Careless Idiotic Hyung!

Cheating Death

LOOK!!!!!!!!!! I have such a beautiful poster now created by serenelle of Flairies & All Nice graphic shop =3

I seriously love it! ^^ especially Myungsoo with his awesome wings =D



Next morning…

Sungjong slowly opened his eyes as he heard his alarm clock, he was about to turn it off but someone beat him to it. Since he was still in a sleepy state realization came slowly to him and when it finally hit him that someone else just shut off his alarm clock his eyes shot open only to be face to face with Myungsoo’s sleeping one. He quickly backed away until his back hit the wall.

‘Why the hell is he on my bed??’ Sungjong thought as he stared at the sleeping figure.

Myungsoo, because of the lost of warmth next to him, decided to move closer to the younger male and Sungjong did the most logical thing he thought of, he kicked the shinigami of the bed as a result to waking him up.

“Yah!” Myungsoo cried as he sat up and glared at Sungjong. “Why did you kick me?!”

“Why were you in my bed?!” Sungjong retorted.

“Your floor is cold and hard,” Myungsoo explained simply. “Your bed is big enough for two so what’s the problem if I sleep with you? It’s not like I was gonna you or anything.”

“Aish,” Sungjong cried as he ruffled his hair furiously. “You’re such a ert.”

“You’re the only one who says that,” Myungsoo shrugged. “Shouldn’t you be getting ready for school by now?”

“,” the human cursed as he stumbled out of bed almost tripping in the process, he quickly grabbed his towel and clothes then dashed to the bathroom.

“Clumsy little twerp,” Myungsoo laughed a little as he picked up the blanket that fell on the floor.

After a few minutes Sungjong finally got out of the bathroom just in time to bid his parents farewell since their work starts before his school does they always go out first leaving Sungjong to eat breakfast alone. The young male never really minded eating the first meal of the day alone.

“So what are we having for breakfast?” a voice suddenly said and Sungjong almost dropped the piece of toast he was holding.

“Why do you keep doing that?” the petite male cried.

“Do what?”

“Scare me to death?!”

“It’s not my fault you’re such a faint hearted person,” the shinigami shrugged as he sat down on one of the chairs. “So what’s for breakfast? I’m your guest so feed me.”

“And you say I’m the brat,” Sungjong mumbled as he prepared breakfast for two. He then placed two pieces of toast with jam on top in front of Myungsoo as he ate the same thing across of him. “It’s not poisoned you now.”

“I know,” Myungsoo said as he examined the toast. “It’s just that, what’s this yellow thing on top?”

“Lemon jam,” Sungjong smiled. “It’s really good.”

The shinigami just stared more at the toast with Lemon jam before biting into it and he has to admit, it is good. In a matter of seconds Myungsoo wolfed down the two pieces of toast along with the glass of milk that came with it, Sungjong couldn’t help but laugh at this site though.

“You’re such a kid,” Sungjong laughed as he wiped off the milk mustache and toast crumbs surrounding Myungsoo’s mouth making the latter’s heart beat fast because of the sudden contact. Although he said that he's used to eating breakfast alone he guesses that having company isn't so bad.

After cleaning the dishes and making sure his things were ready for school there was a loud ‘Sungjongie!’ heard from outside and that was the young male’s cue to head out. He quickly grabbed his bag then got out of the door just to meet Sungyeol’s smiling face on his bike – who he just got from the repair man.

“Morning Jongie,” Sungyeol greeted. “You feeling better now?”

“Better? When did I feel awful?” the younger one asked with complete confusion.

“Well you did suddenly faint yesterday.” Sungyeol explained.

“Oh yeah,” Sungjong laughed sheepishly. “It turns out that I was just stressed.”

“Really?” Sungyeol said obviously not convinced but decided to let his suspicion go cause all he needed to know was that Sungjong was okay. “Come on then or else we’ll be late.”

“I’m just gonna get something really quick,” the feminine boy then rushed inside only to find Myungsoo sitting idly on the couch. “Watch over the house okay.”

“What am I?” Myungsoo asked. "A dog?"

“Just stay there until I get home,” Sungjong rolled his eyes as he got his house keys and locked the door.

“Were you talking to someone?” Sungyeol asked as the younger male hopped on the backseat of his bike.

“Who would I be talking to hyung?” Sungjong smiled innocently. “Now pedal or else we’ll be late.”

“Aye aye captain,” Sungyeol kidded as he began to pedal not noticing the black eyes that followed them from Sungjong’s house.

“As if a locked door could hold me in,” Myungsoo smirked as he passed through the door onto the outside world and then started to secretly follow them.


“Hyung!” Sungjong cried as he hugged the other’s waist. “Aren’t we going to fast?!”

“If we go any slower then we’ll be late!” Sungyeol laughed. “Just hold on tight Jongie!”

