A Hospital Story

A Hospital Story


English is not my first language, sorry if there's any mistakes. enjoy ^^




Kyuhyun has always hate hospital. First, because his super-busy father works at hospital, as a doctor, so his father rarely have time to play with him. Second, because hospital is the place where he saw how his mother suffered from cancer before she died.

But Kyuhyun have to, always have to go to the the hospital. Not because he’s sick, but because his school is near the hospital which his father works in. He have to wait for his uncle to pick him up from the hospital and drive him home, which is usually at 5 PM, every school day.

But then, he didn’t hate hospital anymore, he even enjoyed it.


Just like the other day, Kyuhyun had lunch in the hospital’s cafetaria. He just stared blankly through the glass wall that separated the cafetaria and the hospital backyard. He found a little boy squatted on the backyard, alone, wearing the patient clothes with bandage on his head. He walked out from the cafetaria toward that boy. He stood in front of that boy who seems didn’t aware about his presence.

“What are you doing here?” Kyuhyun asked.

The boy lifted up his head to see Kyuhyun, “Playing,” and contunied to play with the sands in front of him.


The boy lifted his head and looked around, “Um hm,” and continued to play again.

“My name is Kyuhyun, Cho Kyuhyun.”

The boy lifted his head and looked at Kyuhyun. He smiled showing his tooth and gum, “I’m Lee Eunhyuk.”

Kyuhyun gave a hand to help Eunhyuk stood up. “How old are you?” he asked, when they faced each other.

“I’m 9, and you?”

“8. So you’re my hyung? But I’m taller than you!”

Eunhyuk pouted his lips.

Kyuhyun smiled, “Let’s find another fun games to play!”


Kyuhyun slided his head through the door in Eunhyuk’s room. He saw Eunhyuk sitting on his bed, reading a comic.

“Psst...Psst...,” Kyuhyun hissed.

Eunhyuk lifted his head and looked at the source of that sound.

“Let’s go out to play!”

Eunhyuk smiled, leaving his comic on the bed and walked toward Kyuhyun.

They played in the hospital backyard until Kyuhyun’s uncle came to pick him up.

“Well, see you tomorrow, Eunhyuk!” Kyuhyun said before he walked toward his uncle.

“Wait! What’s your name?” Eunhyuk asked.

Kyuhyun tilted his head. “Kyuhyun,” he answered, ignored his weird feeling about Eunhyuk forgetting his name.


The next day, Kyuhyun found Eunhyuk was playing by himself in the hospital backyard again. Without hesitation, he approached the lonely Eunhyuk.

“Hey Eunhyuk! Do you want to play at my school?” Kyuhyun asked.

“But they told me to not going anywhere,” Eunhyuk refused.

“Just for a moment. Don’t you feel bored playing here all the time?”

Eunhyuk stood up and they walked hand in hand leaving the hospital.

The night almost came when Kyuhyun realised that they should go back to the hospital. And the sudden rain poured over them.

They already soaked when they reached the hospital. They walked toward Eunhyuk’s room and found some nurses panickly searching for Eunhyuk. One of the nurses almost screamed in joy when she found Eunhyuk walked hand in hand with Kyuhyun in the corridor. The nurse dragged Eunhyuk into his room. Kyuhyun followed.

“Where were you going?” the nurse started to changed Eunhyuk’s soaked clothes.

“I’m just playing outside for a moment, with...,” Eunhyuk turned his head to see Kyuhyun who is standing behind him.

“Kyuhyun. I’m sorry, nurse, for bringing him back late,” Kyuhyun said, half-questioning why did Eunhyuk forgetting his name, again.

Few moments later, Kyuhyun’s father came and dragged Kyuhyun out from Eunhyuk’s room. Kyuhyun got scolded so bad for bringing a patient out from the hospital. He turned his head to Eunhyuk’s room. Eunhyuk slided his head from the door and watched how Kyuhyun got scolded with his teary eyes. Kyuhyun smiled, refering that he’s fine.


“Where did you get this ball, Eunhyuk?” Kyuhyun asked, catched the soccer ball that Eunhyuk kicked in the hospital backyard.

“A very nice doctor gave it to me this morning. He said he’s sorry because his son brought me out from hospital yesterday,” Eunhyuk walked toward Kyuhyun.

Kyuhyun snorted, “That’s my father.”

Eunhyuk’s eyes widen, “Your father is a doctor? Wow, cool!”

Kyuhyun smirked.

“So, because your father gave it to me, we should play it together, Cho...Kyu...Hyun...?” Eunhyuk said, while reading Kyuhyun’s name tag in his school uniform.

Did he just forget my name again?’ Kyuhyun asked to himself before Eunhyuk dragged him to play soccer together.


“Do you want to play soccer with me?” Eunhyuk asked to Kyuhyun who is sitting alone in the hospital corridor.

“Sure,” Kyuhyun answered and then they walked side by side along the corridor.

“By the way, my name is Lee Eunhyuk, what’s yours?”

