Chapter 11

Tainted Souls


pipoomica- hahaha wipe your nose and kill that ?? LOLZ!!! Hmmm bye bye succubi, aah maybe it was too early to kill her hmmm

Choco_teddy95 -  WAHA if I’m the demon I would have played nicely…then attacked youngmin kekeke



Ljoe met Sarah in the front gates of the school and they went to a nearby café shop, where Bridget, his girlfriend and the other boys in the basketball team where hanging out as well. Sarah was determined to do whatever they plan to do, no holding back. Bridget ushered Ljoe and Sarah to sit down and the boys smirked at each other.

“So guys, what’s the plan?” Sarah perked up, she had a hunch that they already had planned without her.

“Well what you will do is quite simple” Bridget grinned, “All you need to do is bring her to the girl’s bathroom in the cafeteria during lunch time, then text us if she’s there already”

“That’s all?” Sarah confirmed, it seemed too simple.

“Yep, that’s all, leave the rest of the show to us” Ljoe said and high fived the other boys.

“What will you do to her?” Sarah asked curiously and Bridget chuckled.

“We are just going to make her life more colorful…” then she laughed ily, in the back of Sarah’s mind she hopes this is all worth it.

The next day came by so quickly, Maxim arrived in school looking prettier than usual. She is still not use to the stares of admiration that she often gets these days but somehow, a weight has been lifted from her chest when she started changing. Not everyone hated her now; she knows the reason of them liking her was quite shallow but it’s a start.

Her classes started smoothly, with no notes plastered on her seat or paper balls thrown at her. Ljoe was unusually quiet and didn’t look at her even once, she was getting suspicious. Maxim wondered why Kwangmin was absent though, she kind of missed his morning greetings by giving her a wide smile and a warm hug, and he was like her backbone, the one that she only considered as a true friend.

Some of the students changed the way they treated Maxim, her seatmates now talk and ask her about school related topics and even had the decency to smile at her back when before she only received scoffs and looks of disgust. She slowly liked the attention; a little pride building up inside her wasn’t that bad right?

The lunch bell rang and everyone scurried out of the classroom, she was surprised to see Sarah waiting outside her classroom for her. This was a first.

“Maxim!” Sarah greeted in an unusual happy way, “Let’s go have lunch together, I have to ask you some questions regarding the upcoming science week”

Maxim raised an eyebrow, the science week will be a month from now and that’s too far, she thought maybe Sarah liked planning in advance so she just nodded and go with her.

“So…do you wanted to be partners for Science week?” Maxim asked and Sarah thought for a moment what to say.

“Uh yeah…sure!” Sarah replied opening the doors of the cafeteria, she immediately spotted Ljoe and Bridget and so were the other boys from the basketball team discussing something. Then there’s Jeff, eating his lunch…the boy looked at her direction and she waved at him, only to realize that Jeff was smiling at Maxim, not to her.

“Let’s go to the bathroom first, I really need to pee!” Sarah pulled Maxim hurriedly to the bathroom, she grinned seeing that no one else is inside but them. Maxim entered the cubicle and decided to pee as well, while Sarah quickly texted Bridget what cubicle Maxim is in. Bridget told her to get out of there and she obeyed, silently opening her cubicle door and dashing out of the bathroom. Bridget and her cronies entered with small buckets in their hands and Sarah widened her eyes, “They are going to soak her wet?” she thought, “Well that won’t hurt her physically I guess…”

Sarah was pulled by Ljoe and made her sit besides Jeff; her heart was racing because of what will happen to Maxim and the sudden encounter with Jeff. Ljoe winked at her, “Lets enjoy the show guys” he smirked and waited. Soon, a scream was heard from the girl’s bathroom and everyone in the cafeteria stopped eating and turned to look what it was.

Maxim trembled inside the cubicle, her hair and uniform stained by the buckets of paint that rained on her. She spit out the ones that trickled down , she looked ruined with different colors of paint that drenched her, and she heard laughs and giggles of the girls responsible for the crime.

“HAHA! Serves you right loser!” Bridget snickered and she went out of the bathroom with her cronies.

Maxim couldn’t believe this; she has to pass the cafeteria full of students to get out of the school. Hot tears fell from her eyes, this is just too much, too much for her to handle, anger crept inside her heart and she wanted to strangle Bridget madly. She opened her cubicle and realized that Sarah wasn’t there anymore, ‘Was she a part of this?’ Maxim thought. She looked at herself in the mirror and cried even more, she washed her face at least but the paint that stuck on her hair wasn’t easy to get rid of.

The moment she stepped out of the bathroom Bridget pointed at her and gave a loud laugh, causing the other students to look at Maxim and giggle as well. Their pointing hands intimidated her, their laughing and mocking voices were like screeching sounds in her ears, she was frozen on her spot making the others taking a good look at her. Her eyes darted to Sarah who was preventing herself from laughing; she was beside Jeff, intertwining her arm to him. Jeff looked at her with pity, what could he do? He couldn’t stop everyone from laughing not even his friends.

