you everywhere." He hugged himself against the cold.

"I thought I told you to stay out of my head. I'm supposed to be getting better and you're not letting me." Taemin let warm vapor escape his mouth as he looked up at the star filled sky wishing the other would say something.

"You're the worst, you know that?" He sniffled. Damn it. He told himself he wouldn't cry.

You're selfish jerk. “You left me to deal with the world's bull on my own.”

You’re a heartless bastard.“You made me love you.”

You’re an inconsiderate .“You always decided things on your own.”

You’re a liar.“You said you'd never leave me. You swore to never forget me. “

You piss me off."You make me do bad things.”

You make me cry and you're not even here.“But I guess that's the reason why." 

As much as Taemin hated to admit it, Key was right. This wasn’t healthy for him. He was gone and he wasn’t coming back. Taemin needed to move on. He needed happiness in his life even if it was without the taller male.

Taemin let tears fall as he ran his hand over Minho’s grave.“You hurt me, Minho." I know you didn’t mean to.

 “That’s why I'm gonna live without you.” Even though I don’t want to. Taemin sighed as he wiped away a tear that stung his cheek.

Taemin brought his fingertips to his lips and pressed them against the stone again. Saying goodbye for the last time, he slowly back away, turned around and walked home.

Malkom’s Note

I made a fanvid the other day and decided to write a one shot with it~

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I'm gonna go shower now~


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Chapter 2: and this is just plain sad :'( but written beautifully <3
Chapter 1: awww this is just too cute <3
Okay, I know I already told you this, but umma likes to spoil you~ <3
I loved this >.> I mean ... TAEMIN IS SUFFERING! LIKE, MY HEART JUST . SAIFÇOFIDA I love it when either my bias die or suffer XD I'm a maso, I know <3
I love you baby~
You killed Minho.... You bastard! ;3;
JK, I love you <3
Taemin ='(
Be strong, Taemin-ah! <3 ;_;
That was sad...
awwww 2min is soooo sweet~~~ =)
that was cute~ :D
haha, I'm glad I'm not the only one who things that acting is not for Minho~ :D Singing is his thing, someone should tell him that~ *.*
2min is too cute ;__; <3