01. 누난너무예뻐 (Replay) - The first mini album

S h i n i n g | S H I N e e | S o n g | O n e - s h o t s

Forewords: Lee Taemin is a 19 year old boy in his last year of high school. Sun Jeongmin is a 21 year old girl in her second year of university and she was Taemin’s girlfriend for 2 years. Taemin realizes she’s acting differently around him and gets jealous of the crowd of boys that surround her every times he sees’ his pretty noona. What will happen when he approaches her?

Taemin’s thoughts will be in italics in the one shot.

This one shot is in 3rd person.

I realized Replay wasn’t exactly the happiest song and it was actually quite dramatic, not as dramatic as I made it, but it wasn’t happy. I’m sorry if this failed to reach your expectations, this is the first one shot I’ve ever written, please correct me in any of my mistakes :)


Basically, the song Replay is about a boy that’s dating an older girl aka. Noona, and her feelings are starting to falter for him and going towards another man, the boy (SHINee), knows this and frets over everything, he’s scared of breaking up, but he admits that he felt proud while walking with such a beautiful woman that get’s crowded by other men and he starts thinking why she would be sick of him, the possibilities, everything, while reminiscing on the memories they had together, and he slowly gets sick of that feeling of worry. So it isn’t the happy song we thought it to be. Just thought I might get that clear, otherwise you would be…wth is this? xD

Ah, and a bit of the dialogue is what they sing in the song :)


“Lee Taemin, pay attention.” The teacher at the front of the room tapped impatiently on the whiteboard with her chalk as she glared disapprovingly at the 19 year old Taemin dazing out the window. Taemin snapped back into the real world before nodding once at the teacher and she continued on with her lesson.

“Taemin, are you okay?” His best friend, Minho, whispered from beside him with a worried look on his face and a soft nudge.

Taemin was acting strangely unlike himself for the last few weeks.

“I’m fine.” He replied quietly. He rested his head on one hand before he took a pen and started to scribble on his Korean Language textbook. Minho tilted his head to see what was written.

‘Noona is so pretty’

That was what Taemin had written on his book, and he wrote it over and over again. Slowly it formed a small rip in his book. Tears had formed in his half moon eyes that were usually sparkling with happiness.

“Did you fight with Jeongmin noona again?” Minho asked cautiously. Taemin eyed Minho from the corner of his eye at the mention of her name. He weakly shook his head as a tear leaked out the side before he went back to his scribbling.

The bell went signing the end of school. Minho stood up at the speed of lightening whilst Taemin feebly stood up and packed his bags before walking up to Minho who was waiting for him at the door.

“Wanna go to the basketball court today?” Minho asked, expectation in his voice.

Taemin shook his head.

“I have somewhere to go.” Taemin softly smiled before walking outside of the room, and exited the school.

“To Jeongmin noona?” Minho asked as he wrapped his arm around Taemin’s small framed shoulder.

“Yeah.” Taemin forced a smile before putting one earphone in his ear.

“I’ll go with you! I’m going past Seoul Uni anyway.” Minho lied. He was worried about his friend and wanted see if he could become any comfort.

“Hyung…?” Taemin started faintly.


“Do you think I’m too young for Noona? Do I act too young?” Young Taemin asked as he looked up at Minho with moist eyes.

“What on earth have you been listening to?” Minho chuckled. “Of course you’re not too young! You’re 19, she’s 21…that’s only a two year difference.” He smiled at his brother like friend.

“Do you think I’m immature? Do I lack something that girls like? Is there something wrong with me?” Taemin started bombarding him with questions.

“Woah, woah, woah, Taemin, slow down!” Minho grasped onto Taemin’s shoulders tightly and looked him straight in the eyes. “You’re not immature. You don’t lack anything and there is definitely NOTHING wrong with you.” Minho smiled reassuringly.

Taemin sighed before looking away. The jewelry shop that his girlfriend, Jeongmin, admired stood on the other side of the road.

“Hyung. Actually, you can go first.” Taemin said as he stopped in his tracks.

