Take Care of Me

Take Care of Me

Lee Taemin.A fragile boy. Young and still facing fears. Choi Minho. A strong guy. Young yet very brave. Minho was the perfect guy for Taemin, because when Taemin was afraid, Minho would be there for him. He would be there with him when Taemin cried, all the time. So it was a beautiful day and Taemin and Minho were going to go to their friend’s Jonghyun’s house where they and some other friends they know were going t have a sleepover.

‘’Hyung, I never been to a sleepover before!’’ Taemin said excitingly. ‘’I know babe. It should be fun…but Jonghyun and Key and Onew are kind of…’’ Minho said pulling in Jonghyun’s driveway. ‘’Kind of what? Minho?’’ Taemin asked getting out. ‘’Let’s just say, they go all out. ‘’ Minho said throwing his arm over Taemin’s shoulder. Taemin didn’t really understand what that meant, but he just went along with it. Minho rang the doorbell.

‘’HEY!!! Finally!! Come in!’’ Key said shoving them both in. The house smelt like chicken and pizza. ‘’We had to order ing chicken because Onew wasn’t happy with just pizza.’’ Jonghyun said from the living room. ‘’Go change into your pajamas guys, hurry.’’ Onew said shoving chicken in his mouth. Minho and Taemin went to the bathroom and changed. ‘’Let’s play truth or dare!’’ Jonghyun said. ‘’Oh! Oh! Yeah!!’’ Onew said putting the bucket of chicken aside.

‘’I-I don’t know…’’ Taemin said. ‘’Don’t worry, we’ll go easy on you.’’ Jonghyun said. ‘’OKAY! I’ll go first.’’ Key said. ‘’ONEW. Truth or dare.’’ He said. Onew tilted his head. ‘’Dare!’’ Onew answered. ‘’I dare you to throw a piece of chicken out the window!’’ Key said. Onew’s eyes widened. ‘’NOOO!!’’ He yelled. ‘’DO IT!! You said dare, so do it.’’ Jonghyun said. Minho started laughing. Taemin went closer to Minho. ‘’…Tae, it’s okay.’’ Minho whispered. Taemin smiled.

‘’I HATE YOU ALL!!’’ Onew yelled throwing the chicken. Jonghyun burst out laughing. ‘’Okay my turn! Key Jonghyun, truth or dare.’’ Onew said. ‘’Truth.’’ Jonghyun answered. ‘’Okay, you and Key every night.’’ Onew said. ‘’TRUE!’’ Jonghyun said proudly. Taemin giggled. ‘’Okay, my turn. TAEMIN. Truth or dare.’’ Jonghyun said. Taemin sat up. ‘’…d-dare.’’ He said. ‘’Okay. Go outside, and stand there for 2 minutes yelling ‘COME GET ME’.’’ Jonghyun said. Taemin stood up.

‘’F-Fine!’’ Taemin said, but every step he took to the door, he got more scared. It was out the back door, he had to do it in the back yard.He opened the door to see complete darkness. Pitch black. ‘’H-Hyung!’’ Taemin said looking at Minho. ‘’It’s okay, I’m watching you.’’ Minho said. ‘’Do it, do it! Do it!’’ Onew yelled. Taemin stepped outside, his feet meeting the cold grass. He flinched, but stepped in the middle of the back yard. ‘’C-COME AND GET ME!!! COME AND GET ME!!! COME AND GET—‘’ He was screaming but then somebody tackled Taemin in the grass.

‘’TAEMIN-AH!’’ Minho said running outside. But it was just Jonghyun being an . ‘’Jonghyun don’t do that! What the !’’ Minho said pushing him off Taemin. Jonghyun was laughing. ‘’Calm down Minho it was a joke!’’ Onew said. Key was laughing too. ‘’He’s sensitive! Taemin?’’ Minho cupped Taemin’s face, he was tearing. ‘’H-Hyung…’’ Taemin cried. Minho sighed. ‘’Guys seriously?!’’ Minho said pissed off. ‘’It was a joke. Tae, are you okay?’’ Key asked Taemin. Taemin just nodded slowly. ‘’M-My back hurts…’’ He said softly. Minho picked him up.

‘’No more truth or dare asses.’’ Minho said. The boys nodded, and decided to watch a movie. The boys played other games after, and it was getting really late. Taemin was getting more afraid, because it seemed like the whole place was getting darker every hour. Onew stood up from the couch. He yawned and said, ‘’let’s go to sleep.’’ They all groaned in agreement. The bed is set up upstairs.’’ Jonghyun said. ‘’Carry me Key.’’ He said reaching out. Key sighed and picked Jonghyun up bridal style. Minho doing the same to Taemin. ‘’Forever alone…’’ Onew whispered following them upstairs.

‘’GOODNIGHT GUYS.’’ Key said jumping in bed. Jonghyun was already sleeping. There were mattresses on the floor, so that everybody was in a bed. When it was the middle of the night, Minho felt Taemin shivering in his arms. ‘’…T-Taemin…what’s wrong?’’ He whispered. Taemin looked up to Minho and Minho saw that he was tearing.Minho sat up. ‘’What’s the matter babe?’’ He said cupping his face.

‘’I’m scared...it’s really dark and...I-I hear noises...’’ Taemin said hugging Minho tighter. Minho sighed. ‘’Tae, it’s okay; you don’t have to be afraid when I’m here. It’s okay, nothing’s coming after you or nothing’s meant to scar you.’’ He said rubbing his back. Taemin looked into Minho’s eyes. ‘’...you said that when we first met you know?’’ He said. Minho smiled. ‘’I know...it’s true.’’ He said pecking Taemin’s lips. Taemin smiled.  ‘I still believe them, because every time I’m scared and you say that...I feel better.’’ Taemin pecked Minho’s lips back. Minho smiled warmly and said, ‘’so now you definitely know it’s true.’’

‘’Guys shut up!’’ Onew mumbled from the other side of the room. Taemin giggled. ‘’I’ll protect you always Tae.’’ Minho whispered. Taemin closed his eyes. ‘’Take care of me hyung.’’ He said.  


A/N: What the just happened -__- lol i thought it would be cute,I hope you liked it. So basically wherever they go or whatever they do or whatever happens...Minho is always protecting and taking care of Taemin.That's what this fanfic is about lol so...hope you enjoyed!


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I think this story is cute~*pats self on back* ^^


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Bwahah when onew throws chicken out the window xD
Aha, Key carrying Jonghyun up the stairs? That's different. I like it when authors switch things like that up because usually, it'd be Jonghyun carrying Key. Bwaha, I love Onew in this :3 Especially his dare >:3 That's evil, making him throw his beloved chicken out the window. This was too cute ^o^
My favorite part: forever alone.
Jkjk, but that was one of the best parts ^ ^
JeanKey #4
Lol Onew forever alone ha! That's funny
Lol forever alone. That part was epic
so cute!! btw i love the gif! haha
imeellpeiwen #7
"forever alone" lol u r not alone onew babe~ u have me~ haha and that gif is too cute!! >A<
That was hilarious when they asked key that in the show hehe it was good(:
Omo u can see the way jjong smiled when he saw 2min hugging (^∇^)