The laughter got louder and Maxim couldn’t take it anymore but just run, run and run until she got out of the school campus. She didn’t want to take a bus or a cab, she ran…ran towards her home ignoring the stares of the people she passed by. She didn’t feel her legs tire until she stopped in front of her house and fell on her knee and that was the only time she remembered to pant and breathe all the air she needed. Her tears fell on the ground as she banged her fists repeatedly; “I HATE THE WORLD!” she shouted and sobbed even more, until a hand suddenly appeared in front of her gesturing her to stand up.

“Then let’s hate it together” Kwangmin smirked as he helped Maxim get up, the girl was glad to see him.

“Kwangmin…” she whispered weakly, Kwangmin pulled her into a hug somehow comforting Maxim, and he didn’t mind if she was soaked with paint, he needed to earn her trust.

“Tell me who did this to you” Kwangmin pushed her hair back revealing her tear stained face.

“Who else would do this to me? Those es…that bastard Ljoe…they planned this!” Maxim’s lip trembled and Kwangmin looked at her with pity, she was a sad creature, a torn girl in such a young age. Sorrow, her sorrow was the greatest thing he could see in her and almost touched that little dark heart of his…almost.

“Let’s go inside and clean you up” Kwangmin said and Maxim just nodded.


Youngmin had woken up in his bed with confusion written all over his face, his room was tidy as if a demon didn’t attack him there. He figured Lucien had entered back into his body; he squints his eyes and decided to take a shower. Wearing plain clothes again to disguise himself, he needed to get out and explore, Lucien had permitted him to do so. Lucien had sensed that higher ranked angels are not around and so Youngmin had the pleasure of looking around, in the midst of the busy howling of the cars and the restless working people, he had passed by a church. He smiled seeing the holy sanctuary and entered it, his smile faded to see only a few people in there.

“A lot of people worry about their lives here on earth but never took time to reflect on their afterlife, busy as they are they should at least try visiting the church” Lucien spoke and Youngmin nodded guiltily. He sat on one of the chairs and prayed a little, asking for forgiveness and asking God to help him find his brother.

Youngmin opened his eyes and spotted something shiny on the floor, he took it and finally had a good look on what it was, a silver necklace with a cross pendant. He looked around if the owner was looking for it but he found none.

“Keep it” Lucien spoke, “You’re going to need that”

Youngmin wore the necklace around his neck and stepped out of the church, “We shall start looking for Enlil again, even if those angels are roaming around”.


Maxim washed her hair thoroughly and tried getting rid of the paint that still stuck there; luckily those es did a little justice by throwing washable paint at her. Kwangmin sat on Maxim’s bed waiting for her to get out of the bathroom; he smiled as she finally got out with her messy wet hair. Kwangmin gestured her to sit with him but Maxim jumped on the bed and laid her head on his lap, Kwangmin was taken aback but then got used to it eventually.

Both of them were silent for a moment, Maxim staring at Kwangmin as her head rested comfortably on his lap and he began running his fingers in her hair soothing the girl. Kwangmin felt warmness between him and Maxim and that felt odd, it was like Kwangmin’s soul was pushing to get through Enlil, but of course the demon wouldn’t let that.

“Maxim…” Kwangmin said her name with a caring tone, “You can no longer let them bull you like that, and you must fight back”

“But I don’t know how…” Maxim replied with an uneasy expression.

“Well first you shouldn’t be such a goody-goody, get angry for once and let it out!”

“That’s bad…”

“Oh so what they are doing to you aren’t bad?”

“’s hard! I can get angry but I could never fight back”

Kwangmin thought for awhile and grinned, “If there is one wish you could have right now, what would it be?”

Maxim furrowed her eyebrows, “I want my enemies gone, I want them to pay for what they did to me…” she hissed and Kwangmin patted her head.

“So it shall be done” Kwangmin thought in his mind as he kissed Maxim’s head like she was something precious to her.

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jhoebi #1
Chapter 15: Do you not plan to continue this? It's a great story ya know. :((
No no no...!
Don't do it. Maxim, wake up!
I hope Youngmin can help her right in time..
New reader here.. Hehe..
Update soon :)
KYAAAAAAA I reached the end! Youngmin is sooooo left behind! What should he do? ;-; Ohgosh, the y scene at the end... O_O Did... d-did they :O /faints I'm glad I decided to read this. Too bad you won't be updating soon. :( Anywaaaays, you have many other fics I could stalk on. lol
This is probably the only fic from you I haven't read and subscribed. I honestly hate reading stories without my bias (not liking Kwangmin or Youngmin here) but because it's from you, I trust that it will be good. When I read the first chapter, BAM! I got hooked. HAHA! I'm going to subscribe and read this all right now. I regret not doing so earlier! OTL As expected, this also gooooood! Now I HATE YOU MORE! (loljk, you know what I orways say; i wurb u)
oh kwangmin, that was one y scene LOL
youngmin, please make her soul pure again!
update soon ^^
yeah!! the twins finally met! but oh no~!! poor girl :/ she trust him too much
woah.. the part where bridget called sarah even though she's dead scared me at first O.o haha!! maxim should listen to youngmin's advice!
i wish maxim would stay pure and innocent :(
update soon ^^
and DIE ES