“Why? Is there something wrong?”

“No, just somewhere I need to go first.” Taemin gave him a soft smile before running off.

“Ah…that boy.” Minho mumbled before scratching his head in annoyance.

Meanwhile Taemin looked around the store for something he could afford.

$400…$683.20…Why is everything so expensive?!

The shopkeeper looked up at him.

“Do you need help with anything Sir?” The assistant asked.

“How much is your cheapest item?” Taemin asked as he looked up with a smile.

“$128.00. On sale.” She smiled at him as she took out a necklace with a petite diamond pendant hanging from it. Taemin looked at it for a while. It was simple, but beautiful. He took his wallet out from his bag and looked through the notes.

Exactly $200 was left from his monthly pocket money.

I’ll just walk to school from now…

Taemin handed the assistant the money, took the small felt box and placed it carefully in his pocket with a smile before walking out of the shop. He looked down at his watch to realize that it was already 4PM.

“Jeongmin Noona would be finished by now.” He muttered to himself before he started running towards Seoul University.

As he approached the university, he saw her. The girl that he was thinking about all day, worried about all day…the girl that was making him go crazy with her beauty.

But he didn’t see her as he had expected. What he had expected was her to be quietly waiting for him in front of her school while her smooth, long, black hair let the wind blow through it…instead he saw another boy that looked around her age planting a kiss on the back of her hand, in the middle of a circle of boys, while she smiled without a worry. Definitely not the romantic image he had imagined it to be.

Taemin swallowed his spit.

“Noona!” he called out, trying to hide the bitterness in his voice but somewhat failing.

“Taemin!” She giggled before struggling to remove her hands from the boys. Taemin’s nostrils flared as he stormed towards her and tugged roughly on her hand before leading her away from the bunch of boys.

“Gnaw, is my Taemin jealous?” She cooed as she ruffled his hair playfully.

That used to be a kiss.

“I’m not a child. Don’t ruffle my hair.” He stated coldly.

“What?” She laughed. “Of course you’re a child. You’re only 19.” She giggled, it was melodic to Taemin’s ears. Everything about her was beautiful to him. When she smiled, when she frowned, when she cried…but not now.

“Are you that stupid noona? Are you that slow? Can you not see why I’m angry?” Taemin was angry. Jeongmin just looked at him and smiled.

“I’m just saying that you’re young. That’s all!” She shrugged with a laugh.

“Is this amusing to you noona?” He looked away. She didn’t understand. “Don’t act like you don’t know what I’m talking about. I know you’re changing. You’re heart is moving farther away from mine. You don’t feel love towards me. Do I look like a toy to you?” He roared. Guilt was spread across Jeongmin’s face.

So he had realized.

“Taemin…I-I…” She tried to defend herself but instead she looked away.

“Even the way you look at me is different.” Taemin tried to look into her avoiding eyes. “Is it because I’m too kind? I’m too young? I’m too understanding? Because if rough is what you want I’ll give it to you.” Taemin grabbed Jeongmin’s face with his hands roughly before placing his lips arrogantly on hers. Her lips didn’t budge and he pulled away.

“Taemin…I can explain.” She started quietly.

“Explain what? I know that you’re trying to get rid of me by treating me like a kid, hoping that I would get the idea and go away quietly. Are you forgetting the promises we made? We promised we would never let go of each others’ hands…that we would never part.” He was confused. Lost. In denial.

“This is why you’re too young for me.”

“Oh please. You started dating me when you were 19 as well.” Taemin scoffed.

“I’m older now Taemin. Don’t you understand what I’ll look like if I’m dating a 19 year old with a school uniform on? What would my classmates think of me?” She complained as she threw her hands up in the air. “Promises can be broken. It’s time you accept that.” She quietly added.

“So I was a toy…just something you could play with and throw away when you got bored. Every kiss, every touch, every single memory we made together was just a lie…a game to you.”

“Taemin, you and I both know you only dated me for my looks in the beginning, I was popular, you dated me, you looked cool, and you were satisfied with the envious looks you would get from around you.”

