Chapter 13

Dance In The Dark

(A/N WOAH, WHAT IS THIS? CHAPTER 13, YOU SAY, MOTHER OF GOD, IT CAN’T BE… BUT IT IS!! Lol, I’m a loser, as y’all can tell. :D So like I made a new poster, y’all like it? It took like forever to make, I made a request to Rainbow Rain Request Shop but they took forever so I just made one myself, it isn’t much, but whatever, y’all tell me what y’all think about it, okay, now the story!)

I got that Supa Lu-u-u-u-uv

That Supa Lu-u-u-u-uv

She wants my Supa Lu-u-u-u-uv

My Supa Lu-u-u-u-uv

Eomcheongnan teukbyeolhan ddo jjarithan

I got that Supa Lu-u-u-u-uv

Oh oh, ooo oh oh, ooo oh oh, ooo whoa-oa

Oh oh, ooo oh oh, ooo oh oh, ooo whoa

(Supa Luv – TEENTOP)

“Key…would you like go on a date with me…?” I nervously asked, Key laughed and I got worried, was he going reject me? Key took his hands away from mine. Oh, no, he was going to say no. But then he took my face and made me look at him then he softly kissed my lips…


“I would love to, Jongie.”

I looked up at him in surprised and whispered “Really?” He chuckled and said “Did you think I was going to say no?”
 I nodded frantically still dazed and dumbfounded, when he saw my expression he busted out laughing and pinched my cheeks and said “Jongie, you are so adorable.” He cooed, I whined and pulled his hands away from my cheeks and rubbed them. I pouted and said “That hurt, Yeobo~” I whined, he rolled his eyes and said “Come on, we still need to go home.” And pulled me along to the car

-At home-

It was 11:30PM and Key and I were in bed cuddling, just talking about small things, and enjoying each other’s warmth. It was moments like this that I wished lasted forever. “Hey, Jongie?” I nuzzled his neck and said “Hm?” he started to play with my hair and said “What will we be doing for our date tomorrow?” I looked up at him and smirked “Shh, Secret.” And held my pointer finger up to my lips making the quiet sign. He started to whine and said “Why, Jongie? If you don’t tell me I won’t know what to wear tomorrow, what if I wear something formal when it was supposed to be casual or wear something casual while it’ supposed to be formal?” He started ranting, I held up my finger to his lips and shhed him “Calm down, baby, it’s casual, okay?” He pouted and nodded. “Wait, is it inside or outside because if it’s outside…” He kept ranting on and on and I groaned “KEY!” He stopped in the middle of his rant and looked at me “What?” I laughed and turned his face so he can look at me “Calm down, okay, you always look beautiful to me, okay? Whatever you wear always looks fabulous on you, and you could be wearing mud for all I care, it won’t stop me from loving you any less.” I said while staring into his eyes, his eyes started tearing up and he hugged me “Oh, Jongie.” I laughed and wiped his tears “Why are you crying, baby?” I asked he smiled at me and said “Because I never been more happy and I never felt so loved.” He whispered. “Well, you deserve to be loved, Key, and honestly people must be crazy if they don’t love you, you’re just too…ticklish!” and I proceeded to straddle him and tickle his tummy. I watched him entranced as he squirmed and laughed while begging me to stop, never have I seen something so beautiful and he was all mine…well, he will be tomorrow. I stopped tickling and smiled goofily down at him while he started to pant trying to catch his breath. “You…jerk!” he said hitting my shoulder, and I laughed and leaned down and swiftly pecked him lips and rolled over to my side of the bed. “Okay, lights out, Key, we have a big day ahead of us tomorrow.” And yawned stretching my arms above my head, Key snuggled up against me and laid hi head on my chest while I wrapped my arms around him, I look down at him and whispered “I love you, Key, never doubt that.” “I love you too, Jongie, never doubt that.” I smiled and kissed his forehead and closed my eyes then slowly the darkness started to fill my vision and I fell into a blissful abyss.

-Saturday Morning-

My phone alarm went off promptly at 9:30AM; I snapped opened my eyes and quickly shut it off then looked down to check if Kibum was still asleep, when I noticed his eyes were tightly shut and he was still breathing deeply, I carefully (Like a ninja) slid out from his embrace immediately feeling cold without him close to me. I tiptoed out of the bedroom and walked into the kitchen and got the ingredients out for the breakfast in bed for Key.