Kyuhyun stopped, couldn’t hold his anger anymore, “IT’S THE FOURTH TIME YOU FORGET MY NAME!” he shouted.

Eunhyuk jumped in shock, “Did...I?” he asked in a low voice.

Kyuhyun gave him a full of grudge glare, “I HATE YOU!” he said, before ran and left Eunhyuk.

Before he went so far, he heard Eunhyuk crying. He stopped and turned. Eunhyuk still stood there, crying. Kyuhyun approached.

“I’m...sorry,” Eunhyuk said between his tears.

“Just don’t forget my name again, can you?” Kyuhyun asked, wiping Eunhyuk’s tears.

“I’m sorry.”

They ended up sitting side by side in the hospital backyard, eating some chocolate cookies. Kyuhyun felt sorry for making Eunhyuk cry, so he brought him some cookies.

“These cookies is so delicious! Thank you,” Eunhyuk said with his gummy smile.

“Na-ah, I’m sorry for making you cry.”

“I will write your name in my book so I won’t forget it again. And maybe I should draw your face too, so I won’t forget how you looked like.”

“Is it so hard for you to just remember a name?”

Eunhyuk nodded, “They say everytime I wake up, I will forget about yesterday.”


“The doctor and nurses. I fell down with my head first when I played in my school. When I woke up, I didn’t know what happen. It feels like I’m living in the same day everyday.”

Kyuhyun’s jaw hanged open. This was the first time he heard that kind of ‘disease’.

“So, everytime I meet you, I always feel like this is the first time.”

“I have to remind you about my name everyday?”

Eunhyuk shook his head, “Start from today, I will write everything I had done with you. So if I forget anything, I only need to look at my book and I’ll remember.”

Kyuhyun nodded. “When will you discharged from hospital?”

“I don’t know. Tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow. Everyday is the same day for me though. Besides, hospital is not a bad place. The doctors and nurses are very nice, don’t you think so?”

“No, I hate hospital. I hate doctor,” Kyuhyun sighed, “Because my father is a doctor,” Kyuhyun added, thought that maybe Eunhyuk forgot about his father too.

“You hate your father then?”

“No, I just hate that he’s a doctor. I don’t hate my father.”


“Because he’s so busy working as a doctor, he often leaves me behind.”

“That’s not it. Your father must be a great doctor and had save many people life.”

Kyuhyun sighed, he himself knows that his father is a great doctor, that’s why he is so busy.


They ran along the corridor, ignoring a nurse who told them to stop. Thay raced each other to the hospital backyard to play soccer. Eunhyuk much way faster than Kyuhyun. But he tripped and fell over the stairs. Kyuhyun stopped in shock at the edge of the stairs. He looked at Eunhyuk who lied on the floor. Eunhyuk didn’t move an inch, his eyes closed, and his head bleed.

Kyuhyun cried while following the nurse who brought Eunhyuk to the emergency room. The nurse didn’t allow him to enter the emergency room, so he just cried outside while holding Eunhyuk’s soccer ball.

Unfortunately, the doctor couldn’t save Eunhyuk. Kyuhyun cried for days, mumbling “sorry” to no one. He was the one who suggested to race toward the hospital backyard.


A doctor stood at the edge of corridor, looked over the window. He turned when something hit his legs. A soccer ball. Soon, he heard footsteps being closer. He looked up. A little boy was running toward him.

The little boy stopped few steps in front of the doctor, “That’s my ball. I’m sorry,” he bowed.

The doctor squatted, rubbed the little boy’s head, “What’s your name?”

“Eunhyuk,” the little boy answered, made the doctor’s eyes widen, “Kang Eunhyuk,” he added.

The doctor smiled, “You like soccer? I like soccer too. We should compete each other sometimes.”

“Of course, doctor...Cho...Kyu...Hyun...?” the little boy read the doctor’s name tag and smiled, showing his tooth and gum.

Kyuhyun smiled, “Here’s your soccer ball,” gave the soccer ball and rubbed the little boy’s head once more.




kyuhyuk again, hehe...

leave comment please~ so that i know what do you think about this story.

thank you~ ^^

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JewelSapphire13 #1
Chapter 1: The plot is short and simple, yet beautiful. It was really sweet and cute how Kyu and Hyuk just clicked when they met for the first time and how they always enjoy being with the other. Kyuhyuk were so fluffy and perfect in here ♡ So I cried when that accident happen and kyu felt guilty for it.

Thanks for the lovely fic :)
i started crying at KyuHyun scolded HyukJae and still didn't stop 5 minutes after finished reading this. so sad
if Hyukkie hadn't died it would've been so perfect u.u it almost made me cry..
Taht is sad..
i didnt expect Eunhyuk died..T_T
I wasn't expecting that...
carolina #6
ouch, eunhyuk died.
hehe...some people angry with me because of eunhyuk's dead here..kkk~
thank you for love this story~
OMG! The ending is so sad.. It's beautiful but sad. I love the friendship you portrayed though. I love it! I'm off to read other of your KyuHyuk fic :)