Eye Candies (One-Shot)


So you managed to bag Head Boy Kim Jaejoong but guess what, no one’s happy about it, except for ‘ex-Student-Council-President-turned-Council-Advisor-due-to-blackmail’, Shim Changmin, but that’s because of another case of blackmail whipped up by your hot (hot would be an understatement… really) boyfriend.


The school has begun revolting against you, wanting you off the seat as Student Council President. They even went as far as to call you a two-timing , sleeping with Changmin so you could rise up the ranks to claim the title. You almost puked of course. He was your cousin, and even if you weren’t, he would have most probably nagged in bed till you lost all traces of initial interest in him.


The principal summoned you into his office because the attendance for yesterday was, quoted word for word from the horse’s mouth, ‘The biggest catastrophe in the history of Korea.’


He wasn’t at all exaggerating.


Yesterday, you came into class and the only thing you saw was Jaejoong, seated at his place at the opposite corner from yours, greeting you warmly as soon as you two made eye contact.


You would have been more than happy to engage in something that would break a total of 12 school rules in one go (Jaejoong actually told you this very interesting fun fact last week when the two of you were making out rather heatedly last Saturday on your homeroom teacher’s staff desk), but you were greeted by a horrific sight.


Your desk was mutilated.


You decided to steal your principal’s words since it wasn’t copyrighted anyway: ‘The biggest catastrophe in the history of desks.’


Ahh - that sounded more accurate in describing the state of that crap standing before you.


Everything underneath your desk was now gone. And crap, you had just finished compiling and redoing all your notes for the mid terms the day before yesterday and left that precious notebook, under what was supposedly or was once, your desk.


The tabletop was burnt and there were ugly cat scratches with colourful words from multiple languages littered all over the surface. And you’ve only described about 20% of the damages so far.


You took a few seconds to calm yourself down.


But then you noticed more chicken scratches on your seat as you pulled it out to sit down.










You accepted the word, ‘’, only because it was decorated pretty nicely, with hearts and stars surrounding the capital ‘B’. That person probably wanted to act tough in front of his/her/its gang but after the cronies left, designed the word so he/she/it could get off with a lighter punishment from you.


Fair enough, you appreciated his/her/its crooked sense of repentance.


But calling your Jaejoong, Jaejoongie?


That moron can just go ing burn in hell.


and .


How could you be one when you were still pure? (Yeah, yeah, Jaejoong promised to make love to you after you both get married. And yes, he sure made a whole lot of promises in that one sentence.)




Damn, was that an April Fool’s joke? You wouldn’t touch him even if he paid you cash by the truckloads. Like he even had a bank account in the first place as his parents were now bankrupt because they invested wrongly. (The only reason why he’s still in school is because he’s on scholarship.) His younger sister steals from his piggy bank, but you liked his sister a whole lot more than Changmin, so you made a pinky promise with her not to tell a single soul. Shh…


That was it, there’s no need to calm down.


You don’t even want to get even, because that’s just insane going against more than a thousand -for-Jaejoong-teenagers.


Your old Student-Welfare-Officer ‘senses’ kicked in.


The welfare of the student population was now at stake, and it was your duty to remedy this.




You were sitting on the couch, watching re-re-re-re-reruns of Pokémon when your Mother came home from work.


‘Seriously!?’ Your Mother gaped when she saw what you were watching.


‘There’s nothing else on TV,’ you childishly pouted.


‘OHHHHHHHH, they’re playing reruns of Boys over Flowers,’ your mother brightened as she read the time from the clock on the wall.


‘That’s worse than me watching Pokémon!’ You retaliated, fighting with your mother over the television control.


‘Minho is ing gorgeous! Give it here!’ Your Mother (My sincerest apologies, but this is just your fictional Mother. Allow me to repeat: FICTIONAL.) managed to grab the control from you, after underhandedly scratching you with her long nails, making you shriek in pain as you let the remote go.


‘Mother, you just swore. Surely that’s not a good example to set for your innocent child.’


‘Says the hypocrite who moans, ‘ me harder, Jaejoongie! Ahh, ahh, faster!’ in her sleep every night,’ your Mother shot you a dirty look before flipping channels.


