
Not Good Enough

I leave the dorm early, having said that I want to go on a walk for a while before school. They all understand: I need space. I walk towards the park and stop. I turn around and head towards the juniors’ building. Most people don’t come here; most people don’t even know about it. How could they? No one talks about anything here, not really. We might all seem close, but, in the end, we’re all too caught up within our own worlds, how would we care about someone else’s?

I understand though. Telling other people about your problems makes it a burden on them. It means you trust them and you want help from them; we don’t want people to feel like that - especially if we care about them. It seems stupid though... Can’t we all help each other, without feeling burdensome? Maybe not, but I want to try. That’s the least I can do.

I stand a little away from the entrance of the building. I’m waiting for someone but I don’t want him to see me. Here he is! He’s such a cute little boy, right? How old is he now - eleven? I think so, but my memories not that great. He looks exactly like SuHo hyung... His personality seems like hyung’s too. It must be cool to have a younger brother; I only have my sister so I wouldn’t really know. Everyone knows I have a sister, but hyung didn’t tell us about his brother, I don’t even know his name. Lee Soo Man told me, well, really he didn’t - he only told me about my marriage and Aya. It was that other woman who had told me about hyung’s brother.



Do you understand, ChanYeol? You can get married to this girl, but you don’t have to. It’s your choice,” Lee Soo Man said.

‘No,’ is what I’m about to say, but then, that woman starts talking.

Soo Man, let me talk to him quickly. I’ll just tell him about my darling Aya, OK?

He seems unsure about what to do, but he nods, leaves us alone and goes back to his office.

ChanYeol, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you,” she says. She introduces herself, “I am Jiyuu Chikako, CEO of Jiyuu Entertainment and Aya’s relative.

I wait for her to continue.

My Aya is such a good girl, ChanYeol. She can do anything: she dances, sings, raps, she does it all!” she says, flailing her arms around enthusiastically as she speaks. “You’d be a perfect couple, I can just imagine you two together - it will be great.

I open my mouth, “I don’t mean to be rude, but I think I’m too young to get-

Shut up,” she commands. “ChanYeol, you’re a good looking boy, you could do so well in the modelling industry. But you see, this isn’t the modelling industry, this is the entertainment industry. You can’t just be good looking and,” she mimics me, “I don’t mean to be rude - but you’re rapping isn’t good enough. You barely do anything in EXO, they don’t need you. If you really were as important or as good looking as you think you are, don’t you think they’d have given you more close ups in History, or let you be at the front more in the dance?

She has a point - and she keeps talking, “Where are you in the dance, ChanYeol? At the front, or in the middle or?

At the back,” I answer, “for most of it. But that’s just because the other members-

Are better than you? Such a clever boy, you took the words right out of my mouth,” she interrupts.

Why is she saying this? I should tell Lee Soo Man how she’s behaving - he can’t expect me to get married after this. I get up and quickly stroll to the door. She puts her hand on my shoulder to stop me.

You want to be useful don’t you? You want to be valued, cared for? Then listen to me ChanYeol: get married to Aya.

I turn around and look at her, I don’t understand.

Oh, it’s not me,” she sighs, as if she’s ashamed. “It’s Aya... Look ChanYeol, Aya is not a normal girl. She’s - she’s,” she looks up at me with frightened eyes.

She’s what?” I ask.

She’s evil,” she continues, her tears trickle on to the floor. “She’s making me say all this to you... She’s threatening me, I promise you... Please ChanYeol...

...What’s she threatening you with?” I ask. I don’t know if I should believe her or not - after all, a minute ago, she seemed so... different.

I can’t talk about it, it’s too dangerous...” she continues. “She’s not just threatening me, it’s your members too...” she looks around the room as if someone could be listening.

She comes closer and whispers, “There are three members she’s threatening, I can’t remember who... Umm...

I bring my face closer so I can hear what she’s going to say.

SuHo... That’s one of them.” What? How could hyung be in a situation like this, wouldn’t he have told us?

He’s got a younger brother in the juniors’ building... Aya won’t let him see his sibling; she’s been threatening to hurt him if SuHo even goes close...

I step back. She must be crazy. I should go. Why would some girl do that? It makes no sense. I turn back to the door.

Doesn’t he always stay away from the junior’s building? Think about it; surely he does. There’s a lot of places that are easier to access through the juniors’ buildings, but SuHo doesn’t go there, does he?

She’s right. There’s another complex of shops behind the juniors’ building, but Suho hyung won’t ever go there with us... He always makes an excuse to avoid it - and he never talks about his family - ever. I didn’t even know he had a sibling... Why wouldn’t he tell us?

He can’t say anything about it. I’ve been trying to help him; I don’t want anyone to be hurt anymore by Aya, but there’s only so much I can do. She’s threatening to kick his brother out of this school so SuHo can’t see him at all... unless you marry her. The thing is - she’s obsessed with you, ChanYeol. She’ll do anything to be with you... even if it means hurting everyone else. Lee Soo Man knows nothing about this, barely anyone does. If you really want to protect your members, you'll do this.



The rest of that conversation didn’t matter; I went to Lee Soo Man and agreed to the marriage. I don’t want SuHo hyung to be in any more pain... I still don’t know who the others are, that Jiyuu woman doesn’t know either, she said she’ll try and help me. I promised her I wouldn’t tell the members about why I agreed, I don’t want them to feel guilty, they shouldn’t, they haven’t done anything wrong. Only Aya has. I want her to stop this, but how do I? She didn’t seem obsessed with me, but then, she doesn’t seem like the person who could do so many things... Hopefully my plan will work - if Aya is focused on hating me, then she’ll loosen up on the other members - at least, I hope so.

I start walking away from the building. I feel a small pair of eyes watching me but I keep moving, the eyes turn away and so do I - it’s time for school.


(So, whatcha think? I was also thinking that POV change was definitely needed. What do you think about Granny (Chikako)? Chanyeol seems like an idiot in this.. he's too nice :D AHHH. Also, I obviously don't mean all that I said about him being in the back in History and all that (remember, this is before debut, so before MAMA but after showcase - I think, I've forgotten, but I think I said in first Chapter.) Also, may not be an update for a few days, last minute homework to do XD)

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scoobie #2
New reader here! I'm looking forward for your next chapter ;)))))))) ^_^
freaky granny!!!!! wth! what's gotten into that old sleaze hag? ugh!
baek-yeols #4
CherryOh #5
The horror!!!!!!
Poor Chanyeol you're right he is too nice
but he is a... a... A BUFFALO that's what he is
for falling for that evil granneh
Aww I know youngmin and kwangmin would lol:D
Poor Chanyeol:(
That granny is evil EVIL!
wonder whose eyes is that? Aya? Granny? Suho?
Wow you left me really curious:D
UnendingCrossroad #7
@Poppy1232 Long time no see! XD Yeah, but... I like her! Does that make me bad? :D She seems cool.. in that... evil, good-liar way :)
Poppy1231 #8
Evil grandmother :o
UnendingCrossroad #9
@blaaah XD His life is so complicated! You'll see what I mean soon!
@xafxsjx I was feeling the same! You'll like the change then :D
meiYue #10
Tbh I think it would be fun if the POV switched around a bit. Just to see how the others are feeling^^
And omg Chanyeol and his probs.. Wonder what they are..