Sungjong held on tight alright, but it wasn’t because he was scared for his life in fact it was because he was scared for Sungyeol’s. What if something bad happens during this ride if theirs, knowing that Myungsoo is a shinigami that’s sent for Sungyeol is making Sungjong a bit paranoid, but he’ll never let his hyung see so he’ll just have to protect the tall boy secretly.

“We should really slow down Yeol,” Sungjong cried.

“No way! Besides, this is fun,” Sungyeol laughed whole heartedly.

Sungyeol should have really listened to Sungjong so that he could have been ready when a cat suddenly jumped out in front of them from an alley. Sungyeol, who was quiet shocked by the cat, quickly turned his bike to the left to avoid hitting the cat causing them to fall by the river’s bed side, it’s a good thing that the grass is soft and the ground is still wet from the morning dew which is why their fall didn’t hurt that much, and somehow Sungjong felt something catch them when they fell.

“Ow ow ow,” Sungyeol hissed as he rubbed his back. “Are you okay Jongi-”

“You idiot!” Sungjong cried as he hit the elder on the head with tears threatening to fall from his eyes. “What were you thinking! You could have died!”

"I'm really sorry Sungjong," Sungyeol apologized sincerely.

"Idiot idiot hyung," Sungjong cried as he hit Sungyeol's chest repeatedly, the tears finally broke free. "What would I do if you died?"

The look on the Sungjong's face made Sungyeol feel angry at himself for hurting his friend and making the younger cry. He really is an idiot for making Sungjong cry like this. The taller boy suddenly hugged the crying lad making the latter hear his heart beat.

"I'm sorry Jongie," Sungyeol whispered to the other's ear. "But I'm alive alright, I won't die easily from this."

"Pabo hyung," Sungjong mumbled into Sungyeol's shirt as the last of his tears dried there.

"Ehehe I guess I really am an idiot for making you cry," Sungyeol said sheepishly amking Sungjong's face blush so he just buried his face deeper into Sungyeol's chest. "Woah Jongie, please don't cry again."

"I won't," Sungjong mumbled back but not looking up to his hyung for his face was still red.

"But we sure are lucky, huh?" Sungyeol smiled at the younger. "We didn't get hurt much and my bike's still in good condition. It was as if an angel caught us or something."

"Angel," Sungjong mused as he sat straight and looked around. "I don't know if that's the right term."

"What are you mumbling about Jongie?" Sungyeol asked.

"Nothing," Sungjong replied as he gave up looking for Myungsoo cause he's sure that the shinigami was the one that broke their fall.

"!" Sungyeol suddenly cried as he looked at his watch. "We're late!"

Before Sungjong could react Sungyeol grabbed the younger and made him sit at the back of his bike again making the younger stare at him with wide eyes at his smiling hyung.

"Don't worry," Sungyeol smiled. "I'll go slower this time, but if you want you can still hug me for support."

"I-I'm not hugging you cause I want to," Sungjong said and he's glad that the other faced the road as he pedalled away cause his face is red again and the he couldn't hide the small smile on his lips as he laid his head on Sungyeol's back as his arms hugged the elder's waist.



I always wanted to learn how to ride a bike... yes, I am a 16 year old who doesn't know how to ride a ing two wheeled bike ;A;

I feel so ashamed since my younger sister and cousin knows how >_<

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This was so amazing! I am glad I found this story. Though I wish Myungjong had gotten together, yeoljong is cute too
lovevyk88 #2
Chapter 16: Wow i finally finished reading the story... It really is a beautiful story... I love it!!!
Chapter 16: I'm so glad I found this fic! It's rare to find yeoljong fics such as this one. It's really cute and light. I love the simplicity and sweetness of the story. I find it really hard to follow stories with heavy plots and complex situations. I like how it ventures a bit into the angst dept. but it still keeps the mood light.
It wasn't that angsty but I seriously got teary-eyed at a lot of the scenes.
Thank you for this. Thank you for your hardwork! :)

Btw, I really love the ending. It's perfect. ;>
Chapter 16: TAT.......... I'm crying !!!!! This was so Amazing :3. Thanks for writing this story!!
Chapter 3: Me too and i'm 18 years old T^T.........
Chapter 1: Here in South America is pan too :3
Omg this was amazing Poor Jongie :D
I will read this story ;D
I'm excited!!! :3
Chapter 16: I laughed suddenly when i read the part that little myungsoo missing his two front teeth honestly :) At first i pity Myungsoo here but then i know that he will became happy with his two appa !! :D I LOVE THE ENDING! !
Chapter 16: I laughed suddenly when i read the part that little myungsoo missing his two front teeth honestly :) At first i pity Myungsoo here but then i know that he will became happy with his two appa !! :D I LOVE THE ENDING! !
Chapter 16: i laughed suddenly when i read the part that little myungsoo missing his two front teeth honestly :) At first i pity Myungsoo here but then i know that he will became happy with his two appa !! :D I LOVE THE ENDING! !