The Fight

Time Alone... => Disaster?!?

"And here the news from Northern Wales. There were a couple of murders in Florence and its area. The determinations of the police are still not finished but because of reliable resources we know those crimes were committed by a serial killer..."

"Hey Setzuna, what are you doing there?" Akira asked her.
"Gosh, why are you always so upset? I'm just going out to practise my Ku-fei. Do you have something against that?"
"See-chan, stop talking like that with Akira-chan!"
"Ojo-sama, stop barging in. That's just something between Akira and me."...
The girls were so busy with there fight they didn't notice Nagi and Kataro entering and listening.
"What's that? Stop this argument immidiately!" Nagi yelled at them.
Everything was silent.
"Better. Phuu... So. Now one of you will tell me what's happend."
Still no-one's speaking until Kataro breaks the silence: "Wow... I didn't know you could interfere so well."
"What do you mean, Kataro?"
"Well... I'm wondering you can interfere so well on your pricesses. That really is remarkable considered to how much they mean to you."
Ironical laughing was the answere.
"Hahaha, are you really searching for a fight, Kataro?"
"N-no, it wasn't meant like this! It's just surprising you're doing things like that."
Now Nagi was laughing out loud.
"I know, Kataro ^^ but as long as my parents aren't here we are the men in the house and it's us who bear the charge for the girls so it would be really embaressing if we wouldn't be able to handle these girls, wouldn't it?"
Yeah right. ^^ Where would we be otherwise?"
"I don't know."
Nagi couldn't control himself anymore and soon he and Kataro held there stomachs because they hurt from all the laughing until Akira yelled disgustedly: "Girls? GIRLS??? WHAT'S THAT MEAN???"
Nagi chuckeld while answereing: "Hihi, sorry, I-I can't control myself anymore..."
He and Kataro continued laughing.
Kataro chuckeld: "Oh, oh, that'll cause trouble..."
"Hihi, yeah."
"Why are ya laughing? Do you think I'm joking?? Kataro, shut the up and you, Nagi, what do you mean with "girls"? Do I look like a girl for you?!?"
"I'm sorry, Akira. It wasn't meant like that..."
"You call it "not meant like that"?! Are you nuts??!!"
Ringing laughter made her spin around.
Albireo stood in the doorframe with his arm around Setzuna's shoulers.
"You're really funny, do you know that? Truth be told, why are you argueing, Nagi? Why are you stepping into the girl's fight and don't let them clear it out for themselves?"
"Oh, oh. Hey, Albireo, it would've been better if you hadn't said so..."
"Said what?"
"The thing with the girls."
Albireo breaks into a laugh.
"Oh, that's whatcha mean. What's so bad about it?"
"Well, they don't like others calling them "girls". They prefere to be called "women"."
"Well... too bad. I'm allowed to do that and on top they're aren't real women yet. Well, I gotta say there are exeptions which are close to that point and that are Akira and Asuna, or am I wrong?"
Everyone's quiet.
"Yeah, you're right," Kataro murmured.
Suddenly Nagi said: "You aren't completely wrong. But, Kataro, we gotta go now."
"We really have to go already?"
"Well, I could understand if you wouldn't want my help anymore but I'm leaving now. The situation's getting too mad for me."
Nagi waited a little moment but when Kataro didn't move in an instant he left.
When he almost had one hand at the doornob he felt another on his shoulder.
"What kind of question was that? Of course I'll come along."
They were off and left the "girls" alone.
Out of the background they heard Akira yelling: "What kinda s are you to run from your problems?"
And they also heard Abireo saying to Asuna: "How pityful, the show's already over. Let's go, nothing interesting will happen here anymore." But the boys only heard it quietly because they were already too far gone.
"What was that?" Akira asked ditinguished and angry.
Konoka answered: "Hmm... I don't know. Do you know it, See-chan?"
"No, I don't know it, too."
"Hmm... And what about you, Albireo? Albireo??? Where is he?" Akira asked.
"Er... I think he and Asuna-chan have left as well."
The discussion stayed like that for a space while Nagi and Kataro strolled along a corrdidor which let to the entrance hall.
"Thanks for consulting me. Listen, you gotta help me with Natzumi-Nee-chan."
"No problem. What's up?"
"Well, soon is her birthday and I don't know what to donate to her."
"Ah, okay. Hahaha..."
"Why are you laughing, it's a serious problem!"
"Ah, I see. So you've got a crush on Natzumi-chan."^^
"Er... uh... Yeah. And it's really important for me."
"Well, then be tranquilized. Cuz it's really easy to find something which you can present a woman."
"Huh? Honestly?"
"What are you talking about?"
"What do you think? A night of love, of course! What else?"
"A night... Are you crazy? I could never ever do that!"
"Huh? Why not?"
"Well because... That would leave the impression I'd just wanted to play with her. Just think a little before answereing!"
"Yeah, yeah, okay. I've already assumed you'd react like this. But I also have other ideas: What about us arranging prom and previous to it you take her to a romantic dinner?"
"Wow, that's it. But how will we keep her out of our arrangements?"
"Dedicate that to me. Later you two have to go somewhere to watch the stars. That'll be a great eyecatcher and she'll remember it for sure. But now, let's go shopping! Do you know what Natzumi-chan wants?"
Kataro blushed and answered sheepishly: "No, I didn't have the chance to ask her."
"Oh. Well, then let me do it. I'll find it out for you, okay?"
"Er... it's a little embaressing, but if you don't mind it'd be nice. Thanks."
"No problem. Of course I help you; you're my best friend! And you and Natzumi would totally match. But hey, I'm tired of talking, let's go and buy a new suit for you."
They went to Osika and looked where they could find good suits.
"Hmmm... What about this one?"
"No, that's not really my kind."
"Okay. And what about that one?"
"I really like it but I've already tried it on once. It's totally uncomfortable."
"Oh, okay. Then we're through. Let's go into the next store."
"Yeah, okay. Goodbye."
"Have a nice day."
It went like that for about two hours.

