Corina Knows

Ugly is Just a Word


“That was so boring I thought I was going to die!” Sapphire exclaimed as they walked out of the classroom. MiYoung giggled and looked at all of her friends who looked tired.

“Well, we get to see the new kid soon so maybe we should all just be happy!” MiYoung exclaimed and the others laughed.

“Ok, we can do that!” Kippie exclaimed. Sungmin giggled and hugged Kippie.

“Good, because I see him!” Yesung exclaimed as he ran towards the guy. The guy was skinny and when MiYoung saw him, she instantly felt fat.

“Well, he is so skinny that I feel fat.” MiYoung announced and the others laughed.

“It’s not just you.” Corina said smiling at her friend. 

“Well, no one here is fat!” Kippie exclaimed and MiYoung laughed.

“Are you sure about that? I mean look at this right here!” MiYoung exclaimed pointing to her stomach. Kippie shook her head then looked at Corina who shook her head.

“We don’t see it.” Kippie said.

“I do and I will always know that it is there!” MiYoung exclaimed laughing to herself as they approached Yesung and the new guy.

“Everyone, meet my friend, Ryeowook!” Yesung exclaimed. The others smiled and waved at Ryeowook.

“It’s nice to meet you Ryeowook.” Corina greeted. Ryeowook smiled at her.

“It’s nice to meet you too! May I um ask what all your names are?” Ryeowook said and they all nodded.

“I’m Corina, this is Kippie, Sungmin, MiYoung, Sapphire, and Kyuhyun.” Corina said pointing out each person. She looked over at MiYoung who was staring down at the floor.

“It’s nice to meet you all!” Ryeowook said and they all smiled. MiYoung gave him a quick smile before staring down at the floor again.

“MiYoung is something wrong?” Corina asked and MiYoung looked at her surprised.

“Huh? No, nothing’s wrong.” MiYoung answered and Corina eyed her suspiciously. 

“Are you sure?” Corina asked feeling concerned for her friend. MiYoung shook her head “yes.”

“Yeah, I’m fine.” MiYoung answered. She peeked at Ryeowook and Corina couldn’t help giggling. Everyone looked at her and she just smiled.

“Do I even want to know why you were giggling?” Kippie asked and Corina smiled.

“Maybe, maybe not.” Corina said and Kippie rolled her eyes.

“I will ask about it later,” Kippie said as they all started walking again to their next class. MiYoung kept looking down at the floor or at her friends as they walked to the next class.

“Ok MiYoung, I know what’s up.” Corina whispered in her ear. MiYoung jumped when she whispered to her.

“W-what do you mean?” MiYoung asked and Corina smiled.

“You like that new guy don’t you?” Corina said with a smirk. MiYoung blushed and looked away from her friend.

“M-maybe,” MiYoung said stuttering. Corina laughed and then poked her.

“You need to calm your boat, chances are he doesn’t realize you like him I mean he is kinda shy and maybe he thinks you’re shy too!” Corina said and MiYoung nodded.

“I know, but I am still freaking out. I am the kind of person who fears letting something I wasn’t supposed to say slip out of my mouth so I usually try to stay quiet. So even if I wanted to be friends with him, which I do, I don’t think I would be able to because I would be afraid of telling him something he isn’t supposed to know.” MiYoung said and Corina smiled at her.

“You are getting worried over nothing and I don’t think you will accidentally say something to him once you get to know him. I mean he seems really nice, so try to be friends with him and you might find out that it’s not as hard as you though it was.” Corina answered and MiYoung stared down at the floor.

“Easy for you to say since you were the ONLY person who could actually talk your boyfriend into putting his PSP down. I mean you had it easy for you!” MiYoung exclaimed and Corina laughed.

“I didn’t see it as easy I mean it took an hour to get him to look at me instead of that thing! Even Sapphire and Kippie had some troubles; no one said it was easy!” Corina said and MiYoung smiled.

“Ok fine, but I still hold this over you!” MiYoung said laughing. Corina laughed as they walked into the classroom. Kippie turned around and looked at them.

“What are you two laughing about?” Kippie asked.

“Something; oh and MiYoung has a crush!” Corina exclaimed and Kippie laughed.

“Oh I know!” Kippie said and MiYoung blushed.

“Geez you guys!” MiYoung said as she sat down in her seat and pulled her little purple diary out.

“Oh my gosh it’s purple!” Ryeowook exclaimed as he pointed at the diary. MiYoung giggled and nodded.

“Yeah, it’s my favorite color, well I do like some other colors but you know.” MiYoung said and Ryeowook smiled.

“It’s my favorite color too! It might sound weird but I still like the color!” Ryeowook exclaimed smiling and MiYoung laughed.

“It’s not weird at all! It’s actually kinda cool.” MiYoung said and Ryeowook smiled brighter.

“Yay! Yesung, you have really cool friends!” Ryeowook exclaimed as he sat down in his desk. Then the teacher came in and ordered everyone to sit down. Then the bell rang and everyone was quiet. 

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i am back and writing will start again soon so be prepared for updates!!


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LOL @ the 'Never' in the end.

update soon !
I love it :D
awww i can't wait :3