
On The Rooftop

"Taemin?" I could visibly see him tense as he heard me approaching. He turned to face me.

"Taemin, why did you call me out here?" I asked gently.
"W-well, you s-see..." he started, his face tinged pink.
"Taemin just say it!"
Now I was beginning to get exasperated. I always did have a short temper.
I turned to leave but just as I took the first step...
"I r-really like you M-Minho!"
I froze. My heart was beating to fast to count. Slowly I turned back to face the blushing boy and to do, what I never thought I'd have a chance to do.

I pulled him in for a hug, the only thought racing around my mind that
'He likes me back. He actually likes me back.'


It was no more than I whisper, but I heard it.
For I was the one he loved.



Lol, first happy ending. Hope it was ok!

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Kawaii~ :3
Thank you~

Prompts are LOVE coz they give me something to write about :D
Wow. Exactly as I had imagined, though they are students in what I had in mind. XD
It's really cute! I like how you had Taemin's POV then Minho's as well! Good job!