‘OH MY GAWD, I SAID THAT!?’ You cried, covering your heated up face with your trembling hands.


‘You didn’t say it, you moaned it,’ your Mother corrected you and you swore you blushed even harder at those words, ‘Innocent my saggy .’


You rolled your eyes the second you recovered from that blushing session when you saw the 4 morons from Boys over Flowers (My sincerest apologies to fans of this drama) royally strolled and wasted screen time (and film) into the campus on the television screen.




That was it!


The solution to your problem.


You pulled your mother in for a sudden kiss on the lips and sprinted towards your bedroom.


‘Please tape your mouth if you’re going to sleep, dear! I don’t want anymore of your dirty minded to further corrupt my mind!’ Was heard from your Mother as you slammed shut the door.




You called Jaejoong and Changmin in for an emergency meeting the next day after school.


You had to, since classes were cancelled for the rest of the week, and e-learning was set into motion by the teachers in school because the rest of the student population was still ‘on strike’.


‘Ready to give the seat back to me?’ Changmin snarled as he entered the Student Council Meeting room.


‘Ready to get your scholarship revoked?’ Jaejoong threatened while giving Changmin a sickening sweet smile.


Scary, yet sadistically y in your opinion.


‘Please start the meeting,’ Changmin flashed a forced smile at you.


‘With pleasure,’ you grinned.


It was pathetic, really. Only 3 people were in the meeting. And it was the same 3 who had been attending classes for the past few days too…


‘The problem at hand is that all the absentees in school are against the relationship between Jaejoong and I. Including you, Changmin, but you’re sworn to secrecy about your true feelings towards this,’ you stated.


‘Couldn’t have put it in a better way myself,’ Changmin clapped his hands sarcastically.


You winced but continued, ‘Thanks to my Mother, I have found the solution while watching Boys over Flowers.’


Really,’ Changmin looked genuinely interested in what I had to say next.


‘Really,’ you smiled, ‘Our school lacks eye candy.’


Really?’ Changmin scoffed.


‘You are good looking Changmin, but once you open your mouth, everything just… goes ‘poof’.’




‘Congratulations, your vocabulary is now limited! Maybe you’ll stand a chance at love now,’ you smirked.


Changmin just leaned back on his chair and rubbed his temples.


‘Now back to the solution,’ you looked at the Head Boy, who was cutely playing with his fringe but the sight was too adorable to tell him to stop doing that and to Changmin, who looked devastated, which was most probably because your words had just made him realised that he’ll never have a lover, ‘We need to bring in new eye candy!’


‘Where do we find such people?’ Jaejoong asked while he was now busy writing your name with a red marker all over a piece of paper he conjured up from who knows where.


‘Got any insanely good looking people you guys know who are also willing to transfer into our school?’ You asked around.


‘Not just anyone can come waltzing into our campus!’ Changmin chided.


You knew he worked extremely hard for the scholarship into your high school, which was within the Top 10 in rank academically in the whole of Korea.


‘But who have we got here?’ You jerked a thumb at Jaejoong.


You swear, Jaejoong sure had loads of powerful connections. He had 15 of his craziest fangirls kicked out of school and not to forget, his skills at blackmailing were phenomenal. You just hope that you won’t ever get onto his black list, or be prepared to suffer for the rest of your life.


‘Oh, my buddies from my rock band could probably become the new distractions in school! I’ll drag them over soon,’ Jaejoong beamed.


‘Drag?’ Changmin gulped.


You feel sorry for Jaejoong’s band members to be made used of like this. But it’s for the welfare of the student population and preservation of your relationship with Jaejoong… right?


You were surely going to hell for this after you died.




You thought they would be presentable looking at least, since Jaejoong had sort of an ‘image’ to upkeep, but you never thought that they would outdo the cast of Boys over Flowers.


You could just imagine your Mother suffering from a heart attack, willing to send her soul to heaven just looking at Jaejoong and the three unknown hotties enter the entrance of school.


Jaejoong introduced them to you and Changmin as Yunho, Yoochun and Junsu.


You just nodded dumbly.


Changmin almost cried, admitting defeat as 3 new competitors were now on his ‘turf’. You were sure the probability of him getting a girlfriend before graduation was now a sad and big and fat zero.


