Can't Take My Eyes Off Of You.


"Huh?!Whats going on?! Hyung!What are you wearing?!" Taemin exclaimed as a red and white arrow with a heart on the end  bounced off the back of his head and Onew grabbed his arm dragging him away. Onew was in a Chicken suit with a white sash over it. He had a red and white bow in one hand and the rest of his arrows slung over his shoulder in an container. 

"I am no longer your hyung! I am the chicken god of love, Onew! " Onew grinned as he continued dragging Taemin.

Just what was going on here?!  

Well, It all started when Minho called an emergency meeting for all the SHINee members, excluding Taemin, at 3 in the morning. 


Hello! I'm Dots0303. This is my first fanfic on Asian Fanfics~ :D But it isn't my first time writing and publishing a fic because I have an account on but  it has been almost a year since I've written and posted a fic so I'm a little rusty so I apologize if this fic is complete crap! Anyways, This will kind of be a crack-ish fanfic if you couldn't tell already!  and I don't own SHINee or Can't Take My Eyes Off Of You. by Frankie Valli and the four seasons.

So heres a preview! :D



   “Ugh…. Minho there better be a good reason you woke us up at 3am!” Jonghyun complained as he plopped down on the couch with Key and Onew. They had all stumbled into the living room after Minho had come into their rooms saying they needed to have an emergency meeting. The only one he hadn’t woken was Taemin. Key had been the hardest to wake, complaining that Minho was interrupting his “beauty sleep” but eventually he had gotten all of them into the living room. Normally he would’ve just met with them during the day but this was too important there was no way Taemin could hear them.

  “I do have a good reason…Look you guys I need your help…” Minho began nervously eyes glued to the floor. He was sitting in a chair across from couch so he could face the guys as he told them what he planned to do. He knew they were all half asleep, but what he was about to say would probably wake up at least Key. Said Key, had his head resting on Jonghyun's shoulder as Minho finished his sentence.

  “I’m going to propose to Taemin and I was wondering…” Key’s head shot up at this, suddenly wide awake,

  “Stop right there! I’ve been waiting for this I have everything planned out!” Key grinned almost squealing with delight. Key excited roused the dozing Jonghyun and Onew excitedly yanking them up and motioning for Minho to follow. Key dragged a stumbling Onew and Jonghyun to his room with Minho following hesitantly wondering if it was such a good decision to go to his friends about this first…Oh well, Too late now.

  Once they reached Key’s room, Key let go of the sleepy boys to crouch down and reach for something under his bed. After a few seconds of digging Key emerged with two relatively thick scrapbooks, though one was a little bit thinner.

  “I’ve got both your wedding and proposal planned out!” Key smiled mischievously at Minho, “Here’s the one for your proposal!” Key exclaimed excitedly holding it out for Minho to look at while Jonghyun and Onew were leaning on each other in the background half sleeping. Minho stared down horror-struck at the scrapbook in front of him. It was a colorful scrapbook the front was covered in red and pink hearts with cupid arrows and roses all over it. In big glittery red cursive letters right in the middle it said “2MIN’S PROPOSAL.”…What have I gotten myself into?!

I hope you enjoyed it. It's really short, and the next chapter will be the proposal. I don't know if I'll do their actual wedding. Maybe! xD Oh and sorry for any mistakes I re-read it but I might  have missed a few things! 


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SHINee4ever5 #1
Soooo cute ^^
Dalliance #2
Hahaha. So funny, and again, so cute. I liked it. :D
boondoks1 #3
this is so good and cute,,,kekeke you should write the wedding scene,,that would be epic(i wanna know how key plans it),,kekeke 2MIN is love ,,,kekeke
WolfGrowlBuffaloRoll #4

Love it.
chihine #6
puhahahahahah lol this fic is so funny XD and so cute