the barrier between is so thin

Holding On and Letting Go

Watching over Ryeowook, protecting Ryeowook was a difficult task but one Kyuhyun wouldn’t mind doing until his death bed but having your body moving on its own, and literally having a life of its own was another thing. No one would believe him, they’ll just pass it as depression or fatigue but...


Yesung has possessed his body and once in a while he takes over while he sits back and watches his older brother use his body to be with his lover. It pained him and confused him even more. Was his overflowing feelings his very own or something that comes along with Yesung’s spirit? Should he be happy that he gets to embrace Ryeowook or shouldn’t he? If this goes on, at the end of everything would it be him who leaves the body or Yesung? If Ryeowook knew what’s been going on would he wished for Yesung to stay and take over Kyuhyun’s body or scold him for taking advantage of his younger brother’s body?


Kyuhyun shivered as he willed the thoughts away. He forced himself to think about the blue print in front of him. Have to finish the project or else Kibum will have my head he said to himself but as he started to pick the pencil up he couldn’t bring himself to start, his unanswered questions keep nagging at him like unhappy ghosts. He threw aside the things on his desk out of frustration and lay his head on top of it, covering it with his arms.


“Kyu are you okay?” Yesung asked, his transparent self shown against the window.

“I’m alright, just… just swamped that’s all.” He lied as he covered himself deeper, concealing the tears escaping from his eyes.


Please don’t let him know. I hope Yesung hyung can’t read my mind or my heart. But I so wanted to tell him that it hurts… that I want to be Ryeowook’s support… that I want him gone. I’m so shameless!



With Kyuhyun’s constant nagging and his physical therapist’s efforts, Ryeowook was able to get back to college and continue his studies. It was hard to get back to his regular piano virtuoso self but he was fairly well. Plus, it gives him enough reason to avoid Kyuhyun. But since when has he been so conscious about the younger man’s presence?


When they first met, he thought he was so adorable that he could just hug him tight and whenever he places himself in between him and Yesung he thought it was the cutest thing a high school kid could do. Ryeowook had seen Kyuhyun practically grow up to a man and wondered why he still hasn’t found himself a partner when girls are voluntarily giving themselves to him.


After the accident, Kyuhyun has always been there and he only saw him as a nuisance. He was frightened at how similar Kyuhyun sometimes acts like Yesung that he couldn’t help but cry at night. However, Ryeowook was thankful that Kyuhyun was there but as the days turned into weeks, seeing Kyuhyun had become surprisingly overwhelming. So much that he has to escape.


“Kyu, maybe it’s better if you concentrate on your studies,” he suggested as Kyuhyun helped him unpacked his things. “I mean, I’m doing great and I know you’ve got things that need finishing. Thank you for all the help.” He finished stretching out a hand.

“Whatever you like.” Kyuhyun answered.

“You know Kyu, do you have a girlfriend? I’ve never seen you bring one.”

“I’ve got lots of girl friends but I’m currently uninterested in being in a relationship.”

Somehow that made Ryeowook relieved. “Awww… you’re not getting any older so you better hurry.”


He had to push Kyuhyun out of his life, he was afraid. His heart was beating again, almost just like that for Yesung and it was too early and so wrong… Kyuhyun is Yesung’s brother. Yesung is the one he loves.


Christmas was getting closer, Ryeowook can tell from the first snow he saw outside the studio’s window. He had been practicing for two hours, his hands were still stiff – in a musician’s level – but he was improving. Getting busy and imprisoning himself inside the cold walls of the studio was the only way he could think of to keep himself from thinking about Yesung… and Kyuhyun.


Ryeowook stretched his fingers and positioned them over the ebony and ivory colored keys when he happened to look out the window again. Kyuhyun was outside talking animatedly with a girl, an arm draped over her small frame and their bodies intimately close. His hands wouldn’t move, he couldn’t will them to move, he couldn’t even remember what song he was about to play. All he could think of was the pain and the odd sense of betrayal he felt.

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cmngcm #1
Chapter 6: Sorry I dun understand the kibum and donghae's just another side story?
So nice! Good job!
Awww, I love the angsty drama! It's amazing! And Kibum and Donghae at the end made my day! :D
memoire- #4
I am sad that my bias died, but Kyuwook got a happy ending!!! That's what matters! Somehow I think that Hae is that Chuck Taylor xD
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay, KyWook ended up together and Yesung gave his blessings!!!!:D I love the ending and I am glad they got together!!!:D
kyulovewook #6
i love the ending of KyuWook so much~ i've been waiting for that special moment between them I'm glad they're happy and Yesung helping Wookie to hug Kyu when he was scared :D and it's cute to read the last part of Hae and Kibum together :D
final part ...
oh this story is really beautiful ^^ i really really like it !!!
omo!!! nice! i like it!! kyuwook♥~!
aww.. they're finally together.. and i dont see donghae and kibum part coming.. haha ! aniway, nice one !
D'awwwwww. That's all I have to say right now