Chapter 13

Tainted Souls


x pipoomica > kekeke she wont stay like that, she’s already changed cuz of kwangmin wew aahha yeah those girls needed to be punished.

x Cookies_Cream >thanks for liking the story!! And hahah I’m from Bacolod Philipines LOL.. U??

*ignore typoskekek going to update again later after washing the dishes and taking a bath hehehe!




There was silence between Maxim and Youngmin as they sat on a bench near the park’s fountain, the bright lights complimented the beauty of the night and there was peace, but not in Maxim’s heart and mind. A lot of things bothered her but she didn’t show it, her thinking was once again interrupted when Youngmin laid his hand on top of hers.

“You look terribly sad, it does not suit your pretty face” Youngmin said and Maxim smiled thinly. “Well…sadness does not suit anyone’s face, if you do not mind I would like to know what’s bothering you”

“I came out here because I cannot sleep that’s all” Maxim replied blankly.

“You cannot sleep because you have a lot in your mind, may I know of these thoughts?” Youngmin chimed and Maxim rolled her eyes at him.

“Your quite nosy huh?” the girl wrinkled her nose which made Youngmin chuckle.

“It’s usually not my business but I figured you might need to let out what you need to let out. When you keep things all inside and let them grow there on their own they might burst one day in a very displeasing matter”

“You talk funny for someone who’s my age”

Both of them managed to laugh, and Maxim sighed heavily. Maybe talking to strangers won’t be so bad sometimes, Youngmin did save her life.

“I do not understand how am I supposed to keep people from hating me, I have tried to change yet they still shamed and hated me. I do not know why they hate me so much and now I can’t stop hating them as well” Maxim said, the way she emphasized the word hate was evident to Youngmin that this poor girl needs to let go of her bitterness.

“Well the thing is we cannot please everybody. It’s inevitable that some people will tend to hate us with their shallow and unknown reasons but I think we should keep in mind these questions…Are they telling what is true when they insult you? Do you believe them? Do they matter so much that you would change for them? Are you happy of what you are and who you are right now?” Youngmin asked her these as he looked deeply into her confused eyes, hoping that he could make things clear to her.

“I-I don’t know…” Maxim replied meekly.

“Well I say, if a person changes it should be because she really wants to improve herself not just because the society wants her or him to, it’s always one’s decision and choice, other people might influence us to change but in the end its quite your move to do so” Youngmin grinned at her, “God loves you whether your rich or poor, ugly or not. Whatever or whoever you are he’ll be there.”

“Yes Mr. Priest” Maxim giggled, she cannot deny what Youngmin had said was true”

“But I sense your still bothered by something” Youngmin added and Maxim pursed her lips.

“It’s just that you like someone I know, it’s quite strange how you two look alike” Maxim muttered and this made Youngmin’s eyes widened.

“Could she be talking about your twin?” Lucien spoke to Youngmin.

“Oh, can you describe him?” Youngmin asked fiddling on his shirt.

“Well he has pitch-black hair, big adorable eyes and a nice smile like yours. It’s just you look more feminine than him”

“Feminine?” Youngmin groaned and scratched his head.

“Yes, ha-ha that’s how I see it. But he said he had no other siblings and was an only child. The feeling when you held my hand was quite the same as his, its so strange really…you two could be twins!” Maxim examined Youngmin’s face and it really was freaking her out how Kwangmin and he looks a lot like each other.

Youngmin’s ears perked up hearing the word ‘twin’, he kept asking himself if Maxim was referring to Kwangmin and he was becoming curious and curious by the minute. He needed to confirm, he needed to see him.

“He’s a nice kid, he’s always there when I’m down and helps me a lot with my problems” Maxim said and this made Lucien and Youngmin confused.

“A demon helping a human? Illusions…” Lucien said and Youngmin could only gaze on the ground.

“It’s really getting late; I need to go home I have to be early to go to school tomorrow. It was nice chatting with you” Maxim stood up and bowed to him.

“Ah yes, be careful when you go home” Youngmin waved at her and watched her ride the bus from afar.

“If she’s talking about your brother then I guess she would be the human that Enlil picked for us to bet on, you saw her soul right? It was shining yet darkness has tainted it terribly. We must save her” Lucien’s voice was solemn which made Youngmin worry.

“Do I have the guts to battle with my brother? I don’t think I can…” Youngmin kicked a rock on the ground and it flew directly towards the fountain.

“Well you better decide well when the time comes. Enlil wouldn’t stop controlling your brother, that demon will use any means to defeat me. I just hope we could get your brother’s soul back…if that’s possible”

“What do you mean if that’s possible?” Youngmin’s expression was in panic and he began to feel nervous.