After 45 minutes of endless cooking and shaping I finally finished the breakfast. I made mini heart shaped pancaked pancake with sliced strawberries on the plate and in a separate bowl, a cup of tea and a some milk for the tea, a small jar of strawberry jelly and some butter. ( I put all the foods neatly on the tray and lifted it up carefully, making sure not to spill anything and made my way back to the bed room. When I got in I saw Key was still sprawled across the bed clutching onto the blanket like a child with its favorite teddy bear. I chuckled and set the food down; I walked over to Key and shook him. “Key, Baby, wake up, I made breakfast for you, wake up.” I kept on shaking him until I was pulled down, I yelped in surprise when I felt Key’s lip against mine, I pulled back panted hard and said “What was that for?” Key shrugged just wanted a good morning kiss. I rolled my eyes and said “And you couldn’t have just asked instead on pulling me down nearly bringing me to my demise?” He looked at me for a second and nodded. I laughed and said “Well, while you were sleeping, I made you some breakfast in bed.” And lifted the tray up and placed it on his lap, he bit his lip and looked up and smiled at me. “How’d you know pancake with strawberry jelly and sliced strawberries was my favorite?” I shrugged and said “I know everything about you, Jagi.” He laughed and murmured “Creeper.” I sat next to him and wrapped my arms around his waist and nuzzled my face into his shoulder while he poured some milk into his tea. “I’m not a creeper, I just love you, and if I’m a creeper that means I’m you creeper.” He laughed and started spread butter and jelly on his pancakes and took a bite of the strawberry and pancakes. He looked down at me and said “You want some, Jongie?” I nodded and opened my mouth. He stabbed some strawberry and a pancake onto the fork and led it to my mouth but before it reached my mouth he quickly turned his hand and shoved into his mouth! I pouted and whined “Yah! Yeobo! Gimme some!” I whined. He laughed and got some more and put it in my mouth this time, I started to munch happily and he just rolled his eyes and sipped on his tea. “Once I was finished chewing, Key passed me his mug and I sipped on it and placed it back on the tray and sighed, “Okay, Yeobo, finish your breakfast quick and get ready, because we’re leaving at 12:30.” Key nodded but checked the time and looked at me “But it’s 10:00AM!” I chuckled and said “Yeah, so? That gives you like two hours.” He threw his hands up and said “That’s not enough!” then he started to shovel the food down and take big gulps of the tea, I stopped him and said “Whoa, Key, slow down, before you kill yourself, I can always move the date later, okay? So calm down.” Key nodded and started to just take his time again. I rolled my eyes, what a diva.

-Key’s POV (Been a long time, huh?)-

Once I finished with my delicious breakfast Jongie made me, I gulped down the tea and got up and stretched. When I got to the bathroom I winced at my hair, I shook my head and stepped into the shower and washing the sleep away from my body. When I was finished I stepped out and dried myself and walked into my closet and put on ( Then I walked back to the bath room and painted my nails red (And waited for it to dry, of course), sprayed on some ODIN Edt 04 Petrana and styled my hair. When I was finished I walked back into the closet and took out my Sovereign Felicity Doc Martens and my Maya Shoulder Bag. When I finished it was exactly 12:30, Huh, maybe I did have enough time, I thought. When I walked I saw my beautiful Jongie sitting on the couch patiently while playing what sounded like Jetpack (If y’all haven’t played it, you should, it’s so addicting!) I walked over to him and sat down next to him and started to lace up my Doc Martens, while I tying my second shoe I felt Jonghyun wrap his arms around my waist and nuzzle my neck, I started to giggle a little because his breathing was tickling my neck “Get off, you creeper.” I said while laughing and he started to whine “I want to hold you though.” I rolled my eyes and sat up “Are you ready to go now?” Jonghyun nodded and he stood up and grabbed my hand.

When we got to my car, Jongie opened the door for my and he got on the driver’s side. “Where are we going?” I asked Jonghyun, He put his finger up to his mouth and said “Shh, Secret.” He turned to me and handed me a blind fold. “Here, put this on.” I looked at it in distaste and said “But this will ruin my hair.” I whined, he rolled his eyes and said “Come on, please, I want it to be surprise, Key.” I rolled my eyes and huffed and said “Fine.” And tied it around my eyes, carefully so I didn’t mess up my hair, I felt Jonghyun kiss my cheek and say “Thank you, Baby~” and I heard him shift the gear and we drove off to god knows where.

-30 minutes later-

“Are there yet?” I whined, Jonghyun sighed and said “We’re two minutes, away, baby, just wait.” I huffed and slumped into the car seat and crossed my arms.

After 5 more minutes of driving, we finally stopped driving. “We’re here, baby.” Jongie said, I could hear children laughing, smell fried food and animals? Where exactly is here? “Where are we, Jongie?” I heard the car door open then closed then I heard silence. “Yah, Kim Jonghyun, did you just leave me?” I took off the blind fold and saw we were at a …zoo. Then I heard my car door open and saw Jonghyun standing “Yah, Yeobo, you ruined my surprise!” Jonghyun whined and I got out, I hugged him really tight and whispered “How’d you know I always wanted to go to Zoo?” Jonghyun’s face softened and said “Every kid wants to go to a Zoo, and I know you didn’t have a normal childhood, so I decided for our date we’re going to recreate you childhood to something happy.” I could feel tears threatening to fall, how did I get someone as great as him? “Yah, Key, baby, why are you crying, do you not like it, we can go somewhere else if you want?” He said while wiping my tears. I shook my head and said “I love you, Jongie, thank you.” Jonghyun’s face softened and said “I love you too, Key.” I smiled and grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the ticket booth. Jonghyun took out his wallet and gave the lady 22762 won (Equivalent to 20 US dollars) “Enjoy your visit here!” The lady said after she gave us our bracelets, indicating that we had already paid to get in. Jonghyun strapped his on and then he took my wrist and put mine on. I grabbed Jonghyun’s hand and pulled him towards the entrance, “Let’s go see the flamingoes!”

