


It was pitch black; Donghae was all alone walking down the street.

Constantly looking behind him to make sure no one was running after him again.

After getting caught and beaten, he swore it would be the last time he stole food from convenience store again. He couldnt believe they would actually beat a six year old boy for a chocolate bar.

It was quiet, only the sound of cars passing by over the bridge was the only thing you could hear.

Abandoned when he was a kid Donghae had been living in the streets all by himself for years.

When he’s father had left him and his mom, he was blamed for everything.

One day his mom took him out and told him to wait for her, and told him she would be back. But she never did.


*I'm so hungry* thought Donghae, as he felt the constant excruciating pain in his stomach.

He hasn’t eaten in days and was desperate to get at least something in his stomach.

He tried begging for food, *please, please, all i want is some food. Don't they ever see me?* he wondered, with a sad look.

If he was lucky once in a while a store owner or a kind person would give him food. But that’s when the streets are busy. Not late at night.

He couldn’t take the pain anymore. He needed food and he needed it now.

As he ran through the streets, Donghae spots a truck. It was filled with fruits all kinds; watermelons, bananas, oranges, and many more.

But what really caught Donghae’s eyes was a basket full of delicious looking strawberries. His favourite.

He knew he needed to get into that truck somehow, and luckily for Donghae, no one was around.


He ran for the truck and jumped in the back.

“Ahaha,” he chuckled softly.

He climbed in deeper and deeper into the truck, in case someone came and saw him. He couldn’t risk that.

He was squished between a big card board box and bags of potatoes. It was uncomfortable, but that didn’t matter, because he had already started eating the fresh ripe fruits surrounding him.

This must have been the best meal he ever had. He had saved the strawberries for last. Savouring every bite. Oh how me missed his strawberries.

 He was full and tired from the happenings of the day. He decided to take a quick nap.



Im not really sure if im anygood at this writing thing o.O

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annyeong haseyo... I'm a new reader of your story, it's so sweet and nice... PLEASE UPDATE MORE♥♥♥
pls update again :D
deadlysins #3
Update soon!