“The accident, he was meant to die that day and you were in no good condition either. You were in a coma and wouldn’t wake up if I didn’t merged with you but Kwangmin…Kwangmin accepted Enlil’s offer without fully realizing what will happen, I just don’t know if Enlil would be so willing to bring his soul back…”

“Well we must get it back, no matter what!” Youngmin hissed, he wouldn’t want to let his brother suffer in hell if he could do something about it.


It was lunch time when Kwangmin and Maxim had met up and decided to have lunch together; Kwangmin pulled her to the cafeteria and seated themselves near the open windows. Maxim felt quite awkward being there when just yesterday this was the place where she was shamed but oddly no one was laughing at her right now, and she wondered why.

“Everyone is quiet, it’s strange…” Maxim muttered as she twirled her spaghetti with her fork.

“You’re referring about yesterday? Well you know it takes much bigger news to cover up another one” Kwangmin replied then sipped on his grape juice.

“Bigger news? What bigger news?” Maxim peered at him and Kwangmin smirked.

“Oh you did not hear? Bridget an her friends went clubbing last night and the room they rented had an unfaithful accident, they were burned inside that room…simply speaking they died” Kwangmin said as if it was no big deal but deep inside he was downright happy about it.

“Really? Whoah…talk about karma” Maxim couldn’t believe it at first but the silence of the students confirmed it, it was such a tragic death and everyone in Black Stone was mourning…but not her. Yesterday that was the one responsible of her shame and she got what she deserved but she had to admit that the way they died was quite gruesome, well accidents happen right?

Maxim looked at the table where the basketball team usually sits and there she saw Ljoe looking quite dead as well, the boy have heard of the accident last night and couldn’t sleep well knowing about it. Losing his girlfriend was a big pang in the heart for him, and Maxim could tell he had been crying, that red, tired eyes of his said it all. That stoned expression of his made the other members of the team mourn with him.

“HAH! Look who is suffering now…” Maxim thought smirking; she couldn’t keep herself from thinking that way after all that has happened to her.

“You don’t look quite remorseful?” Kwangmin smiled at her and she just shrugged.

“Why should I be? Bad things happen to bad people I guess” she ate her spaghetti and turned her head to the side facing the window, she choked when she saw someone came falling down and even heard bones cracking when that person fell on the ground.

She was in a state of shock, that person may have jumped from the fourth floor of the building, the cafeteria is in the second floor and Maxim could hear well those bones breaking by the impact.

“AAAH!” screams of the students from the ground floor were heard as they saw the terrible body of a student slumped on the hard cemented ground and a pool of blood had already surrounded it. Maxim looked out the window and gasped, she felt something finally. The student who fell was a girl; she was holding her phone that got smashed as well by the impact. It seemed that her head hit the ground first because the back cracked terribly into half resulting to the pool of blood soaking her head. The girl was Sarah…

The students in the cafeteria all crowded near the window and saw Sarah’s dead body, Ljoe didn’t want to see it at all. If he knows someone dying again the thought might drive him crazy, he hated hearing the gasps and cries of the students so he ran away from the cafeteria, he was angry yet he was crying. The death of Phil, Bridget and now Sarah gnawed him deeply. Revealing the fragile side of the bully, Ljoe couldn’t take this anymore and so he ran away from the school campus.

Kwangmin gripped Maxim’s shoulder firmly, but the girl was still in a state of shock and ran away from the cafeteria as well. Kwangmin didn’t follow her and just looked at Sarah’s dead body on the ground.

“I guess her guilt ate her finally” he muttered and continued eating his lunch.






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jhoebi #1
Chapter 15: Do you not plan to continue this? It's a great story ya know. :((
No no no...!
Don't do it. Maxim, wake up!
I hope Youngmin can help her right in time..
New reader here.. Hehe..
Update soon :)
KYAAAAAAA I reached the end! Youngmin is sooooo left behind! What should he do? ;-; Ohgosh, the y scene at the end... O_O Did... d-did they :O /faints I'm glad I decided to read this. Too bad you won't be updating soon. :( Anywaaaays, you have many other fics I could stalk on. lol
This is probably the only fic from you I haven't read and subscribed. I honestly hate reading stories without my bias (not liking Kwangmin or Youngmin here) but because it's from you, I trust that it will be good. When I read the first chapter, BAM! I got hooked. HAHA! I'm going to subscribe and read this all right now. I regret not doing so earlier! OTL As expected, this also gooooood! Now I HATE YOU MORE! (loljk, you know what I orways say; i wurb u)
oh kwangmin, that was one y scene LOL
youngmin, please make her soul pure again!
update soon ^^
yeah!! the twins finally met! but oh no~!! poor girl :/ she trust him too much
woah.. the part where bridget called sarah even though she's dead scared me at first O.o haha!! maxim should listen to youngmin's advice!
i wish maxim would stay pure and innocent :(
update soon ^^
and DIE ES