-Jonghyun’s POV-

It was now 6:50 and we’ve been here for six hours and Key was like a little kid wanting to see everything, I was tired but I would do anything for him, it was nearly 7 and I was going to take him to the dolphin attraction to ask him the big question, well, kind of big. We’ve seen the flamingoes, monkeys, zebras, lions, tigers, elephants, cheetahs, jaguars, snakes, rhinos, seals, giraffes, pandas, and so much more, it was cool, but so tiring, but Key was jumping everywhere, cooing about how cute the animals were. We also got to get Ddeokbokki (Spicy rice cake, also its Jonghyun’s favorite food~) for lunch, yum. I told Key that I was going to the bathroom and wait for me outside and he nodded still cooing at the otter’s. I walked into the bathroom and took out my phone and called my friend Onew (WOOOT, ONEW CAMEO) “Onew, is it ready?” “Yeah, the dolphins might’ve attacked me few times and might’ve slipped a few times, but it’s finished! (LOL, ONEW CONDITION.) I smiled and said “Thanks.” (Okay, I just wanted to say, I got this dolphin idea from a story I read, which was The ABC’S of Junseob, so y’all should read it, it’s like really good!) I walked out of the bathroom and went over to Key, “You ready to go, Key? I want to show you the dolphin exposure.” I smiled at him he looked up at me and smiled and nodded. I grabbed his hand and we walked towards the dolphin exposure, my heard was thumping in my chest and my palms were sweating, I prayed Key couldn’t feel it, here goes nothing.

-Key’s POV-

“Are you sure this is the dolphin exposure, Jongie?” I asked him at he led me through a dark building. He nodded and led my forward that’s when I saw a giant blue glass filled with Cyan blue water and three dolphins looking at us. I ran up to the glass and squealed. I watched as the dolphins swam and squealed then they lined up one by one and that’s when I noticed something stuck to the sides of the dolphins. On the first dolphin it said follow, then I moved to the next dolphin and it said us then I looked at the last dolphin and it said Key. I pointed at me and the dolphins squealed as if they were saying yes, then they swam off in the other direction and I ran after them. They were swimming in circle around some words, I took my eyes off the dolphins and read the words, and it said…Will you be mine… I gasped and turned around and saw Jonghyun standing there smiling and said “Will you, Key?” I felt tears falling down my face and I jumped into his arms and said “Of course, babo.” Jonghyun laughed and kissed my cheek and said “I love you, Key.” “I love you too, Jongie.” I whispered Jonghyun pulled me off him and he said “I got you something, Key.” I cocked my head at him and he took something out of his pocket. It was a necklace, “Oh, Jongie…” I held my hand over my mouth, more tears falling, it was beautiful it had a white gold chain that was connected to a white gold heart and in the middle was a beautiful pink diamond ( Jonghyun walked up to me and he clasped around my neck. “This is a sign of my love for you, Key, and I promise you that as long as I live I will love you until my very last breath.” I looked down at the beautiful necklace hanging from my neck and I looked up at Jonghyun smiling softly at me. I went up to him and kissed him hard and he immediately responded, how did I get someone like him? I broke the kiss and laid my head on his shoulder…

“I love you, Jongie.”

(AWH, That was so cute, bro. So like I have no idea what to write after this chapter, LOL, when I write I just write whatever I mean I didn’t even plan this story I just came up what I had on my mind, this story was originally supposed to be a one shot but it took me forever to write the first chapter and I had like 11 pages and I wanted write a lot so I just made it into a chapter book. Well, yeah, I made a new poster, what do y’all think about it? Also Tabirilover unsubscribed me! D: How do I know that?  I check up on all my subscribers and commenters so…Lol, I love you all though. So yeah, comment what you think about it, did you like it? Dislike it? What I should do, what I shouldn’t do? Lol, but yeah, bye!)

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mzjonghyun #1
Chapter 15: love it alot
Chapter 15: Awww! This was adorable! I loved the JongKey moments! Oh, and I vote for Chunjoe!
Chapter 1: The fact that Taemin is his mom and Minho his dad had me laughing at a horrible moment 2min ship ftw
sama-oppa #4
seriously is just too cute for not read and loved !
i rezlly liked this fiction ! :3
ooooooooh i love it so mucb <3
how cute :$
i love jongkey <3
Wow this story was just so amazing!! I love the way you write and put your little comments in lol. I hope to read more of your stories ^_^ oh I also love all your names hehehe
Wow! I loved this! <3
Blueberryblue #8
Super good ^.^ totally in love with your stories <3
So good!!!!! I hope you'll write more stories!