“In the beginning. Then I fell in love you. With your every movement, every word you said…every smile, every tear. I fell in love with everything to do with you.” Taemin took her hands and held them in his. “I love you.”

She pulled her hands away from his and tears formed in Taemin’s hopeful eyes.

“You don’t know love. You’re too young.” Jeongmin replied coldly.

“I think it’s you that doesn’t know love. I might be young Noona, but I’m old enough to understand what love is, and that’s all I gave you, all the love in my heart.” Taemin blinked and a tear streamed down his cheek.

He loved her. He really did. He had so much he wanted to show her, there was so much he wanted to do for her.

“I go crazy by just looking at you Jeongmin.” He laughed icily. He felt pathetic.

“I can’t continue a love with someone I no longer feel love for.”

“I’m getting sick of this…I’m getting sick of you. I’m getting sick of everything.” Taemin was at loss for words.

This is not what I wanted…I wanted you to mend my heart with your loving words, with your smooth hands, with your tender lips and your beautiful smile.

Not this.

We’re in front of departure…and my heart is screaming in pain and yet I can’t tell the truth.

“Then let’s finish this.” Jeongmin coldly said. Taemin’s delicate hands wrapped tightly around the little felt box that contained the fine piece of jewelry he had purchased before. He struggled for words, afraid that if he opened his mouth, not words but sobs would come out. She looked at him with sad, soft eyes before placing her hand on one of his.

“Thank you Taemin…and goodbye.” She placed a soft peck on his lips before turning around and leaving. Her slender figure slowly disappearing into the crowd of people, out of Taemin’s view.

“I wasn’t finished.” Taemin muttered as he took the felt box out of his pocket. He opened it up and took the necklace out. He took one glace at the sparkling pendant before throwing it cruelly into the snow where it could no longer be seen.

He turned around and stiffly started to walk.

Memories of Jeongmin wandered through his mind, every kiss, every hug, every little moment had returned to him without a fail and a single tear dropped from his eyes and made its’ way slowly down his cheek before falling onto the snow, as the icy wind blew and made him shiver.

“I wish everything would just replay…” He whispered to himself, tears streaming down his cheeks as he gloomily trudged away.

Sorry if it was ultra bad :'(

It was  a bit more dramatic than i wanted it to be...or should've been.

It's my first time writing a one shot.

Please don't hesitate to tell me what i did wrong, or if there's anything i need to correct :D

The next one will be 'In my Room' which is also a sad song.

'Real' is a happy one though :)

Thank you for reading ~

COMMENTS ARE LOVE (and appreciated, they help with motivation)

Eat your fruits and veges ~

onhyukmin ~

PS: Check out my other fic too :D

구름 과 별 ║ Clouds and Stars

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Jeongmin, I HATE YOU.
i like it
D:<br />
Both the first stories had me either feel mad (Taemin's) or extremely sad(Onews)!<br />
Is it weird that I admire you for that?<br />
awww:( <br />
sad but its a good storyy:)<br />
update soon!~
ONEWWWWW!!!! you stupid dummy! why wud u kill ur self?!<br />
T.T that was sad but i liked it ^^
SuperSapphire #6
that. was. amazing.<br />
one thing though...<br />
"I want to marry you and start a family with you, and have you by my side every day until I get old and wrinkly, while you stay beautiful, making all the other grandpa’s in town jealous of the lucky man that gets the y grandma."<br />
i ROFLed at this XD<br />
update soon^^
oh gosh, this is so friggin sad! D':<br />
and this is doesn't . AT ALL.<br />
update sooon!
RoxyRM #8
I HATE YOU ANNIE! Why'd you make me cry? :(<br />
I cried towards the end. (Yeah cuz the other parts were just funny LOLOLOL y grandma. I can't even)<br />
You killed...onew.../wails<br />
<br />
but omg that was real good.<br />
<br />
hehe. Update Soon! ♥<br />
kiyeon_shineekeybum #10
Its not horrible at all. Your writing got me sniffing and in tears. Omg, update (:<br />
Good job! (;