To show your genuine care for the welfare of your fellow schoolmates (Actually, you only wanted to save your love life), you sent pictures of the 3 new students through email, like a boss pimp.


The poor newcomers don’t know what’s in store for them the next day.


But you were more interested in the response of the absentees when they see the new eye candies in person at school.


Not one, but 3 of them.


Christmas sure arrived early this year, huh.


And Santa seemed to be more charitable than ever.




Again, inspired by your principal’s words, today was ‘The greatest miracle in the history of Korean School Attendances’.


There was full attendance, for each and every class.


Also, no one was late for school the day after the pictures of the newcomers were sent out.


All hell broke loose as the 3 unsuspecting students entered the campus. There were cries of salvation and more than eager hands reached out to get a piece of them.


Within the same week, various fan clubs were created, supporting whoever they thought to be the hottest guy in school, each garnering a large loyal (‘obsessed’ would be a more accurate word) following.


You were presented the ‘Outstanding Leadership Award’ the following week for making attendance in school achieve a whooping 100% for the past 5 days, and getting everyone back to school. There were letters of apology and gratitude pouring into your beloved feedback box every single day.




Life was now back to normal.


Changmin was sulking over his lack of a love life and still bitter over the loss of his Student Council President position.


The 3 newcomers seemed to welcome the harassments from your obsessed schoolmates. ‘Attention ,’ you thought in your head but you could also heave a sigh of relief, as you felt less guilty about your actions.


Jaejoong still held a special place in everyone’s hearts (minus Changmin of course), but they decided to let you two go, seeing that you were both too in love with each other.


This problem was a blessing in disguise because now that the school had 3 extremely distracting and drool-worthy scapegoats, the whole school decided to leave Jaejoong and you alone… for now.


‘Come on, Prez, I deserve something for bringing 3 new toys into school,’ Jaejoong gave you a sneaky grin.


‘What do you want?’ Your heart started to beat wildly.


‘What do you think I should get?’ Jaejoong cupped your cheek with his warm and soft hand and you leaned into his touch.


‘But I was the one who thought about this idea. We should both be awarded, so our so-called ‘deserve something’ should cancel out each other,’ you decided.


Jaejoong sighed and sadly nodded his head.


‘Can I borrow your notes?’ You asked.


Again?’ Jaejoong gaped.


‘The morons in charge of the desk rampage informed me yesterday that they burnt all my books and precious notebook with my new notes.’


‘You’re just going to hog my notes and keep them to yourself for a chance to lure me into your house to search for it once more, right?’ Jaejoong wiggled his eyebrow suggestively at you.


‘So are you going to lend it to me or not?’ You pouted.


Jaejoong leaned forward to give you a chaste kiss on the lips.


‘We’ll see how well you perform in there then I’ll decide,’ Jaejoong winked as he pushed you into nearest classroom and locked it.


(I’ll leave it to you to decide what you both want to do in there, *smiles)




Sims says: I would REALLY APPRECIATE IT if you comment below to tell me how I did for this sequel. Was it to your expectations? 


Now that this is done, I will be embarking on a new series, also in the ‘YOU’ perspective. The foreword is HERE. I hope you’ll support it! See you around!


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Chapter 1: WE MADE OUT!

Maybe his hand under my blouse.......

Chapter 1: xD still funny..hahaha
missgeminie #3
Chapter 1: I loveeee your stories!
Do keep them coming! :D
Chapter 3: aww this is so cute! i love her mom! she is so cool! love the story! it's very humourous and i love funny fanfics! well done authornim!
shiningirl #5
Wow this sequel was cute and funny too but i feel bad for changmin but it was nice :D
LOL you know, you did not fail in making me laugh (the prequel made me laugh too) I mean. Her mom. Pokemons. Boys over Flowers. Bringing Junsu, Yoochun and Yunho to school, etc etc etc. I couldn't stop smiling~
Nice sequel! But I kinda feel bad for Changmin... (since he's my bias and all, but... oh well)
What an epic ending hahaha cool mom haha
ashley123456 #8
Her mom is soo awesome!! hahaha
oppa-is-mine #9
ahahahaha! her mother is so jjang!
yay!!!! thanks :)))