
Mr. Playboy meets Loyalty

Chaerin was at the front seat of the car, driving while Dara was sitting at the backseat reading Sparkling Magazine she had bought earlier before leaving the hotel. This

magazine is cool. Dara tought as she flipped the colorful pages of the magazine and read articles.


"Chaerin, read this magazine if you get bored..." Dara snapped as she leaned forward to the front seat and placed the magazine on the seat next to Chaerin.


"Hmmm... What is it?" Chaerin asked as she took a glance on the magazine.


"It's really fun reading that stuff... Read that if you're bored or when you want to do something." Dara replied as she went back to her seat.


"Sure." Chaerin smiled, taking the magazine by her right hand and the left on the steering wheel. "This looks interesting." She added, putting it back to the seat.


Dara smiled. After a moment, she decided to take TamTam, her doll out of her backpack. TamTam you're so cute... TamTam... She continously repeated as she moved

TamTam's arms.


She got tired by the weird things she had been doing. She got bored to the long trip back to her father's office. She put TamTam back to her bag and placed her head

on it as she lied down.


Dara's POV

It's really a long trip back to father's place. I wanted to sleep but I couldn't. I just had enough rest in the hotel for one week right after I arrived from U.S. I miss

everything here. But, I'll miss U.S. too... I'm excited to see father again. We always talk on the phone... Okay, not everyday but we 'often' talk. He's a busy person so I

understand that. It's been three years. I miss him so much!!! >_<.



I felt the car stopped. And I heard something. Are we here? Are we already here? I should be hearing Chaerin's voice. A loud voice striked my ears. Ouch. Ugh. Yeah.

I've had fallen asleep. Howcome I didn't notice it. Howcome... I slowly opened my eyes and sat up. 




Father's face welcomed me. He looked funny. I smiled. And when I'm sure that I was completely awake, Words just came out from my mouth. Weird. 


FATHER! I hugged him from my seat. 


We looked weird...


Yeah, we looked weird... I guess so. But I don't care. I'm so happy and still, excited. I extended my arm to reach for my bag as I jumped off to the ground. Everyone

 was smiling smiling at us as we made our way to father's office. "I miss you daughter!" Father said for the 5th time. I guess... Chaerin was at our back. I know, I didn't

talk to her after we arrived here. Okay, I just missed my dad so much. We entered the office and it looked neat and nice. The same look before I left and the furnitures

were still on its places. Exactly the same positions. I put down my quite-heavy-bag on the chair behind me. " I have bought you something, dad." 


"Really? What is it?" He excitedly smiled.


Before I could my bag, a tall guy in black elegant suite entered. "Ugh. Sorry." When I looked at him, I froze for a while after seeing his face. *GASP* He's so so so

so so so HOTTTT!!! When I turned to Chaerin, she  looked surprised either and our jaws dropped that moment.


"Oh, it's okay. By the way, Dara, Chaerin... This is Mr. Choi SeungHyun my new assistant." 


Really? Dad's new assistant? I should've gone home earlier. Okay, Chaerin has the same reaction as mine so I don't care if I look weird.


*GASP*. He just looked at us...And...SMILE?! Wha!!! He's so hottt. :3


He must be a friendly man. I think its his first  day here since Chaerin who's been staying here while I'm away had the same reaction as mine.


"Ugh. Excuse me sir, please sign this paper. This is about the partnership with the Kwon Company." SeungHyun continued as he went to dad's table. He smells really

cool. Omo~~~. 


Dad signed the paper. We were just sitting beside, wondering about him. Haayy~~~.  He smiled at us and left the room. Why did he leave so soon? Haayy.


We must've been obvious since our eyes were still glued on the glass door where SeungHyun entered earlier. Eh? I shook my head as I turned my head to dad after

hearing him clear his throat. Yeah, we were pretty obvious.


"Ugh. Okay dad, here it is." I snapped as I took the watch I bought in U.S.


He smiled at me. "Thank You, Dara."


After hearing that. I felt like there's something wrong... He removed the watch he's currently wearing and replace it with the new watch.


"Oh. Crap. Why did I forget that he's wearing the watch mom gave him..."




"It's okay Dara. I've used it long enough. I want to try this new one you gave me." He smiled as he showed me the new watch on his wrist. I was speechless. I don't

know. That watch was the only thing left that reminds him about mom.


Dara! >_<.




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Tantarara~ Here is the Chapter 4. Awww... :D.


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abya01 #1
Chapter 5: Your welcome keke :)
phinnaa #2
When will u update again?
Waiting for u here :)
roxijojo #3
Hi!!! I like it!!!!
Dara, go go girl! you also can play!!! hahaha And oooohhhh Hot Tabi...well i want to know more about ths fic
Thank you so much
Hello KaiRox167! :D.
KaiRox167 #5
dis is funny
Nope its bigger now :D keep it at size 18 :D AND UPDATE SOOONNN!!
@OnewSarang: Okay... Sure... LOL... Sorry for making it too small. :D. There... I changed it already... Just tell me if you're having some problems regarding the story... ^^. Thanks for telling it by the way. :D.
Can you please change the font or make it bigger? I really like it but i have to squint to see the word which takes away half the fun.. pretty please?
baby_moon #9
Update soon, PLEEEEAAAASSSSEEE!!!!!!! Pretty, please!!!!!!
@mrs_kwon_kim: Don't leave! LOL. It's a DaraGon fic... I am an appler too, I don't break hearts. Believe me, it's really a DaraGon fic. :)).

@erinus27: It's DaraGon. :D.

@naomi11: LOL. Don't worry... It's DaraGon. :D.

@amership: LOL, same. Don't worry... It's DaraGon... :D.

@aubreyLazy: It is! LOL.:)). Don't cry. :((. LOL. :)).

@XxBlackBeat: Thanks! :)). LOL.

Sorry if I'm making you all confused! Just continue reading...and you'll see... It's really DaraGon. :)). LOL. Thanks! :D.