The girls have calmed down. Ku-fei was in the gym and practiced with Craig. Setzuna-chan and Konoka-chan were in the swimmingpool in the garden.
Only Akira was still in the dining-room and was angry with Nagi. She thought: "How can he do this? Easily leaving when I am talking with him. And then this girl-thing... ughh..."
Her eyes started to water but she didn't notice.
She also didn't notice Asuna entering the dining-room and coming to a stop in front of her.
But when she noticed she jumped up and burried herself in her friend's arms.
Even though she was crying Akira tried to tell Asuna what had happened.
"I... he is... it... oh, dammit!"
Asuna understood her friend and tried to comfort her. But it needed an eternity until Akira had calmed down.
The both girls wanted to step out of the room when Nagi and Kataro entered talking loudly.
"Hey, thanks for your help."
Nagi stood directly in front of Akira and stared into her tear-stained eyes.
Suddenly the eyecontact broke as Akira span around, ran out of the room and out of sight.
"...problem," he whispered with wide opened eyes.
Kataro yelled: "Damn, Akira, it's not like you think it is!"
"Akira..." Nagi wanted to run after her but Asuna held him back.
"Leave her alone for now. She needs some time for herself."
"But I have to..."
"You don't have to do anything. Dammit, who do you think you are? And why do you think you are rotten to her?"
While Asuna yelled at Nagi Akira ran around without seeing anything. She didn't mind where she'd end up, the main point was to get away.

Asuna yelled until Kataro clasped a hand in front of . "Stop it now!"
"Hmm...mhh... a... m"
"Oh my gosh, shut up and listen! Nagi has done it all for me! I have "forced" him to help me." He replaced his hand.
"And now you want me to trust you, don't you?"
"It really is like that, Asuna-chan. He should help me find a present for Natzumi-Nee-chan. Because he is toghether with Akira and understands more of women I asked him to help me."
"Oh. Hmmm... Does that mean you're in love with Natzumi?"
"Oh, er... yeah," he said and felt embarrassed.

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Chapter 1: Awesome story! Please update soon!